Minimalist Aquascaping

My 400G . Took the pick this weekend. Just waiting now for everything to grow out. Viewing area is 7 foot by 3 foot.


More pics can be seen in my build thread here.
Thanks guys. He is about 4 years old now. I've been trying for years to get one. My first one got sucked into a powerhead and didn't make it. I was real hesatant to try another one but eventually did. They change to their adult colors at a very young age and small size so me trying to find a juivinal was hard and never happened. But now I have him and he's my buddy. He like sto stare at me when I'm looking at the tank. You can't see it in this pic very well but there is also a large pink tail trigger that I've had even longer. He's in the upper right of the tank.

Here's another pic of my buddy.

Hey Doc, Long time no talk. Hope you and the family are doing good.

That is a majestic or blue faced angle. He is a little over 6" long now and I've had him going on 4 years. That is about a sbig as he'll get. Like sto swim in the open and dosen't bother my corals. The camera color is a bit off but he is a bright blue with the lower front being more yellow like his upper rear. the whole fin is trimed in a beautiful irridesencent blue.
Don't know if mine counts but here it is. This is a 30 gallon long with about 24 lbs of live rock. The little structure in the middle might be removed but I'm not sure yet. I used an acrylic sheet and rod for the shelf (on the right), a couple acrylic rods for the little structure, and just stacked some rocks for the one on the left. Nothing is permanent as of yet so feel free to send me some feedback before I add livestock (CUC then some small fish and coral......slowly of course). And keep the pics coming!


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Here is my 120, there's only about 70-80lbs of LR, I keep about that same amount in my fuge to compensate.


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MedRed, How many pounds of rock is that and where did you purchase it from? Love the setup. I am setting up a similar sized tank so yours is a good example :)
Thanks MarkL! I'm not sure How many lbs of rock I'm using. I ordered 120lbs of Florida reef rock from I didn't use the VAST majority of the rock. I'd say I have around 40lbs of rock in the tank.
I clean it every day :) And I meticulously use a razor around all the edges. I only wish I could get those return covers off to clean them but they won't budge.