My Aussie SPS Reef #the Reef Box


New member
Hello everybody!
Well, new year, new aquarium. . i picked the new tank this week (01/20/2013), and we are in the process of tidying up the transfer tank, which will be on 26/01.

System Objectives: to create a well balanced open scaped tank with plenty of swimming room and lots of places for sps
System Type: Mixed Reef but mainly SPS


Strike up Date: 26/01/2013
Display Tank: 5ftx2ftx2ft eurobraced with external rear overflow in starphire
Display Lighting: ATI hybrid Powermodule 8x80w
Stand: solid wood cabinet stained dark
Hood: Hood-less
Sump: 3ftx 3 sections
Refugium: cryptic refuge
Refugium Lighting: cryptic fuge (no light).


Chiller: Hailea 300a
Dosing pumps : Bubble Magus BM- T01
Bio Pellets Reactor: JNS Alpha 2

System Water: redsea blue bucket
Display Water circulation: 3 MP40 WES
Return Pump: laguna 1400
Skimmer: JNS cone-S 3
Evaporation Top Up: Tunze ATU
Chemical Support: Randy's recipe - Calcium Addition: 100% reef safe
Alkalinity Addition: 100% reef safe
Other Chemical Maintenance: Magnesium
Sand: Caribsea Seaflor Special Grade Reef Sand 30 kg

2 percula clownfish
1 Kole Tang (Ctenochaetus strigosus)
1 Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens)
1 red spot blenny
1 Melanurus Wrasse (Halichoeres melanurus)

1 Royal Gramma (Gramma loreto)

that is a small bit of backgrownd info, as the tank journal is on another site i will not transfer all the info i have put on there as its a lot, i will start using this forum instead of the other as its a better community. I will now include some pictures from over the last few months .
thanks chris
Awesome mate that is a tank to be proud of, like over the ditch here, I'm guessing that's mostly wild stuff? Rock work is very pleasing too!
Awesome aquascaping chris.:)
When the corals grow,it will be even better as a general picture!

Corals look very healty and you have a very nice mixed collection.
Welldone and thanks for sharing;)
G'day Chris, awesome looking tank mate. Looking forward to the new build. How do you like the LED powermodule? I have two 4 foot non LED powermodules over my tank, great light but I've been thinking of making the plunge into LED's again, just got to save up the coin.
Wow Chris, beautiful tank mate. I bumped your thread for your old tank a week or so back.

This is a nice surprise mate. Tank looks superb. Got a load of questions for you:

1. Do you use GFO? What is your PO4 level if known?

2. How much Liverock do you roughly have in the whole system?

3. Do you have more Liverock in the cryptic refuge or are you using something like artificial filter media like Siporax?

4. What is the flow through the Cryptic refuges like, fast or slow?

5. I have the same light as you, the 24inch version, but 8 tube. Whats your T5 combo?

6. Can you post a photo of your cryptic fuge?

Well, thats all I got for now. Keep the thread updated, this is a beautiful mixed reef; would be nice to learn as much as possible about your tank and see it progress. :thumbsup:
Wow Chris, beautiful tank mate. I bumped your thread for your old tank a week or so back.

This is a nice surprise mate. Tank looks superb. Got a load of questions for you:

1. Do you use GFO? What is your PO4 level if known?

2. How much Liverock do you roughly have in the whole system?

3. Do you have more Liverock in the cryptic refuge or are you using something like artificial filter media like Siporax?

4. What is the flow through the Cryptic refuges like, fast or slow?

5. I have the same light as you, the 24inch version, but 8 tube. Whats your T5 combo?

6. Can you post a photo of your cryptic fuge?

Well, thats all I got for now. Keep the thread updated, this is a beautiful mixed reef; would be nice to learn as much as possible about your tank and see it progress. :thumbsup:

1)i do use po4 media as needed, but try to rely on carbon dosing. the last test of po4 was .o2 but its usually not even detectable

2) the live rock would be around40kg but cant be to sure as rock has been removed and added so many times

3) that was a typo i used to have one its not on this tank as i needed room for my skimmer

4) when it was up it was fairly fast it was just where i kept it dark and used sponge growth to help filter water
tubes are frount to back blue +, actinic,coral+,coral+,led,,coral+coral+ puruple +,blue+

thanks for reading guys