Minimalist Aquascaping

My new 144g half circle. ~120lbs of Marco rock, stuck together with E-Marco mortar.

Setting up

Dry (so distortion)

Wet (the curve of the glass makes it look like the rocks are closer to the edge than they actually are.)

It's cycling at the moment. If you're interested in seeing more (inc more pics/info on setting up the scape) here's my Build Thread.
My latest tank .....


View from my desk .


24X24X12 dimensions with maybe 10 pounds of rock in the tank. Sump has another about 20 pounds of LR. Plan was to keep rock out of the tank so I'd have room for corals.
Agu- absolutely stunning tank I love it

Thanks. Although I haven't been a fan of the "box of rocks" look, this thread was part of my inspiration for the new tank. There are only three small pieces of rock in the display that don't have corals attached to them. They're in there so I can give some height and depth to the aquascape.
Minimalist aquascaping

Minimalist aquascaping

I'm just setting up a 125 gallon. Got 120# rock in Friday so the tank is still cycling. I'm going for a minimalist look with plenty of open sand space and openings/crevices between the rocks formations. I have 6 ft T5 strip with a mixture of bulbs (4 ATI blues, 2 White, 2 Lavenders...can't recall the brands but did a lot of research before buying). Two koralia pumps currently running and a tunze on standby-for when I can hook onto a different circuit. Theres about 1-2 inches of sugar (eww I know, too late) sand in the bottom. Lifereef overflow to 55 gallon sump. G1 Skimmer, started working as soon as the live rock hit the tank. A refugium with rubble and an elevated tray for macroalgea. Ammonia was never high, went to 1, nitrites are off the chart at 5+, nitrates are between 80 and 160. Alk 10.5, ph 8.3, Calcium - test kit not in yet.

I eventually want a mixed tank with mainly zoas, some sps, and some small fish and inverts including a CUC (funny when I first started this I thought everyone was wanting a cucumber when I saw CUC.

Hope this works, this is my first post with pics.


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From about six months ago, the tank has changed with coral but the rockwork is still the same. Sorry if I've posted already... Can't keep track anymore! :)

I'm so glad I found this thread!!!!!!! I've totally remodeled my 120, so far I've taken out over 100 pounds of rock. I can't believe how much rock I had in the tank, it use to be a wall of rocks with some caves now I have two islands with lots of over hangs for my corals and I'm loving the open sand it's great. Thanks to all of u. I will post some pics soon.
Here's my attempt, just changed the rockwork up took out some larger rocks. Not many corals yet tho been running for 8 months now. Planning to do Acans and different Euphyllia. Maybe a little acropora near the top and a BTA.
