My 300 gallon acrylic tank

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The sock cleaning depends on the system. Some go a week, some a day or two. As the system goes on in time, the more frequent the sock cleaning/changing.
I see this as being a pain in the butt.I would need a good dozen socks so I could rotate them.I only have 2.I have some floss that I can throw away.
And I always use socks doubled up, so at least one inside of the other. Mine need to be changed just about every day.
Not sure why you would need a ton of socks. I would clean them out and rinse them regularly, but as far as deep cleaning, maybe once a month... The system should be fine sockless during that time.

I guess my theory is to get the waste out and not process it, so anything I can get to the skimmer and out of the water column is a good thing:D
The socks are pretty thick they weren't cheap either.I want to buy more just so I can have them and not worry about washing them.I can wash them in the laundry alone.I thought if I buy 10 more I can wash them all at once every month or so.Less work on my part.If its easy to hand wash them then thats fine.I wanted to make things more simple.I think I will need to change them out once a week.I am getting a new drum form Ocean Motions.Something is wrong with the one I have.Paul sent it out today so I should have it by next week.I was going to hook up the controller but I think I will wait for my lights so I can do it one shot.
I installed my PH monitor.I calibrated the probe because I haven't used it in a year.My PH is 8.2 witch in my old tank PH was always low.I think the carib sea sand helps.Its supposed to keep your PH up.That or my probe is off.When I install my controller I will see what the PH probe for that reads.I added another 20 pounds of live rock.I ordered more socks plus 2 aqua silencers for my overflow.The dam water fall is annoying.I could have made one myself but I didn't want to bother.I also ordered a TDS meter(Hand held)I want to make sure my TDS meter is working fine.It doesn't hurt to double check.With all that I have invested in this setup I want to make sure everything is fine before livestock goes into the tank.My temp is holding steady at 77 degrees but the weather is getting cooler so I won't need a chiller for now.I think I may get the sea line chiller
Here is a pic of the OM fittings
I don't know if I will leave them on or not.I will be able to take the noise level once the Aqua Silencer's are on the overflow.It will be much quieter.No more loud splashing.Do you think I should leave them on.I figure less humidity in the room.I think I will get that chiller before summer hits.I don't think I will need it in the winter months but when it starts to get warm I will hook up my A/C unit in the basement but I will probably get a chiller as a safety net.I don't want to have to worry about heat issues.I have another portable A/C unit that I can hook up in my garage.I can run it as a de-humidifier.I have an exhaust hood in my garage door.I have sealed it with foam but I could always cut the foam out.This way my garage will be dry and it will keep the tank from warming up.Do I need to do this or is it better just to have a chiller.One unit less headache any one have an opinion. I would prefer not to use one but after seeing my temp at this time of the year with no lights and I will be running one more dart pump,I see it will be hard to maintain a decent tank temp without either an A/C unit or a chiller.I don't know if my A/C unit will be enough.I had a hard time with my 150 gal tank and I am going with more volume and more light wattage.The sump in the garage will help but how much is the question.I think with the tank covered the room will be less humid.I don't know how the water droplets on the top of my tank will affect my lights.Will I get less light penetration?Will this affect my corals or with that much light they should be fine.
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There's two distinct sides to this issue. Having them on will lower the evap rate and you will be able to keep "jumpers". But, the flip side is they will also hold heat in and based on what you are describing, make a chiller a neccessity. I cool my tank soley with evaporation using fans and cool incoming air. That allows my tank to have a larger than usual temp. swing which although is more like a wild reef, it can be nerve racking if I get a heat wave like this past Summer.

I personally prefer uncovered tanks because I don't want to block light and I want to allow maximum gas exchange. Tough decision though, as it is not in the cards for me to keep any kind of fish that jump.
This will stop any jumpers but you are correct in the fact that it will heat up the tank.I don't know if my sump having a fan over it will help in the overall temp control.The covers aren't thick.They are made of a very thin acrylic but just the fact of water bubbles on them allows less light in,plus with them off I will have less evaporation bubbles on the top part of the tank.I can take them off when my lights get in.I can also check the temp with them on and with them off.I don't see myself doing without an A/C unit the summer here is very humid and even with the A/C unit at times my tank temp was at 83 degrees.My unit is only 10 000 BTU and its portable witch I find are not as powerful as a window unit.It keeps the room cool but I could never get the room temp cooler than 76 degrees.I do think having a chiller will help for the summer months.
2x 48" fixtures each will have 2x 150 watt MH bulbs and 4x 54 watt T5 bulbs.The fixture will also have moon lights and have fans to keep it cool.It will be custom made.My skimmer guy recommended this guy to build my lights.The price is fair in comparison to what other companies offer.My skimmer guy assured me that this guy does good work and that I will be happy with the lights.The T5 will have individual reflectors but will not be overdriven.The guy says he prefers not to overdrive the T5 bulbs.The MH (HQI)will also have a good quality reflector and the ballast will be of good quality.I didn't specify witch brand I wanted I did mention I wanted good quality or else I wouldn't be very happy.So far my skimmer guy hasn't let me down.My skimmer is almost done.I should have everything soon
G'day Steve,

I've been following your thread for a while and your tank looks good so far. Great planning to, which I hope pays off for you.

I'm just wondering, are you planning on putting fish that are known to jump, or are the lids a precaution?. I saw in another thread, Weathersons 240, worth checking out if you haven't already seen it, to stop any fish jumping out, he has made up some frames that has a fine mesh cable tied to the frame, which then sits over the top of the tank where the fish could possibly jump out.

Looking forward to seeing the livestock in your tank :)


Thanks Chris.The lids came with the tank.Its very thin acrylic.I left them on so I don't have to hear the water fall but when I get those Aqua Silencer's I should be fine.I have 6" all around the top of the tank and since the lights will go on top I don't think I will have any jumpers.It is possible since there is room.The 2 big openings are 20"x20" and the smaller one is 18"x12".I may just keep them on so that I get less evaporation.I will have to see when my lights get here.I am not worried about jumpers .You do get a few fish that like to jump but I will see.I don't want to put anything other than lights or those acrylic pieces on top of the tank.That or the tank will remain open and I guess I will have to take a chance.I may get some type of wrasse and I know they like to jump.I have had an Pygmies angel jump out of my old tank.I am not worried about that like I said its more for evaporation.I want to keep the humidity as low as I can but once the lights go on there I don't know how hot that surface will get.If its to hot I will have no choice but to remove the covers.Its a wait and see type of thing.Thanks again for all the nice comments.
Yeah I suppose trial and error will be a deciding factor. I left the lids of my system, I got sick of cleaning them, but the evap I'm getting now as the weather warms up is going to be troublesome I'd imagine. Just have to keep a closer eye the salt concentrations ;)

Oh well.....


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