Mutt's Build - IM's New Fusion 40

Nice skimming!! Are you tempted to just leave it where it is at and lose a media basket? I was thinking about doing that since I will be running a reactor and skimmer. Hopefully by Tuesday or Wednesday I can start my own thread of my build.
Nice skimming!! Are you tempted to just leave it where it is at and lose a media basket? I was thinking about doing that since I will be running a reactor and skimmer. Hopefully by Tuesday or Wednesday I can start my own thread of my build.

Good question.. I'm quite happy where the skimmer is, but wanted polish the water a little more.. On other hand, it's best to just leave the tank alone if its doing well lol
Definitely following along. Think I want to add this to our living room. Too bad I didn't order a couple weeks ago I could have setup with my wife out of town right now. She's been wanting me to replace the windows on the backside of the house so I probably need to get that done before putting a tank against the wall.
Love this though!!
Definitely following along. Think I want to add this to our living room. Too bad I didn't order a couple weeks ago I could have setup with my wife out of town right now. She's been wanting me to replace the windows on the backside of the house so I probably need to get that done before putting a tank against the wall.
Love this though!!

"It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission!!!":beer:

A few "accidental" clicks on the internet, and things just show up at your door
Some new toys... Got a couple side jobs to for some lens money.... Hopefully will have some macro shots up soon!... Timmy03, Thanks for the calibration fluid!

<a href="" title="IMG_2379 by MuttleyDN, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="333" alt="IMG_2379"></a><a href="" title="IMG_2384 by MuttleyDN, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="333" alt="IMG_2384"></a>
Love the new toys!! I need to pick up side jobs so I can get toys. Tank came today and the return pump was shattered. Amy from MD and Brian from IM got parts out to me today. Love those people. Hopefully this is not a sign!!
Love the new toys!! I need to pick up side jobs so I can get toys. Tank came today and the return pump was shattered. Amy from MD and Brian from IM got parts out to me today. Love those people. Hopefully this is not a sign!!

Better the pump than the tank! lol ... yeah the pump is loose in the packaging.. They may need to box that item up!

MD values customer service..
Sounds like it my be a good idea to check mine out!

You will hear it if it is broken! I was thankful that it was not the tank. Great construction on the tank. Very solid. Actually glad it can start running things, gave me more time to aquascape and tinker with the wiring.

Question for you. What are you going to run in your caddies or baskets? I was going to cycle and cure the live rock with just the OEM. I was going to put to 2 chemi pure in the baskets, and maybe some floss. Havent really decided, wanted to pick your brain since we are both running reactors with GFO.
For the basket.. Carbon, purigen, and color changing poly filter to polish the water. IM reactor with GFO and the Aquamaxx.... Hopefully that will do...

Counting the days for the baskets.. I can really use them right now..
I am counting down the days for my return pump, so I can have a fish tank in my house instead of an expensive rock holder!!! Finished the scaping last night.


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(maybe Ecotechs later after some fragging and tagging)

So you threw this statement out of the window??? :)

You have to let me know how you like the reactor with the gfo. A little concerned with the flow
(maybe Ecotechs later after some fragging and tagging)

So you threw this statement out of the window??? :)

You have to let me know how you like the reactor with the gfo. A little concerned with the flow

Correct.. right out the window! ;) Got some side jobs.. didn't have to frag and tag.. But I'll let you in on a little secret... My wife gave me the ok when the Jebao on the same circuit was making a whining noise through the her clock radio when getting ready for work... Not sure if Jabao has to abide by the FCC.. but it sure does interfere with her zen time in the morning lol.

You shouldn't be concerned with flow.. Take the interior demensions when using ecotechs flowmeter.. The water behind the wall really isn't being affect much.
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Getting a little hot in Sacramento... 86 today.. Got a little something from Amazon...

<a href="" title="IMG_2489 by MuttleyDN, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="333" alt="IMG_2489"></a>
Man.. Found some old books from back in the day... This was my internet... '93 to be exact... I had a bad track record with livestock in my teens... Thank God for the internet and RC lol...

<a href="" title="IMG_2498 by MuttleyDN, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="333" alt="IMG_2498"></a> <a href="" title="IMG_2499 by MuttleyDN, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="333" alt="IMG_2499"></a>
what I should have said was the tumble of the GFO, some have said that it was hard to get the correct tumbling with the IM reactor.
Muttley101 I am watching your build. I just got the same tank for my birthday as a gift from my husband. I have a small 14 gallon cube tank. Great job on the stand! I love your hanger for your light. I have a few questions... What kind of conduit did you use, and how did you bend it? I have been looking for a hanging system for the lights and haven't found anything I like. Then I saw yours. I love the simplicity of it. Did you get your rock from BRS? Is it pukani? I am trying to decide on which rock I want to buy. I like the look of the pukani. My LFS sells cured pukan but its pricey ($10 lb) Still trying to decide if its worth the extra money and I can pick out the pieces I want, or buy from BRS and cure it myself. I read the pukani from BRS can take 2 months to cure. Is that correct?