Mutt's Build - IM's New Fusion 40

Very nice. Love Disneyland. I lived in Santa Rosa and Sonoma for 8 yrs so I do enjoy the west coast. We had snow yesterday which is crazy.

Glad the reactor is running for you. I am going to wait and see about skimmers. Have the tunze ATO arriving Tuesday and will set that up. Overall feel pleased with everything. Return pump is loud. Don't remember IMs pumps being this loud.

Bizacon I just set up an IM 40 and my pump is very quiet. I keep looking at the water to make sure the pump is running because it is so quiet
I just ordered the caddy. Marine Depot just got them in because I sent an email to them in the beginning of the week and they said they didn't have them. Then I saw Mutt mentioned he ordered them and they had them listed.
<a href="" title="basket by MuttleyDN, on Flickr"><img src="" width="375" height="500" alt="basket"></a>

Found a couple of these when I arrived home today!

Must be nice living in the same state as MD. Mine arrive on tuesday.
How big is the stand? Does it have enough room to put a 5 gallon bucket in it for my ato or do I need a different container.
What skimmer is everyone using I'm not sure what skimmer to pick up??

I am currently not using one. IM has said they are going to release one for the fusion line. I am hoping it's improved from the last one that people didn't like. Mutt is using the aquamaxx hob skimmer. I did leave enough room in the back to go that way if I decide. I am running the IM reactor, which I like
Chiming in on the return pump and it is quiet.. You may want to shake it to see if there is any bubbles that may have not escaped. My pump was a little loud, but I then shook the pump and it got very quiet afterwards.
<a href="" title="car by MuttleyDN, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="333" alt="car"></a><a href="" title="lunar by MuttleyDN, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="333" alt="lunar"></a>

Some night shots of new corals... One is a Neon green Neon Green Acropora Caroliniana.. the other is some Lunar eclipses I'm babysitting for Timmy03... Picked these guys up from vividaquariums down in SoCal.