Good to see an update Peter. Feels like this forum and especially this part of the forum is crickets compared to what it used to be.
You don’t by chance have any of Ted’s info? It would be nice to see an update from him. Maybe send a PM if you do.
Not sure about Ted... while his FB page was somewhat active, it appears that he himself hasn't posted on it since July 2018. He did check-in on FB to a LFS in January of 2019. I sent him a message via FB. Hope he is OK?
Looks good!
That's a bummer about the ich outbreak, and sorry to hear about your fish that passed.
How much are the blue line angels going for at the moment? I haven't seen one in person in a long time.
And did you ever hear back from Ted?
Tank looks awesome, it is a lot of yellow, but I like yellow.
Always such an inspiration. Hope You’re doing well. I’m in the middle of farm season, so barely enough time to feed the fish, but maybe this fall I’ll be able to start adding a few cast members back to the tank.
Have you considered using copper power or coppersafe instead of cupramine? I made that switch after nearly a decade of using cupramine.
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I response to what? The mysterious fish death? I'd be hard pressed to correlate it with Cupramine use, at least in my hands, especially since I treat at a lower than full dose. Is there something recent suggesting Cupramine can cause such issues?
Here's an updated video from the other day. Really happy with the collection at this point.
I learned the following from humblefish
"œI am rapidly losing faith in Cupramine, which is ionic copper. It appears "old school" chelated copper (exs. Coppersafe, Copper Power) is actually safer, more effective and has a wider therapeutic range (1.5 - 2.0 ppm) to work with"
Coppersafe is also safe to be mixed with Fritz Paracleanse which is essentially just General Cure.
Great looking Lamarck male btw. Don't see that often at all. The female also looks good and fat.
I always attributed losses like that to something that happened during collection. Could be copper though I suppose.
I always liked cupramine, but never liked the test.
That's a shame, I'm not sure anyone really understood what his collection really meant to RC or to the hobby. So much rarity in one tank.
Thanks. Somehow I ended up with ich in the tank (I assume transferred from QT via a cup, feeding utensil, tubing, something like that). Cupramine was successful, though there were some losses.
Here's an updated list of the inhabitants.
Amphiprion occelaris “gladiator” x 2 – moved from the fuge to the main diusplay.
Apolemichthys trimaculatus
Apolemichthys xanthurus – currently in the fuge looking for a new home.
Chaetodon burgessi
Chaetodon ephippium
Chaetodon mertensii - died from ich.
Chaetodon lunula x 2
Chaetodon vagabundus x 1 - one died from ich.
Chaetodon kleini
Chaetodon ulietensis
Chrysiptera parasema x 2
Chrysiptera talboti
Ctenochaetus cyanocheilus
Ctenochaetus strigosus
Ctenochaetus tominiensis
Ecsenius midas - accidentally killed by me when I left him high and dry in his hole during a water change
Forcipiger flavissimus - disappeared one day. I *think* his remains eventually found their way to the Tunze.
Genicanthus lamarck – M/F pair
Halichoeres chrysus x 2
Halichoeres melanurus
Hemitaurichthys polylepis x 3
Hemitaurichthys zoster x 2
Holacanthus tricolor
Labroides dimidiatus
Microcanthus strigatus
Paracanthurus hepatus - I was getting too many comments about all the yellow in my tank.
Pomacanthus annularis - Tiny juvi. I would have rather gotten another blueline, but they are WAY too expensive right now.
Pomacanthus navarchus
Pomacentrus alleni
Pomacentrus coelestis
Salarias ramosus
Xanthichthys auromarginatus
Hey, hope all is well with you! Things are good here. I do not miss the reef! For every time an amazing looking coral pops up on my social media feeds, I only need one from a fellow hobbyist battling unknown coral deaths to remind me how much I don't miss my reef As for the 240g, here's the rundown since I last posted a list:Any updates, Peter? Do you ever miss the reef tank? I hope all is well!