Misleading Behavior of On-Line Fish Vendors

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Stuart60611, it seems to me that what you wanted for this thread to achieve based on your idea is not heading where you want it to be. What you fail to see is that there are successive tanks with fishes that the owner could provide care for that are out there, most are not mentioned or posted. You got a gripe with Live Aquaria that I noticed and you bite into that topic of LA should be providing accurate info and such, without giving a passive breather on LA. You fail to see the success LA has assisting the general public with marine upkeeping but keep gnawing on what you claim were ill derived information from LA. There were even reefers suggesting for you to contact someone at LA for you to speak to some higher position staff there but you did not want to do it then.

I can't help but feel you got something against LA, maybe a fail delivery or a DOA perhaps? I do not feel you could have ordered a fish that could out grow your tank as you've mentioned you are a highly educated person. The way I see it, those suggestion given by LA are just a guide, which might also not include such stuff as amount of live rock and other live stock that would take up a volume of space in a tank. I also see the mods trying to explain to you some other aspect or angle of view in regards to your topic but you adamantly say they were wrong or you did not agree with them.

I am not able to change your view or make you see mine in regard to the topic you started. However, I wish you well and I really hope that whatever you were looking for or to change the direction where this hobby is heading is a success! Good luck and may God Bless You on your future endeavor!

i have nothing against LA other than the minimum tank size information they provide on some of the fish they sell. I may have harped too much about them in this thread and have not focused as much as I should have on other vendors. I think that is a fair criticism and something I did very poorly when attempting to lead this discussion. I did so because of their standing in the industry and leading status as a source of information on pet education. I also did so because I found them to be the best example in order to make my point. This combined with my belief that they understand that some of this information is very misleading are the sole motivations for my posts. I have no problem contacting Live Aquaria or for anyone else to do so concerning the issues raised in this thread. I would just rather not do so at this time. I, as I think I mentioned, really had no goals for this thread other than exploring the issue which I believe this thread has done well so far and enjoying a lively discussion. So far, I think it has met those expectations. Thanks for the well wishes, and it will at least be interesting to see where all this leads, if anywhere. Based on the responses so far, I think I would agree that my views are in the minority and therefore the chances are good that this issue may not go very far at all.
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I find it interesting that most of your posts Stuart have been edited, many after the next person posted all ready.
I find it interesting that most of your posts Stuart have been edited, many after the next person posted all ready.

I am not sure what about this you find interesting. I edit my posts because they require many corrections to make them read better. I always edit my writing. Typically, when I post something during the work day I am multitasking and doing several other things at the same time. As such, I often make errors in my posts. What about this is so interesting or unusual? Most of us who are gainfully employed and post during the work day probably are doing the same thing.
Just look at most posts and you'll see very few people actually edit after the fact. I am gainfully employed and I post during the day, but, I take the time to read my posts to make sure they read right. There is an awesome option called "preview" that allows you to see you post prior to it going live. I multitask all day long. I rarely go back and edit my posts, very rarely.

I find it interesting as post editing is a brilliant way to change the tone and content of your post. It's simply bad form.
Just look at most posts and you'll see very few people actually edit after the fact. I am gainfully employed and I post during the day, but, I take the time to read my posts to make sure they read right. There is an awesome option called "preview" that allows you to see you post prior to it going live. I multitask all day long. I rarely go back and edit my posts, very rarely.

I find it interesting as post editing is a brilliant way to change the tone and content of your post. It's simply bad form.

Thanks for the lesson on etiquette. I am glad you advised me of what is proper form. As for the preview function, I never paid much attention to it. Perhaps, I will now. I wonder if there is any other way someone here can find a way to attack me personally rather than post something constructive related to the subject matter at hand.

I have been called names and now I am being personally attacked for not posting in good form. IMO, such behavior only makes people look foolish and demonstates an inability to rationally discuss an issue on an intelligent level.
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I think that was more of an FYI than an attack. I'm not an expert in online etiquette, but I do sometimes post without proofreading. Back to the topic at hand.
I think that was more of an FYI than an attack. I'm not an expert in online etiquette, but I do sometimes post without proofreading. Back to the topic at hand.

