Misleading Behavior of On-Line Fish Vendors

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I do not have an issue with tank sizes for the fish I'm mostly likely to buy; however, I agree with you that several of the larger fish have unrealistic minimum tank guidelines. I challenge you to get in contact with someone at Live Aquaria that is responsible and capable enough to deal with issue you are crusading for. Their response will dictate the direction this thread takes.

As of now, you've shed light on the issue. Now it's time to do something about it.
ahud i didnt miss it at all, the thread is in reguards to online store's posting a minimum tank size for a species.
i extended it with if your upset that they put a minimum tank size, why not also ask them to post if the fish can handle high light, what temp the fish came from, what salinity also, i mean arent those as important as a tank size ?
i have watched people in my lfs ask if that 2" hippo can go in their nano and store said no and the people still wanted to try it.
i am on several other site's as well, and the internet is a wonderful thing if used. but most people just want to say hey can i do this or will this fish make it in my tank, instead of doing some research and having a idea of why when they are told yes or no it will or won't work, most people rely on other's to do the work

as for comments on spelling ect,{ know it wasn't towards me} yet } i am not the best speller ;) but does that make me stupid ?
I do not have an issue with tank sizes for the fish I'm mostly likely to buy; however, I agree with you that several of the larger fish have unrealistic minimum tank guidelines. I challenge you to get in contact with someone at Live Aquaria that is responsible and capable enough to deal with issue you are crusading for. Their response will dictate the direction this thread takes.

As of now, you've shed light on the issue. Now it's time to do something about it.

Just wanted to give you my compliments on moving the direction of your tone. Doesn't mean crap, but if I'm going to post on a negative, I will post on a positive too.
I do not have an issue with tank sizes for the fish I'm mostly likely to buy; however, I agree with you that several of the larger fish have unrealistic minimum tank guidelines. I challenge you to get in contact with someone at Live Aquaria that is responsible and capable enough to deal with issue you are crusading for. Their response will dictate the direction this thread takes.

As of now, you've shed light on the issue. Now it's time to do something about it.

The problem involves far more than several of the fish LA sells. If you agree with me, then there is nothing also preventing you, or for that matter, anyone else from so contacting LA. Before doing so, I choose to let this issue perculate a while and see what other views surface. I have an open miind and fully appreciate that someone else may materially change my entire perspective. This has already happened in connection with several posts made here. However, as I indicated, eveyone is free to let LA and others know about how they feel about this if they so choose. It is not just up to me.
Just wanted to give you my compliments on moving the direction of your tone. Doesn't mean crap, but if I'm going to post on a negative, I will post on a positive too.

no worries :frog:

The problem involves far more than several of the fish LA sells. If you agree with me, then there is nothing also preventing you, or for that matter, anyone else from so contacting LA. Before doing so, I choose to let this issue perculate a while and see what other views surface. I have an open miind and fully appreciate that someone else may materially change my entire perspective. This has already happened in connection with several posts made here. However, as I indicated, eveyone is free to let LA and others know about how they feel about this if they so choose. It is not just up to me.

I do not feel as strongly about this issue as you do. I have much greater issues with hobbyists that don't research or heed good advice. These hobbyists lead to a lot more fish kept in poor conditions and deaths from such conditions than well intentioned people buying a fish from Live Aquaria.

With how strongly you feel about this matter, I'd encourage you to get in contact with the appropriate person(s) at Live Aquaria as soon as possible. You just might save a Volitans Lionfish this week. Letting this thread percolate isn't as important as taking action on your cause.
no worries :frog:

I do not feel as strongly about this issue as you do. I have much greater issues with hobbyists that don't research or heed good advice. These hobbyists lead to a lot more fish kept in poor conditions and deaths from such conditions than well intentioned people buying a fish from Live Aquaria.

With how strongly you feel about this matter, I'd encourage you to get in contact with the appropriate person(s) at Live Aquaria as soon as possible. You just might save a Volitans Lionfish this week. Letting this thread percolate isn't as important as taking action on your cause.

Well, thanks for telling me what you think is important for me to do, but I will decide that for myself.:rolleyes:
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I think you are overstating the problem. That the vendors offer any husbandry information at all is a step in the right direction - the customer still carries the ENTIRE burden of making the proper choice in their fish purchases. With resources like RC, and the many books on the subject, there is simply no excuse for home aquarists making poor choices. To expect the vendor to be as careful and conservative as you apparently are is asking too much.
I have much greater issues with hobbyists that don't research or heed good advice. These hobbyists lead to a lot more fish kept in poor conditions and deaths from such conditions than well intentioned people buying a fish from Live Aquaria.

