Minimalist Aquascaping

This is my Minimalist scape still cycling and I also have a Fish room in the basement


Love it.....great scape. Good luck with cycle.


Thanks this is a year build lol .... Here is a picture of my fish room and don't mind the paint on the breeder tank I am in the middle of painting it . And the heater is not hooked up just was testing it...

Thanks guys, Im relatively happy with how its coming together.

Im hoping the concave piece in the middle wont hold oto much detritus, hopefully 2 MP40s and a 6305 can keep things moving around in there :spin1:
Man you sure have a lot of tanks....

Current tank : 200 Gallon SPS tank. ... Zeovit powered
35 G seahorse tank... bacterioplankton
30 G NPS tank ..... bacterioplankton
65G soft coral tank.
my 300dd. i took a minimalist approach. no good pics right now but i have a video...

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Anyone have a 50-60 gallon tank they can post? Mine's ready for live rock and need some ideas :P

Here's mine, though it's possibly more of a lesson in only getting half way there. It's nice and open, but I feel like it's lacking creativity with the rock work (which, to be honest, is just put in place, not fixed with putty). Very tempted right now to have a roots and branch rearrangement or even (whisper it in this thread) add more rock. :eek:

Also suffering from a hydroid plague at the moment - please ignore that...

Just got the sump running. The rock pile on the right will be for an anemone eventually. I haven't put my sand back in place yet...hehe

Here's mine, though it's possibly more of a lesson in only getting half way there. It's nice and open, but I feel like it's lacking creativity with the rock work (which, to be honest, is just put in place, not fixed with putty). Very tempted right now to have a roots and branch rearrangement or even (whisper it in this thread) add more rock. :eek:

Also suffering from a hydroid plague at the moment - please ignore that...


I love that leather!!! Nice show piece.
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