Sounded much more like an attack to me. But thanks for the post. I see that I previously mispelled the word "etiquette". I have now, once again, used bad form and edited my post to correct this mispelling after there has been subsequent posts. I should be ashamed of myself. :spin3: I agree, back to the topic at hand.
I'm not reading anything on LA site that suggests you place a 15" fish in a 50 gallon tank. I'm curious why you interpreted the information as such. It might help answer your question as to why the information seems misleading to you if you can explain your logic. i.e. why you believe they are suggesting you house a fish at its maximum size in a tank of minimum size.
I'm not reading anything on LA site that suggests you place a 15" fish in a 50 gallon tank. I'm curious why you interpreted the information as such. It might help answer your question as to why the information seems misleading to you if you can explain your logic. i.e. why you believe they are suggesting you house a fish at its maximum size in a tank of minimum size.

Sure. I explain this on page 2, post 43 of this thread. In short, I do so b/c LA suggests I do so.
I don't read their suggestions as you are, I think you are interpreting their guidelines wrong. They are giving you information and asking you to make an informed choice. I would not take this as misleading behavior.
In an effort to re-focus this thread, defend myself, and dial down the tone just a bit, I think maybe I need to explain my motivations a bit more clearly. I have nothing against LA, the fish sales industry, and no financial or business relationship with anyone in the aquaria field other than in my capacity as an ordinary hobbyist. ]My motivation for this thread is exclusively to examine and point out something that troubles me and appears largely unnoticed by many in this hobby. My comments have been directed at LA in large part because I find them to be the most convenient vehicle to make my point and not out of any personal strife. I do not quarel with the belief that LA has done so many great things for the promotion, advancement, and sustainability of this hobby. They further do business in otherwise highly eithical and honest fashion and virtually always go to great lengths to please customers. I love doing business with the company and have been a loyal customer for a number of years and made many and frequent orders from LA. I have never in any way been disatisfied with any transaction I have ever had with the company and feel they sell some of the healthiest and widest variety of livestock available in the hobby.

My sole gripe comes from my belief that LA and many other on-line fish vendors mislead consumers by recommending they purchase fish which are inappropriate. The venom in my tone toward LA comes from my belief that LA surely knows better, and no one complains because they love the company for all the reasons I describe above. I am further greatly bothered by the idea that LA goes to great effort to describe itself and gain a track record as a leading pet educator while at the same time making inappropriate tank size suggestions. I think this situation is very bad for the hobby which is already considered by many to be unethical and too harmful to the environment. It is my belief that by encouraging and creating situations where fish are being housed inappropriate conditions provides strong support for those who oppose the continuation of the hobby. I am further troubled by the notion that many people may conscientously want to keep fish in an appropriately sized system and may be misled into not doing so with otherwise good intentions.

I would also like to add a couple observations I have recently made which I think may help further make my point. I find interesting that with the prolific amount of posts here from those who strongly disagree with my view that no one has posted anything contending that any of the minimum tank sizes for the fish I posted for sale from LA are appropriately sized to maintain the adult fish being offered for sale. The closests post to doing so was Jay's post arguing that it was possible to keep a full grown Volitan Lionfish in a 50 gallon tank without "acute mortality", and therefore, the minimum tank size suggested by LA for this fish was not necessarily inappropriate. In other words, a tank is not too small for a fish as long as it does not cause acute mortality. I just do not find this acceptable.

Moreover, I want to point something out further about my favorite example. With respect to the Volitan Lionfish, I noticed something I should have noticed before about what LA posts about this fish that I think really demonstrates how misleading this can be. In addition to the other information I described LA posted above about this fish, LA also recommends that the fish should be be housed in an aquarium with "numerous hiding places". I think any fair definition of the word numerous has to mean a number greater than 2 or at least 3. So, can someone please explain to me how a 15 inch adult lionfish (LA states to use maximum size of fish when considering tank size) can fit in a 50 gallon standard aquarium that only has a 17 inch internal width when the tank also has 3 seperate hiding areas of sufficient size to provide hiding spaces for the 15 inch fish? I do not see how the math can work, and you can even fit this 15 inch fish in the width of the tank with three hiding spaces because the hiding spaces will greatly reduce the tank's width.

