Minimalist aquascaping
Minimalist aquascaping
I'm just setting up a 125 gallon. Got 120# rock in Friday so the tank is still cycling. I'm going for a minimalist look with plenty of open sand space and openings/crevices between the rocks formations. I have 6 ft T5 strip with a mixture of bulbs (4 ATI blues, 2 White, 2 Lavenders...can't recall the brands but did a lot of research before buying). Two koralia pumps currently running and a tunze on standby-for when I can hook onto a different circuit. Theres about 1-2 inches of sugar (eww I know, too late) sand in the bottom. Lifereef overflow to 55 gallon sump. G1 Skimmer, started working as soon as the live rock hit the tank. A refugium with rubble and an elevated tray for macroalgea. Ammonia was never high, went to 1, nitrites are off the chart at 5+, nitrates are between 80 and 160. Alk 10.5, ph 8.3, Calcium - test kit not in yet.
I eventually want a mixed tank with mainly zoas, some sps, and some small fish and inverts including a CUC (funny when I first started this I thought everyone was wanting a cucumber when I saw CUC.
Hope this works, this is my first post with pics.