Personally, I agree with both of these points. I actually APPLAUD LA/DD for trying to point people in the right direction. They have far more technical detail (although a few points that could be argued) on their site than most places. Let's be honest, very few sites out there have details or guidelines, and you could attach a small encyclopedia to each and every item. What they might or might not get along with, substrate, type/style/amount of rock, the more common cube trend water volume vs traditional "long" tang... I could go on and on.

So the moral of the story in my opinion is, GOOD JOB and THANKS to LA/DD for trying to educate at the same time, and if you have personal issues with one of their recommendations... reach and out see what they say.
If I have read the 5 pages of this thread correctly, its intention is to be an indictment of the industry as a whole, not just LA, correct?

So, how about we use some examples other than just LA? I know there are posts here that applaud LA for their superior product and customer service, but the thread actually comes across as an attack thread directed only at LA.

Personally, I think the husbandry suggestions in this thread are headed the right direction. However, I feel that singling out one of the best online retailers for repeated attacks is counterproductive. My opinion only, but if they change too far from the "industry norm" as far as tank size recommendations go (and remember, these recommendations are all based upon opinion, you just happen to think your opinion is "better" than theirs), they will lose business to other online vendors who keep more "loose" recommendations. And if there is anything I've discovered over my years as a hobbyist and online, most consumers are only looking for one person to tell them "okay, you can do it," and will ignore dozens of contrary opinions. In other words, people will buy from the business that tells them they can, rather than from the one(s) that tell them they can't.

So, the questions we should keep in mind:

1) Are we trying to drive business away from one of the best (consensus) online fish retailers?

2) EXACTLY whose opinion on appropriate tank sizes are acceptable?

3) How long have the people in #2 above kept each of the species they are pontificating about, and in what size tanks (so they know what is and is not "appropriate")?

4) Who are online retailers giving advice to? I ask this, because I'd bet well over 90% of fish sold die within the first year, for a variety of reasons. One of these reasons might be tank size, but I'm betting other poor husbandry decisions are much, much more prevalent as the leading causal factors. How long does it take a fish to "outgrow" the minimum tank recomendation? So, back to my original question- are online vendors selling to relatively few of us who can keep a fish long enough to have it actually outgrow the minimum tank size they recommend, or are they selling to the 95+% who will never face that problem?

Just some thoughts...

Eric and Kevin:

Your points are well-taken, and yes, the thread is directed at the industry as a whole but with a particular emphasis at LA. The reason I have emphasized LA so much in my posts is that they are as you describe perhaps the "best" on-line fish vendor, and the leading voice in the industry. LA has made such an effort to paint itself as a responsible company that sells the healthiest livestock in the industry and a leader in pet education relied upon by consumers, researchers, and accademia that I believe that this company needs to practice what it preaches in terms of the minimum tank size information it provides to the general public. Moreover, I have chosen to focus my points toward LA because they imo have gone way beyond just being a vendor of fish and other livestock, but they now serve as a primary source for aquarium husbandry information. As such, their minimum tank size information has a much higher level of credability with many who read this information and much more so than other competing vendors. Furthermore, because of their vast amount of knowlege and experience in aquarium husbandry, I find particularlly troubling some of the minimum tank size information LA provides because I feel that no company with their level of experience and knowledge truly believes that such information is accurate or complete, but they, nevertheless, continue to post such information for the innocent public to rely upon.

Your point about LA selling to much more highly inexperienced hobbyists as opposed to more experienced hobbyists is one of the points that I have been trying to make throughout this thread. These inexperienced hobbyists will, imo, often get mislead by the minimum tank size information posted and incorrectly make a fish purchase relying thereupon because they have no reason to challenge this information when provided by such an industry leader, such as LA. I do believe that this greatly contributes to fish mortality in the hobby. For example, someone who keeps a fish in a system which is way too small often also has bioload problems, aggression or other behavorial problems, disease/parasite problems, and a variety of other problems which can lead to the death of the fish and/or the inexperienced hobbyist loosing interest which then often results in the death of livestock. Keeping a fish in an appropriately sized tank is one of the most important ways to avoid premature fish fatalities and allow the hobbyist to enjoy the system rather than view it as a problem. Minimum tank size information is not like other general husbandry information and is one of the most material items to keep in mind when keeping a fish. Yes, you could attach many pages of description concerning how to properly maintain a given fish being sold, but minimum tank size information is usually much more important than much of this other information and does not require a lot of pages to accurately and completely describe. Moreover, providing inaccurate or materially incomplete minimum tank size information, particularlly from a highly reputable source, such as LA, is far worse imo than providing no such information because inexperienced hobbyists will rely upon this information and not seek to determine this information accurately from other sources.

