Minimalist Aquascaping


it felt minimalist 10 months ago but now...


I am thinking about re-aquascaping my tank (pulling out some rock) to get back a bit of that open minimalist feeling. maybe that will be my tanks 1st year anniversary present :celeb1:

it felt minimalist 10 months ago but now...


I am thinking about re-aquascaping my tank (pulling out some rock) to get back a bit of that open minimalist feeling. maybe that will be my tanks 1st year anniversary present :celeb1:

you dont have much rock to pull out. in my opinion, pulling out sand as appose to rock will add to the minimalist look youre going for. BB is not for everyones taste but my opinion is BB with minimal rock work is such a clean, modern, sophisticated, and minimalist look!

edit: looking at ur beautiful tank and had one last thought: if u were going to make adjustments to ur rock work u may want to consider a little asymmetry! both islands look similar is size, perhaps making one island noticeably bigger then the other and/or even adding a third really small island....
Hey guys, so glad to see this thread going strong. I went broke and had to stay away for a couple months but am back into my new 75 and want to keep it a minimalist bb tank. What would be a good round about amount of lbs to go with for lr? I'm ordering from Dr MAC if it makes a difference. I was thinking 40? Tia.
Don't touch a thing it looks great.


It's fraggin' time babaaaaaay :celeb2:

Thanks guys I'm still on the fence... My biggest concern is how the excessive fragging would effect my corals health. Its a tough one- i have one more month to decide. :D tank day in my house is July 31st :celeb1:

you dont have much rock to pull out. in my opinion, pulling out sand as appose to rock will add to the minimalist look youre going for. BB is not for everyones taste but my opinion is BB with minimal rock work is such a clean, modern, sophisticated, and minimalist look!

edit: looking at ur beautiful tank and had one last thought: if u were going to make adjustments to ur rock work u may want to consider a little asymmetry! both islands look similar is size, perhaps making one island noticeably bigger then the other and/or even adding a third really small island....

I went BB on a nano and the GF said NEVER AGAIN :uzi: :spin2:
part of the re-aquascaping idea/plan was to make one of the "islands" lower and possibly smaller. i was thinking my current aquascape seemed a little too symetrical as is. HMMM decisions!

Better yet, just send me all your corals and your non-minimalistic worries will be over :). Beautiful tank. I would not touch a thing.

lol... good idea. :beer:

In my next tank i am only going to have water. when people ask me what i am "going" to put in there? I will tell them NOTHING it is a minimalist tank. lol
My 70g cube devoted solely to....

This one rock! lol

Btw, I'm j/k, the tank is starting a cycle today. That's not the only thing going in there!
I've put a pic of my cube here but not one of my new 220 yet, so...

It's made up of two islands with very open rock work. Big overhanging rocks and big caves. In the cube tank I used rods, this time I stacked and epoxied. The difference was this time I had really big rocks. Several were in the 50 lb range and 2 ft long


The right side has two peninsulas that come forward torward the front of the tank at an angle


This sandwich-reef is obviously impossible, but I always asked myself why hasn't anyone thought about at least suspending some rocks in the aquarium, like inverted islands or stalactites: only sand in the bottom and islands hanging from the top... it wouldn't be such a hard thing to accomplish.

Thought about that myself and decided to try it. Pic is cloudy because powerhead is kicking up some sand it will settle down soon enough on it's own.

Kataro, that looks great. Those tank dimensions are amazing. The depth really lends itself to easy minimalist scapes.
Something just occurred to me.. even though I started this thread, and am a huge fan of minimalist scapes.. I've never posted any type of video or picture or anything..

Here's a video I took last night. (Yes, I'm a complete amateur and have no skills, and it was on a basic point and shoot digital camera, but you get the idea :D)

Also, the frags and corals will be put on the rocks when they're ready. (Hopefully soon)