Minimalist Aquascaping

My first try at a saltwater tank and aquascape.

I love this thread, ive been paring down my life, and I feel my tank should have the same feeling. Ive been selling off alot of pieces that i dont truly love to make room for my favorite pieces. I will post pics in a few days after i get rid of more.
Here's my shot at minimalist aquascaping. Ordered 45 lbs. of BRS Reef Saver but used probably under 40 lbs. I used zip ties to prevent and collapsing of the arches. I'll probably have to change up something on the right island. Let me know what you all think I should change.

Amazing scape Acronic, very unique. Do you run a sump with tons of LR filtration below? That is very minimal indeed.
My tank as of now. I am slowly adding more LEDs to the fixture i am building, but here are 12 LEDs for now on my FOWLR for now.

I will soon be adding about 12 more LEDs and this will allow me to grow some soft corals and LPS maybe.

I do enjoy the minimalist look, and it took me about 2 hours to plan out this aquascape. And if you think i used glue/epoxy/zip ties, i did not, i just know about structure engineering cause i am studieng to be one!

sorry for the poor picture, it was taken form my iPhone.


Here is mine... only one month old, so no corals yet :)

I want to do some SPS/acropora on the upper shelfs and the top of the island. (I have 2x 250 MH and 2X28 t5ho Maristar)





I have only 60Lbs in a 90 gallon display, but there is another 30 Lbs of rubble and some display pieces in the refugium/sump area.
