My 120 filled mostly with SPS

Thanks for the comments! :beer:

I enjoyed reading through your journal and seeing the pics. Some good growth you have been having. I have a few questions, did you notice your corals have better colouration after switching from mh/t5 to t5/led?
Also 2 part liquid can be expensive, do you dose the dry stuff and how much are you dosing daily?

Reason I ask these questions is because I am just starting up sps again, 75g with 33g sump. I was running a 6bulb t5 and now have an 8bulb and was thinking of adding a few led strips to get the extra pop in the sps. I was running ai sols for awhile but noticed that long term Lps health was declining (bleaching over time) so I made the switch back. Another reason for t5 was I liked the pastel colours of the sps however I still miss the pop from the blue LEDs. I am currently running 5 blue plus 1 Fiji and 2 coral plus but wanna add some LEDs and drop 1 blue and add 1 coral so I can get more growth.

I also notice I am going through lots of ca alk and mg for the sps I have and they're no where near the size of your colonies, I just bought a doser so roughly 100ml of each daily to keep levels stable...

I am dosing around 75 ml each of calcium and alk to keep my parameters stable at 8 dkh and 420. I have to adjust sometimes, and slowly bump up my dosing, but I've been pretty steady really over time. I dose the bulk 2-part from BRS on BRS dosers - if there is a more cost effective measure, I haven't heard of it. I use IO salt - not sure if that makes your needs greater (depending on what salt you are using, and how often you are doing water changes).

In terms of lighting, I do notice that the colours are a bit different between MH and T5. I figure at this point the LEDs are more supplemental than anything - sure they are kicking out a lot of light, but I wouldn't rely on them solely. I am using 12k and 15k bulbs at the moment - I wanted a lower colour to generate more growth - not sure if that is true or not, but I do like the growth I'm getting on most of my corals. While I don't regret moving away from MH's, I'm still not sure they can be beat for vibrant, healthy looking coral. I have great colouration with my T5 and LED's, but when I do it all over again for my next system, I will consider moving back to MH supplemented with something else - LED, or PC or T5. In terms of your lighting, do you think you maybe have too much light? Sounds like you have a ton. I don't think changing one bulb or one strip is going to effect your growth too much, will just tweak appearance - I think nutrient balance and total par may be what you want to consider in terms of growth and colour.

Looks great Jordan. ToTm material IMO. Now would be a good time... its fully grown in and the colours are kick'n. Nobody takes a better pic either.

Thanks Darryl, that is a huge compliment coming from you. I still have a ways to go, need to hone in my nutrient balance a bit better, and want more growth, and more colour on several pieces - can you ever have it all?

I think .08 is still bording on problems otr future problems at minimum. Not all sps brown out at the same level of phosphate.. so perhaps he has acros that are not that sensitive. I think much higher and he will stsrt to notice. Its still better to keep it lower and your tank shows that.

It is pretty amazing though, that is quite a high level. I would freak if I saw that value, but I definitely think you are putting out some good advice, I certainly wouldn't question you on it, your results more than speak for themselves.
I've measured my po4 at .05ppm before when i stoped gfo for a number of months. My colours were ok but not as good when the po4 is lower.
I don't think high phosphate causes worse color if anything a little of it might be better than zero. Granted I run my system a little higher than most and I try to shoot for .03ish lol. If anything what I do notice with the higher phosphate is very slow growth so perhaps that would explain why jroovers tank growth over two years way exceeds mine lol. Either way it's a mixed bag at times
WOW - the growth pics of the prostrata are amazing! The "pet monster/humilis" piece is also a show-stealer. Your blues and purples are looking great. Do you monitor potassium levels?
Thanks for your detailed reply, I was running a 6 bulb but wanted more blue so I switched to an 8. I don't think it's too much light ATM but I am running a 5 blue plus 2 coral and 1 Fiji granted they are used bulbs and need to be replaced(long overdue). I actually wanted to add 2 stunner strips inside the fixture and still keep the 8 bulbs running only this time run 4 blue 3 coral 1 purple. Ofcourse likes you said the led would be more supplemental to get the extra pop.

Since my tank is only 18" high I have 2 mounds and lots of upward growth for the coral about 12" so I think that with the combo of old bulbs it doesn't look like its that bright.

