Minimalist Aquascaping

My minimalist attempt.



Man you sure have a lot of tanks....

Current tank : 200 Gallon SPS tank. ... Zeovit powered
35 G seahorse tank... bacterioplankton
30 G NPS tank ..... bacterioplankton
65G soft coral tank.


I should get help ... but that is not the worst of it ... all of those, are in a 1 bedroom condo ! you can guess how humid it gets in winter lol haahh

and 1 RO/DI with 100 GPH just for top offs ... [it puts out less due to height I live at]
Here is our 55g softies tank(still in progress).....


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Aecasasus, that's awesome how that center piece looks just like a tree with the GSP on top. I like!!!

Thanks! :thumbsup:

That was my goal to make it look just like a tree, also something to keep the GSP from spreading like crazy in my tank :lol2:
How long have those fish been together? Those green spot puffers are notorious for fin nipping and suddenly freaking out and killing everything in the tank.

Well it's a long story with Green Spotted Puffers.......

They were actually our first brackish water/saltwater fishes, bought them at Walmart over a year ago, when I didn't know anything about them, just fell in love with these cute fishes so I let myself listen to the person in charge of the fishes in Walmart where they said there good in small tanks and just add a little bit of salt and so on :headwally: . Once I got home with them I started to search and read about them and of course learned that everything the person said in Walmart was wrong :angryfire:. So I just continued to read and learn more about them because I wasn't going to take them back and let them die in Walmart.

I started them in a 10g tank and over a period of time I converted them into completely saltwater. Once I finished setting up the 55g I transfered them there, they were really shy and hiding a lot in the new tank until I got the Flame Angel and now they are out and about and very happy to finally have a lot more space, they have been together for a little over a month and they get along just fine so far. They have not shown any type of aggressive behavior towards the Flame Angel, actually I think they are afraid of her, lol. They never touch the coral either.
That sounds so familiar.

I've got one in a 37 gallon tank and she attacks anything that goes in the tank. This includes siphon tube, tongs, toothbrush, anything. So far I have been lucky that she leaves me alone. The only thing I've found that she won't eat is kenya tree.
I love the idea behind this and might try it on my next build. I know people use to recommend 1 to 1.5 lbs per gallon. Any problem with beneficial bacteria when using so little?
I love the idea behind this and might try it on my next build. I know people use to recommend 1 to 1.5 lbs per gallon. Any problem with beneficial bacteria when using so little?

most people put additional rock in their sump. I have maybe 15lbs or so in my sump, in addition to what I have in the display.
how many of those with very little liverock in this thread support their bacterial life with carbon sources? i do that, i have little bit more liverock in the sump than in the display. for those, does it work out for you, do you think this enables you to have a higher bioload in a tank with that little rock?

Should i re-aquscape mine ? that big rock on the right side seems to be too big.

You could do two big pillars like on my tank and put the extra rock in the sump.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Here's mine :) hope i qualify for the Minimalistic scaping....

Tank's 2.5 months old.....stocking corals now...

More info on my build thread...:)


Happy Reefing!!
