Minimalist Aquascaping


My attempt at a minimal scape, still uncertain about the right side.

My attempt at a minimal scape, still uncertain about the right side.

I think this scape is great. If you want to keep it as is, you'd be absolutely fine. However, I'd suggest moving the right rock pile away from the glass a bit, just for ease of cleaning.

If you're looking for suggestions...what about taking the rock that's all the way on the left, and using that "alone" on the right side, with more of a 'front to back' orientation, and using the other 4 rocks (move the three on the right to the left side) on the left hand side to create some more height, and therefor creating a natural line for your eyes to follow?

Again.. either way, your tank/scape is going to look great
6.5 ft long (2 meters) / 190 Gallons (720 liters)

6.5 ft long (2 meters) / 190 Gallons (720 liters)

My new tank, received wednesday, aquascaping yesterday:



I wanted to enter, but wasn't sure it was up to RC standards...

You are crazy if you think your tank is not up to RC standards... That is an amazing tank. My girlfriend even said it was nice, and trust me after 17 years I have figured out that she does not give out compliments that easy ;)
You are crazy if you think your tank is not up to RC standards... That is an amazing tank. My girlfriend even said it was nice, and trust me after 17 years I have figured out that she does not give out compliments that easy ;)

Probably because you've yet to put a ring on it.
Nah, mutual choice. Been together since early high school massive amount of student loan debt on one side but thankfully getting paid down enough to where its at a level where it wont impact us once we do wed. Besides most married people I know are now divorced, yet we keep ticking along just fine.

Very nice Nasuta, are you going to have a build thread here on Reef Central?
Thanks WhoDey64, for more informations about the build you can visit my homepage (in french), but it's too difficult for me to have a build thread in english.

Great aquacaping Nasuta!!! Looking forward to the progression.
Thanks Brandon

<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>To Reef Central</b></i></big></big>

Looks like you are off to a great start! What are your stocking plans for the tank?

Thanks Adrienne, my plans are to have 1 or 2 great angels like navarchus or pygoplite, 2 or 3 small angels (loriculus, potteri, ...), a few tangs, don't know how many (maybe 2 or 3) and 8 anthias squamipinnis. That's what I plan for fishes. Corals will be many SPS and a few LPS (for the angels :lolspin:).

Is that a Giesemann fixture? I have the twin 250W & 4 T5 Infinity and love it!!
If the question is for me, then no, it's an Arcadia Slimline 4 with 3 x 250w (14k) & 2 blue T5