Minimalist Aquascaping

Hmm. I dunno if I'd like it without something to balance it out. It's tall on the left as well. It'd kinda make placement hard there.

hard to tell here with all the clutter on the sand bed
I think I've been inspired here... forthcoming house move = new (bigger) tank, and I was worried about where to get more decent quality rock out here; 'don't think I'll bother now!
nikesb, that's a great scape. If you could post a top-down shot it'd show what all you did with the islands and what looks like the ravine in between. Very very nice scape indeed. You should break off those frag plugs lol.
I just started a new 220 gallon build. My goal was to just get all my rock in the tank with flow and heat so that it could cycle while I was gone. After getting it in there I decided I might as well aquascape it, too. I tried to keep my two islands I had in the 120 as I was very proud of them, but I wanted a scape that had more balance and showed off the size of the tank. I came up with this (Thanks to Drummereef for the inspiration!):

This is my new favorite sand, CaribSea Seaflor Special Grade. The stuff looks good, settled in one day, and doesn't get blown around by my vortechs at 100%.

After the sand settled:




There is still room for improvement, as I am missing a fair number of my rocks right now (they either had corals or nems attached to them). As it is now it looks vacant but I keep telling myself to resist the urge to put any more rock in. Once all my corals grow in it will get crowded soon enough.

I'll post some much better pics when I get lights over the tank and when I get my dSLR back, but that might be a month or two.
I think this thread should be renamed "How to properly aquascape". My tank is pretty minimalist, but I don't have any photos, maybe I'll take some.
Taqpol, that's very well done. You should keep it just like it is. Plenty of places for corals and some nice caves for fish to hide. Love the tank as well. No plans to paint the back I assume?
Taqpol, that's very well done. You should keep it just like it is. Plenty of places for corals and some nice caves for fish to hide. Love the tank as well. No plans to paint the back I assume?
I actually do have a few more rocks to put in (some corals were encrusted on them) but they are not big and I should be able to maintain my three island approach. As of now I think I will be getting some type of thin black material to affix to the back of the tank. With my time constraints on getting that beast in my house painting was not an option at the time.
I'd call it minimalist. Needs more Vortech! lol

Looks good though. I like the right side a lot. Is it pretty stable?

I agree. Less Koralias ;)

....Just to throw it out there; I'm currently building a new tank/stand. Will be different. (I think so at least) :hmm5: