my house reef (211 g.)

Simon, each photographer takes pictures differently. I know several people with the same camera I have, and yet their images differ from mine.

And what on earth would I do without my camera even for a week or two?! :D Sorry, I really have to go with it. And I'd like to see this reef in person, and check out the equipment that makes it tick. Heck, I'd like to see a Swiss LFS.
Iwan, I can't remember if you said you had a remote dsb or a dsb in the main tank or sump?

I'm going to try and point out the things that have this system a success (in no particular order):

1) Good Corals specimens.
2) Prodibio products.
3) Zeo products.
4) T5 Lighting.
5) DSB.

Let me know of any other things that you think have contributed.

I remember you said that your corals grow 3cm in a month - that is amazing! You get growth and colour when many struggle for one or the other or both. In my case I think I can replicate all apart from the T5 lighting so I'd be also interested to hear exactly how much you think T5 has contributed.

You should write a book on this because we all know this is one of the most amazing reef tanks in existence.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7270914#post7270914 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NexDog

I remember you said that your corals grow 3cm in a month - that is amazing! You get growth and colour when many struggle for one or the other or both. In my case I think I can replicate all apart from the T5 lighting so I'd be also interested to hear exactly how much you think T5 has contributed.

I regard optimal light as one of the decisive factors. I go the T5-way and am enthusiastic. Good colors can for certain also be obtained with MH's. It is important that the light quality and quantity are sufficiently high.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7270914#post7270914 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NexDog
Iwan, I can't remember if you said you had a remote dsb or a dsb in the main tank or sump?

I have the DSB in the main tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7270914#post7270914 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NexDog
I'm going to try and point out the things that have this system a success (in no particular order):

1) Good Corals specimens.
2) Prodibio products.
3) Zeo products.
4) T5 Lighting.
5) DSB.

Let me know of any other things that you think have contributed.

The coral specimen are not so important. I received many brown corals and after awhile they became more and more colored.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7270914#post7270914 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NexDog

You should write a book on this because we all know this is one of the most amazing reef tanks in existence.

Unfortunately, the time to it is missing for this :( ... and of course I also miss a sponsor. :D
So any other special things in your husbandary mix? How often do you do water changes?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7279872#post7279872 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NexDog
So any other special things in your husbandary mix? How often do you do water changes?

I change every week 10% of the water in the tank. I use reverse osmosis water for that. I use since some weeks the new reefer's salt from Korallenzucht.
Live rock
DSB (100% Livesand)
DSB should have a height of least 10 cm and consist of living sand this. However, the most important factor is the particles size.
The ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œnormalââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ coral break is unsuitable for a DSB. We need the finest sand.
We distinguish the water in the water layer above the sand and water layers in the sand.
By the occurrence of bacteria and by gas diffusion the water is subdivided into visible layers within the DSB. These layers are different from each other by the predominant oxygen concentration. We distinguish aerobic, anaerobic and anoxycal segments. The aerobic layer has the same oxygen concentration as the water above the sand roughly.
In the anaerobic layer, oxygen is availably but already still considerably fewer than in the layer being over it.
The anoxic layer doesn't contain relaxed oxygen.
If there wasn't a life in the sand, there would be no layer formation either.
This is caused by bacteria, micro organisms and animals which live on the surface of sediment particles.
In the different layers it comes to a breakdown of nutrients.

Hi Iwan

First I must say you have a beautifull tank and to be congratulated on your accomplishment.

I have a few questions ...

firstly your reference to the finest sand ... are you referring to particle size as in what is commonly referred to as " sugar sand " ? ... a friend had fine sand but he said the pumps blew it all over the tank.

Is this sand you are using aragonite sand ? ... silica sand ? ... can either be used ?

When feeding the tank do you shut off the skimmers ? ... if so for how long ?

Makes me believe this method maybe another snake oil salesman opportunity. Where is the proof everyone who says this method works.

Prodibio does work however it is not a overnight success as it takes time for bacteria to work,
You will see major changes after 1 month,
I recommend people dose weekly for the first month then fortnightly.
tangblack, I have yet to SEE any proof that would convince me....

here are two pics from my own system in which the coral lightened up. I do not use any additive system other than kalk, Mg, Ca+, Sr. The pics do not show the true blue of the coral, but seems to be the same effect of products endorsed on this thread...



To each his own. I just say if you think it works, let's see some pics!
never noticed before but this is the first decent macro shot I have taken in a long long time. can anyone say red bugs? guess I will be treating soon.
I love nikon I just don't know how to use it.
anyway the above photo is prodibio since march 6 and polyplab reefresh without the genesis or reef roids since april 14th.
if anyone knows how to post the pic to pop right up feel free.
nice corals :)

arrggh, ok, I see what you mean about the picture posting. Must be because the link is for a server side scripted action to present the picture versus a direct link to the picture file. bummer
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7291200#post7291200 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jsweir
tangblack, I have yet to SEE any proof that would convince me....

here are two pics from my own system in which the coral lightened up. I do not use any additive system other than kalk, Mg, Ca+, Sr. The pics do not show the true blue of the coral, but seems to be the same effect of products endorsed on this thread...



To each his own. I just say if you think it works, let's see some pics!
Is it me or does anyone think that coral's going backwards? :p

I know corals change colour but the pink looked much nicer.
I have that same coral jsw. at least close bought it as a brown out a few weeks ago it is slowly coming around


hope those help the sceptics a bit either for or against. this tank has been running for just over a month and everything was moved from my other tank april 21st. I was adding prodibio since day one of starting it. and polyplab fuel everyday since april 14th. I started before this on my 125 as stated above. I have also been running t5's the whole time. the above photos are a total of 432 watts of t5 only on my 7 ft long 31 inch deep 265 gallon perfecto aquarium. I am getting a telephoto and wide angle lens this week so i can get whole tank shots and try some other stuff.
js seeing your tank if I was you I might not worry about acquiring low nutrient it seems you are close if not there I would think about feeding your corals. the polyp lab plus and acid seem to be doing very well for me so far.
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Finally, a before and after shot. Well done robthorn - and nice shots at that! Looking forward to your full tank shot.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7291200#post7291200 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jsweir



I love this coral. If I got it that color, I'd do all I could to keep it that color. Dip it in melted acrylic or something. :D
js seeing your tank if I was you I might not worry about acquiring low nutrient it seems you are close if not there

Looking at his rocks i would think he still has high nutrients. Normally a tank with low nutrients does not have brown rocks.
I noticed when dosing prodibio after one month my rocks looked very clean

Here is a pic of acros , this is after photo, have to find the before.