In terms of what is the appropriate minimum tank size for a given fish, and how can this be determined in some method other than pure subjective means is still an issue that is being explored in this thread. At this point, I think it is fair to state that perhaps using tank dimensions as a unit of measurement as opposed to gallons makes the best sense. Moreover, although no mechanism for determining minimum tank size for a given fish via purley objective means has been fully developed here, I think it is fair to state that most can agree that a particular tank size is always too small for a given fish and that tank size needs to be adjusted to consider both the juvenile and adult size of a fish. More discussion of how to approach selecting minimum tank size information needs to occur with the hopes that some appropriate and more objective methodology can develop.
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I feel the point has been made that there is an issue with minimum tank sizes in some cases. The question now is what will be done to get the attention of those that can make a difference. Stuart, I think you can affect positive change just by getting Live Aquaria's ear. I don't think this will change over night, but now would be a great time to ask them to review gallonage and and to possibly include tank dimensions.

P.S. Is Live Aquarians still a sponsor here?
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I feel the point has been made that there is an issue with minimum tank sizes in some cases. The question now is what will be done to get the attention of those that can make a difference. Stuart, I think you can affect positive change just by getting Live Aquaria's ear. I don't think this will change over night, but now would be a great time to ask them to review gallonage and and to possibly include tank dimensions.

P.S. Is Live Aquarians still a sponsor here?

As I have stated repeatedly here, I do not think it is the best time to aggressively try to get LA into this discussion b/c we have yet to really discuss what would be the best way to resolve this issue. Contacting LA and stating that their minimum tank size information for certain of the species they sell is grossly inappropriate without also giving them some thoughtful input on how they should correct the problem is imo not the best course of action. This is particularly true since I know that LA has been contacted other times about this issue (as Jeff also indicated), and those contacts have not resulted in any change of behavior on their part. That is my view. If you disagree, feel free to contact them yourself.
I am not recommending "aggressive" at all. I am recommending getting in contact with someone qualified to address the issue. Based on the contacts mentioned earlier in this thread, it seems as if the right people have not been engaged. Live Aquaria has many experts that are fully capable of assessing the needs of the animals they offer for sale. This discussion is all for naught if Live Aquaria is unwilling to review the issue. I have full confidence that Live Aquaria can address this issue internally and come up with a satisfactory solution. I'm also certain that they'd be open to hobbyist input. I'm in belief that Live Aquaria would rather be talked "with" than "at."
I am not recommending "aggressive" at all. I am recommending getting in contact with someone qualified to address the issue. Based on the contacts mentioned earlier in this thread, it seems as if the right people have not been engaged. Live Aquaria has many experts that are fully capable of assessing the needs of the animals they offer for sale. This discussion is all for naught if Live Aquaria is unwilling to review the issue. I have full confidence that Live Aquaria can address this issue internally and come up with a satisfactory solution. I'm also certain that they'd be open to hobbyist input. I'm in belief that Live Aquaria would rather be talked "with" than "at."

Well, to borrow a statement you made in one of your earlier posts, if you feel so strongly about this issue (which you apparently do since you have posted this view several times in this thread) then I think you should go ahead and do so.
I don't. But I do deal with businesses and corporate responsibilty daily. I apologize for being combative earlier, but o think I've given you sound advice to further your cause.
I've been following this thread for a few days and have read every post contained therein. I'm new to this site, but not to fishkeeping. There is a point that has been eluded to, but not properly explored, in my opinion. I don't think it matters if LA (or any other vendor for that matter) changes their fish requirement information. I see the problem as being created by the public, and not so much the vendor(s) in question.

Fundamentally, I agree with Stuart's point. I hate hearing about or seeing any animal not being properly cared for. Whether that be incorrect tank size, improper feeding, lack of medical attention and so on - it's a terrible thing to do to something that depends on you for it's continued existence. I just don't think it will matter. LA could put a 1,000g minimum for a large tang, but irresponsible people are still going to buy it and stick it in a 30g nano. Why? Because they want what they want and don't really care about the animal's welfare.

For example, in addition to all of my fish, I also have six cats. They are indoor cats, because they are all pure-bred abyssinians and are quite expensive. I felt guilty for keeping them locked indoors, so I built them a huge outdoor cage that runs the entire length of the backside of my house and is accessible through a small pet door in my kitchen. My point - Is this typical of the average cat owner? I don't think so. Is the typical marine aquarium properly stocked, researched, maintained and cared for in the same way? Does the typical fishkeeper own literally hundreds of dollars in water parameter testing equipment? Does the average pet owner spend a significant portion of their free time caring for their animals? Does the average fish owner spend hours pouring through posts on a forum to make sure they are buying a good salt mix or a decent skimmer? I believe the answer to these questions is "No".

