My 240g FOWLR

Such amazing, healthy fish!!
Always loved your tank. Looks fantastic.


How you can keep in relative peace all thoss fish in 240g is beyond me, even more kudos to you Peter. Great tank.

It's not always rainbows and puppy dogs in there ;) I've had to remove some, either due to aggression, or being too timid to compete.

lol, this is almost pedestrian for him...
check out how he masterly qts his fish...

Hehe, thanks! Sad thing is the QT is still up and running... haven't had anything in there in ages! Maybe time for a golden dwarf moray tank? :D

thats a great looking tank, dont you get salt creep underneath the tank on those nice hardwood floors?

Thanks! Not really... there isn't any splashing going on anywhere, and I don't even use fans since I have such little lighting on the tank. Really nothing to create any salt creep from...
Updated stock list, changes in red... I few obviously not planned :( The muelleri was a blow. Such a great hardy fish. He had these weird flared gills for over a year... I can't help but think this contributed to his death, since there was nothing wrong with him otherwise.

The punctato and pyramids are my fault... during a period of a heavy work schedule, pretty much all the tank got was pellets (lucky if it happened every day even), and those fish didn't eat pellets.

Acanthurus leucosternon
Acanthurus fowleri
Labroides dimidiatus
Choerodon fasciatus (Aussie)
Halichoeres hortulanus
Chaetodontoplus melanosoma
Chaetodontoplus meredithi
Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis
Genicanthus lamarck
Pomacanthus chrysurus
Pomacanthus navarchus
Pomacanthus maculosus
Holacanthus tricolor
Centropyge loricula
Chaetodon burgessi
Chaetodon collare
Chaetodon tinkeri
Chaetodon ephippium
Chaetodon falcula
Chaetodon fasciatus
Chaetodon flavirostris
Chaetodon mertensii
Chaetodon mitratus
Chaetodon punctatofasciatus died
Chaetodon rainfordi
Chaetodon xanthurus
Chelmon muelleri died
Hemitaurichthys polylepis x 2 both died... they never really ate well or fattened up
Heniochus singularius
Microcanthus strigatus
Scarus quoyi
Amphiprion melanopus x 2
Chrysiptera hemicyanea
Chrysiptera talboti x 2
Pomacentrus alleni x 2 (I think I've seen both)
Pseudochromis sankeyi
Valenciennea strigata disappeared?
the flared gill thing sounds like "gill flare" and is ammonia related...
I ran into it a few months back...
the flared gill thing sounds like "gill flare" and is ammonia related...
I ran into it a few months back...

I'm not sure... he had it for a long time....even after huge water changes. It was very specific to him...
I would think if it was an ammonia issue, it would have been present in the other fish as well. Unless it was due to initial damage. How long had you owned the fish?
Weird. Do you run activated carbon? Switched brands in the last year? It's always tough when it comes down to just one fish.

So you really don't have any new fish your going after? Anything cool going on in peters aquarium land?
Weird. Do you run activated carbon? Switched brands in the last year? It's always tough when it comes down to just one fish.

So you really don't have any new fish your going after? Anything cool going on in peters aquarium land?
I do run carbon. The flared gills started the same time I lost my paucifasciatus. But he lasted a long time after that.

No... nothing on my wish list currently. I do miss having a semilarvatus. .. but I'm not sure I want to deal with all that again....
Living in SOCAL must be great for selection though...

Shouldn't have any issue restocking :)
LOL, oh, no, no, no... that tank be full!! No restocking needed :D

OK it must HAVE been fun to stock :P

I'm like a kid in a candy store every time we go out to LA. Now personally since getting more into coral, it's getting dangerous...

I know SD has a bunch of nice selection as well :)