Man you sure have a lot of tanks....
Current tank : 200 Gallon SPS tank. ... Zeovit powered
35 G seahorse tank... bacterioplankton
30 G NPS tank ..... bacterioplankton
65G soft coral tank.
Aecasasus, that's awesome how that center piece looks just like a tree with the GSP on top. I like!!!
Here is our 55g softies tank(still in progress).....
How long have those fish been together? Those green spot puffers are notorious for fin nipping and suddenly freaking out and killing everything in the tank.
I love the idea behind this and might try it on my next build. I know people use to recommend 1 to 1.5 lbs per gallon. Any problem with beneficial bacteria when using so little?
What are those bright pink fish??? They are gorgeous!