Those of us who carefully research a fish, dog, cat, bird, reptile... whatever... before making a purchase are in the minority. Those of us who spare no expense and care for our animals as if they were our own children are in the minority. If the amount of german shepherds currently up for adoption in the area I live (I did a search through the local human society and returned over 1,000 results in a 15 mile radius of my house) is any indication, this issue is much larger than minimum tank sizes being listed too small on a popular web site.

The real problem are the selfish people who purchase an animal, assuming responsibility for its well being, without being properly prepared for everything that is required to keep said animal healthy and happy.

I don't think I have ever seen a minimum space requirement listed next to the kennel of a large dog for sale. Why? Because it's pretty obvious that a large dog needs a great big space to run around and dig in. Yet, people still do it everyday. They'll buy a massive dog then make it live in a 4x5' plot of dead grass. Maybe it gets taken out for a walk a couple of times a week. This will go on for about six months until they are sick of it barking and howling all the time and they put it up for adoption or abandon it.

The minimum tank requirement issue is a valid concern in my opinion, I just don't think it will matter too much. One thing that LA does is list pretty accurate maximum size information. They tell you right on the livestock requirements that the tang you're looking at can grow to 11". If you think something that will potentially grow to 11" is appropriate for a 30g tank you're more than likely not one of those people that will dedicate a significant portion of your time to caring for your animal anyways.

Just my opinion.
Stuart. There is going to be a list of tangs, their recommended tank sizes and recommended tank length coming out soon from Reef Central. The recommendations are a collective mass of information based on RC admins, mods and Team RC members. There are probably 200+ years of reefkeeping experience being utilized in it. It is being put together to aid RC members that keep getting bad advice.

Hint hint...use it to do some good with the online vendors. It's coming soon.
Stuart. There is going to be a list of tangs, their recommended tank sizes and recommended tank length coming out soon from Reef Central. The recommendations are a collective mass of information based on RC admins, mods and Team RC members. There are probably 200+ years of reefkeeping experience being utilized in it. It is being put together to aid RC members that keep getting bad advice.

Hint hint...use it to do some good with the online vendors. It's coming soon.

Thanks Jeff, and this list will certainly help. I have no doubt that this list has been thoughtfully put together and is based on information from extremely knowledgeable hobbyists who likely provide far more correct information than is available from on-line vendors.

However, I think attention, at least in this thread, needs to be made to attempt to come up with a process on how to determine minimum tank size information or at least what type of information should be communicated. Should minimum tank size be expressed in dimensions or gallons/liters or both? Should different minimum tank size information be expresed for adult and juvenile fish? How should tankmates be addressed in terms of minimum tank size information? How should the amount of rock or decorations be handled when providing minimum tank size information? All of these and many other issues should be addressed also.
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I think a retailer including recommendations for decorations and rock is beyond the scope of a retailer due to the vast variation in everyone's tanks. Ultimately, the reponsibility lies on the hobbyist to ensure they are providing enough room, preventing overcrowding, and providing suitable tankmates based on compatibility guides.

Dimensions and volume are both credible measurements. The goal is obviously to provide information based for adult fish. Fish grow at different rates based on species, tank size, tankmates, tank conditions, and feeding regimen.

Once again, without finding out if a retailer is willing to change, the conversation won't be applicable to them. It might be an endeavor that RC could undertake to publish a guide independent of online retailers.
I think a retailer including recommendations for decorations and rock is beyond the scope of a retailer due to the vast variation in everyone's tanks. Ultimately, the reponsibility lies on the hobbyist to ensure they are providing enough room, preventing overcrowding, and providing suitable tankmates based on compatibility guides.

Dimensions and volume are both credible measurements. The goal is obviously to provide information based for adult fish. Fish grow at different rates based on species, tank size, tankmates, tank conditions, and feeding regimen.

Once again, without finding out if a retailer is willing to change, the conversation won't be applicable to them. It might be an endeavor that RC could undertake to publish a guide independent of online retailers.

Well, as described above, adjusting dimension and volume can lead to a drasticly different tank space. There is a big difference between what fish can be kept in a tall vs. a long tank. For example, certain tangs cannot be kept in a 4 foot 125 gallon tank where others can be kept in a 6 foot long 125 gallon tank. Likewise, some information about rock and decorations can, and I believe should, be provided by the retailer, even in the form of a footnote to the effect that mimumum tank size information for a given fish is predicated on there being a certain amount of free swimming space, etc. Tankmates could be addressed by suggesting typically appropriate tankmates and/or size of tankmates, behavorial traits, and number of tankmates to include or not to include in a minimumly sized tank. These are just some of the ideas that come to mind wthout thinking long and hard about these matters. I am sure others will have more refined views which I think should be explored.
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