Minimalist Aquascaping

That is GSP. I thought about scraping it off but it looks really nice like waves through tall grass and the LEDs make it glow.


Changed my scape around. Added a little bit more rock but I think it still qualifies as minimalist...

I sold off much of my coral during the hurricane as a jic so I will start aquiring new stuff soon.

I just set this tank up about a week ago, the pics are right after set up so the water is still cloudy. I love the minimalist look, and lots of open sand bed. I have a very large clam that will go between the bommies.


Side view:

That's one DEEP sand bed!

I'm using 1 40lb bag of Aragonite special grade to cover the entire bottom of mine. I'm done with deep cr%p traps. Nothing but an accident waiting to happen, imo
Its about 4". I have never had a problem in over 10yrs with a DSB.

The openness of the sand bed area will allow good flow and keep stuff from accumulating and rotting like what happens with some DSBs. plus I have enough flow that large portions of sand bed are always in motion keeping the top layer clear of detritus buidup.

A sand bed may of may not last forever, but if taken of, they can last a very long time.
The GSP started out as a silver dollar sized peice on a rock that eventually covered several big pieces and jumped to the back wall. I cut several inch strips from the back every few weeks for local members, you can see in the pic where i cut it.

I sold off the covered rocks and replaced them with what you see now. I have high end zoas on the left and high end sps on the right side now. I think it will grow in nicely.
Here is a before and after of my rock set up. Not as nice as everyone else's, but it's a start. I'm battling my green algae issues now.


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