I am going to order the BRS 2 part and new bulbs in a few months since I am blowing through my seachem fast, I am dosing 100 ml of all 3 daily and getting decent growth but your colonies are massive compared to mine which is why I don't understand how I am using more than you. I do a 15% wc with IO aswell weekly and tested the bucket with decent results. Pretty good for $30 bucket 10 alk 400 ca and 1200 mg.
WOW!!! Great looking tank. loved seeing the progression. I am guessing that your fish list is still the same as when you first posted it. Is there anything you would change in regards to the fish? or add?
Thanks for the comments.

WOW - the growth pics of the prostrata are amazing! The "pet monster/humilis" piece is also a show-stealer. Your blues and purples are looking great. Do you monitor potassium levels?

No, the only thing I measure consistently is calcium, alkalinity, magnesium, and phosphate.

Thanks for your detailed reply, I was running a 6 bulb but wanted more blue so I switched to an 8. I don't think it's too much light ATM but I am running a 5 blue plus 2 coral and 1 Fiji granted they are used bulbs and need to be replaced(long overdue). I actually wanted to add 2 stunner strips inside the fixture and still keep the 8 bulbs running only this time run 4 blue 3 coral 1 purple. Ofcourse likes you said the led would be more supplemental to get the extra pop.

Since my tank is only 18" high I have 2 mounds and lots of upward growth for the coral about 12" so I think that with the combo of old bulbs it doesn't look like its that bright.

I am going to order the BRS 2 part and new bulbs in a few months since I am blowing through my seachem fast, I am dosing 100 ml of all 3 daily and getting decent growth but your colonies are massive compared to mine which is why I don't understand how I am using more than you. I do a 15% wc with IO aswell weekly and tested the bucket with decent results. Pretty good for $30 bucket 10 alk 400 ca and 1200 mg.

Your water change schedule is about the same as mine. You will probably see a pretty big change with new bulbs - however, make sure you phase in the new bulbs over the span of a few weeks or even a couple months to avoid burning your corals. The BRS two part is the way to go I think over the long term. Maybe the two part is dosed at a different rate than the seachem (I've never used it) - make sure to monitor closely when switching and don't assume a 1:1 seachem to BRS bulk necessarily just to be safe.

WOW!!! Great looking tank. loved seeing the progression. I am guessing that your fish list is still the same as when you first posted it. Is there anything you would change in regards to the fish? or add?

I'm pretty happy with my fish list. The order of introduction is most important. The PBT has to go in last. I wouldn't add a cherub angel again if I could do over. Here is my current list:

2 Cinnamon Clowns
1 Cherub Angel
5 Lyretail Anthias (used to have a couple more)
1 Yellow Tang
1 Powder Blue Tang
1 Regal Angel
1 Copperband Butterfly
1 Longnose Hawkfish
1 Blue-Sided Fairy Wrasse

The Regal, while beautiful, also somewhat limits what you can keep in your tank. I had some nice acans that I had to get rid of because he began nipping at them. He also did some damage to my one chalice, then abrubtly stopped going at it. I don't have any zoos, but I'm sure he would give them a try if I did.
Found an old shot right when the tank was set up to add to the list:

April 2010

July 2011

May 2012

November 2012

July 2013
Wow, your tank has matured into a beautiful reef! :thumbsup: Love the colours you are getting on your acros. :D
Feels like a longtime coming, I'm finally happy with how things are going. Looking back, things have come a long way.

I'm waiting for that prostrata to pull the whole pillar
that thing sure is big

One thing over time, especially with the left one, is that the pillars have gotten smaller due to cracked rocks. I hope I'm stable now. Time to trim the prostrate though, if it doesn't topple the pillar it's on, it is soon going to shade out the corals on the other.
So ur not happy with the t5/led? I know u said earlier that ur colors aren't as vibrant as they were with MH? What about growth?
Very nice sir! congrats on the excellent progression.


So ur not happy with the t5/led? I know u said earlier that ur colors aren't as vibrant as they were with MH? What about growth?

I am definitely happy with the LED/T5 combo. When saying above that I would consider MH for my next system, I would still do that... It is just different than the T5 and LEDs, and also a lot easier to take photos under! That said, my colours on most of my corals are awesome right now, so I can't knock the T5 and LED combo at all in that department. My colours are honestly the best they have been in a very long time, maybe ever. Also, it is a lot cheaper operating wise in terms of electricity and bulbs. In the end, I doubt I would go back to MH's for the next tank. I think it would be awesome to have a tank eventually that incorporates natural lighting, such as through solar tubes or in a sunroom.