My 540G Inwall Display Build Thread

Thanks Scott, Ya MY shed is within code, his is not. But I'm trying to take the high road here but that road can be a short road with a detour to the low road if the guy keeps being a jerk.
Thanks Scott, Ya MY shed is within code, his is not. But I'm trying to take the high road here but that road can be a short road with a detour to the low road if the guy keeps being a jerk.

Ryan, if you have not done so already, I'd let him know that so maybe he will realize the fight is fruitless and he should back off, sorry to hear about your neighbor, what a PITA!

did you pull a permit, or is it even necessary?
The city's requirements are that it 2 feet off the wall, 10 feet away from the house, no taller than 10 feet, and as long as its under 200sf I dont need a permit. I will need a permit for the electrical side of it but I'm not at that part yet. His issue comes in with our HOA. It says that I can have a shed as long as it screened from view. I planned on planting trees and vines all around the shed once the framing is done. I also mentioned to him that I'm willing to plant a few trees on his side of the wall as well as raise up the block wall. I'm waiting to hear back from him......
It stinks you have had more trouble building a shed in YOUR yard than reflooring your house, knocking down a wall, and building the equivalent of a small elavated pool in your bedroom.

Also terrible tank. It is hideous...........

......sarcasm obviously. I love it!
You are a very considerate person :). Neighbors like you would be nice to have. I'm lucky being in the sticks, no one to complain. Kudos to you for taking the high road, can't wait to see you you finish this out. Also might be time to mention to him that hmmm, let's see is your shed in compliance? maybe it needs to be torn down. In a nice way :)
Dang Ryan, you've done quite a bit in the last week. You're going above and beyond for your neighbor. Truly shows your character my friend. Wish there were more people out there like you.
I'm by no means a saint, I'm just trying to be reasonable and asking for the same in return. I can understand he does not want to look at the back of it but I also have a right to do want I want in my own yard. Hopefully we can work something out.
Man that sucks. I have thought about doing the same thing but I just know the neighbors will be screaming about it. Sometimes I wish I lived in an area with a lot of land and no HOA.

What part of Phoenix are you in?
We are almost neighbors. Well hang in there. I am looking forward to seeing how it works out. Let me know if you ever need a hand.

Great progress Ryan a couple set backs but you are
moving forward. What a guy you are I would have
blown up and told the neighbor to f off.:dance:
having a HOA myseld to deal with, i have learned it is way easier to beg for forgiveness, than to ask for permission, and as far as that neighbor, i would politely remind him , of throwing stones while living in a glass house, when it comes to his shed as well. i am loving your setup and look forward to seeing more progress
I wish I had more progress to report but the truth is no more progress has been made. The shed is built but I'm waiting to see if my neighbor is going to move forward with the lawsuit before I start building out the inside and doing the electrical. I dont want to spend any more money on it if it does have to come down. I dont see any way possible that it will have to come down unless he is just willing to throw more money at the lawwsuit than I am. I assume the entire project will be on hold for the next few month as I see what plays out. So far I have not been served with the suit yet.... I may also just try to work on the tank inside the house while this blows over.