My Black Ocellaris pair are spawning!!!

The ammonia is pretty low, we have a badge in the tank and it's never moved beyond the good stage. I'll double check when I get home and report back, they are preparing a new nest site and I have Rots coming out my ears now. So I'll be able to try again soon, I'm going to get some Cyclopease for the main tank and add that to their diet, they eat better than I do at this point!!! :)

I like the Eggcrate idea, I'll set that up for the next batch.

Ammonia is low, so that's not it. They looked skinny from the start so that might have been the issue. Not one survived, but the parents laid another batch tonight. Of course they ignored my tile, and chose the most remote spot in the tank they could find!!!

Even checking for eyes will be a chore...

Also talked to a local breeder who is going to help me start some greenwater to feed my rots, I got another million and I'm working on getting them up and running. My laundry room is now the fish food room :)

So back to work, got to clean out the fry tank. Get everything going and ready for the next batch...

To rkelman & others

I had a problem just like rkelman had before - the water of Fry tank is CLOUDY (bacteria boom ???)- I had about 300+ GSM (about 45 days old) in a 10gal tank. They eat less & less and the tank is cloudy. Every day, I have to change about 80% w/new water & some from my DT for 5 days now. I don't know why. I read through this thread & I know rkelman had the same problem but can you tell me how to solve this problem?? Any medications.
I'd think a UV unit would help if its bacterial. Its time to move the 45 day olds to a larger tank for growout in my opinion. 300 little guys in a 10 gallon is a lot - what kind of filtration do you have on that?

Don't forget to clean the glass when you do a water change.
rkelman, here are two pictures of my snowflake babies that you asked for from my original orange occy female and her new snowflake male. After I switched out her orig. b/w male, it took about 3 months for her to teach this new one what to do (he was young!)

I currently have 4 batches - these photos are of the oldest two hatches - lost the entire hatch in between these two. Strange the way that goes...
Oops - the photos:


I'd think a UV unit would help if its bacterial. Its time to move the 45 day olds to a larger tank for growout in my opinion. 300 little guys in a 10 gallon is a lot - what kind of filtration do you have on that?

Don't forget to clean the glass when you do a water change.

The only filtration is a sponge filter.
I always clean the glass when I do a water change.
Can you tell me the safe way to move them to another bigger tank? with a net or a cup.
I read a lot of the thread... but skipped a few pages :( so I may have missed the answer to my question. But instead of chemically treating the tanks with die offs... have you tried a UV sterilizer? I won't run a tank without one any more.
He uses UV. Read the whole thread. The only boring parts are where he answers the same questions again and again. ;D

rkelman, you said you would have made more money working part time at McDonalds. Is that because canadian McDs pay better than the american ones? I just took a second job at my LFS to get a better discount (CHEERS!!) and to get more cash for my fish/coral/tank funds but if canadian McDs pay that well I might become an expatriate.

Thanks for your hard work. I sincerely respect your commitment and greatly appreciate the information you have provided.
Hey sorry for not getting back to you. I didn't realize there were more posts here. I'm not sure of the pay level between Can / US MCD's I'm sure its pretty close. :) I'm going to have to do some pics. I took down the big tank and have the black guys in my new 30g starfire. Its not totally setup yet as I want to build a new stand before I load the coral back in. I have a 75g sump to install as well. I don't miss the maintenance on the big tank one bit.


How many rotifers do you feed for a ten gallon tank and how often do you feed.
Hey Rob,
Check this out... A heater failed in one of our fry tanks and the eggs unknowingly sat in 63’F water for 2 days. We thought all was lost, but left them there just in case. Surprisingly the next morning, (1 day late) I turned on the light and they hatched immediately! I mean an entire clutch within 5 minutes of lights on (real fast!).

Have you ever heard of Darwin Clowns hatching when the lights are turned “on”?

Temperature seems to have a lot more relevance than I thought. Also, I wouldn’t have ever guessed eggs could survive 63’F.
Very cool. Its pretty interesting they waited until the light was on. I've never had a hatch with the lights on or heard of it actually.

The temp makes a huge difference for sure. Goes to show you that clowns are survivors.
First of all, I just wanted to say, awesome thread. I just spent two days reading it nonstop.:spin3: But I was wondering, could you substitute crushed up New Life Spectrum for Otohime? Because I've never seen Otohime before, your thread was the first time I'd ever heard of it.
Thanks for the thread and great job!!!