Now, I view it misleading to recommend that it is appropriate to purchase a fish so as to keep it under conditions where the fish, according to the vendor's very own husbandry suggestions and information, does not even fit within the tank. Moreover, a volitan lionfish is not an uncommon species in the hobby and is one of the more popular fish kept in the hobby. I have trouble understanding with the many such lionfish that LA has kept and sold over the years how this could make sense to them. This is just one example.

I would very much like to move beyond trying to demonstrate why this behavior is misleading and perhaps get some thoughtful input on how this situation could be remedied or at least improved. Maybe then somethiong good can possibly come from this discussion. If nothing else, by making this post and explaining myself further maybe some who read this may not think I am as bad a guy or as big of a nut job as some have attempted to paint me in this thread.

P.S. I am doing my best to post this politely and used the "Preview" function to edit my post. I will try not to edit after any subsequent posts, but with the length of this message and the long day at work I have had I do not make any promises.;)
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In regards to the Volitan example. It's obvious they are referring to a specimen that's just been bought... which more than likely is a small juvenile. This is provided to make sure the fish acclimates to the new tank properly, and after that, it will be an open water fish. That's how I interpreted the description.
In regards to the Volitan example. It's obvious they are referring to a specimen that's just been bought... which more than likely is a small juvenile. This is provided to make sure the fish acclimates to the new tank properly, and after that, it will be an open water fish. That's how I interpreted the description.

Really, because LA's website states the exact opposite. The website states that above husbandry information applies to the large fish that they are selling on the same page at a size of 5-8 inches. That is no small juvenile and will be nearly full grown in a year or so after purchase. Moreover, if you click on the minimum tank size and maximum size definition links on the same page (see page 2 of this thread for exact wording) you will see that LA clearly states that this husbandry informaton relates to the full grown adult fish.

Also, lionfish are not open water fish and are ambush predators who largely live in caves and under ledges during the day and require shelter as a full grown adult and not just as a juvenile or a newly added fish to the tank. That is why LA states that they need "numerous [and not just a few] hiding places." Every book and article on lionfish that I have ever read states such.

"The lionfish hunts mostly during the day, and in the day time they hide in small underwater caves and under ledges."


"Other than overfeeding with too much, too soon goldfish, this is the second deadly area where aquarists fail with their lions. Lionfishes, for all their apparent slow-moving, calm breathing, seemingly low metabolic lifestyles need space. Room to move, sites to hide/feel comfortable in, volume of water to provide adequate oxygen, dilution of their, at times, copious wastes."

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well there you go... even a well intentioned person can misinterpret any given information. I don't ever plan on keeping a lionfish. 50 gallons is too small, hiding spaces or no.
well there you go... even a well intentioned person can misinterpret any given information. I don't ever plan on keeping a lionfish.

Ok, but I am sure you can appreciate that many others may want to keep a lionfish fish who may read this information and rely upon it.
Do you not agree with that information? It seems the main issue is still the tank size.

I am not sure I understand what you mean here? I definitely agree with the information in the articles on lionfish in my above post. What information I do not agree with is LA's minimum tank size information for this fish.
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I would very much like to move beyond trying to demonstrate why this behavior is misleading and perhaps get some thoughtful input on how this situation could be remedied or at least improved.

My suggestion would be to take the forthcoming list of tang recommendations from RC and use it to try and change LA's suggestions. Maybe start with an email to them. Then maybe talk to them about the lionfish and other fish that you see on their website and keep going with your suggestions.

I would also pray that they don't read this thread. No one thinks you should do nothing but it's all about how you went about it.
l believe everyone has stated, restated and re-restated their positions. I am glad everyone has come to a civil conclusion, but lest it now branch, I am pulling the plug.
All right---I have reopened the thread in the understanding that the participants in this discussion will conduct themselves in a gentlemanly or ladylike manner, will NOT use the word 'you' in debates (no 'ad hominem' arguments), and will instead route any problems to the mods via that little white triangle under the avatar.

RC is about exchange of information. Sometimes this takes the form of argument, but please respect the good intentions and positive intentions of your fellow members: it is possible to disagree without being disagreeable.
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