Live rock
DSB (100% Livesand)
DSB should have a height of least 10 cm and consist of living sand this. However, the most important factor is the particles size.
The ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œnormalââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ coral break is unsuitable for a DSB. We need the finest sand.
We distinguish the water in the water layer above the sand and water layers in the sand.
By the occurrence of bacteria and by gas diffusion the water is subdivided into visible layers within the DSB. These layers are different from each other by the predominant oxygen concentration. We distinguish aerobic, anaerobic and anoxycal segments. The aerobic layer has the same oxygen concentration as the water above the sand roughly.
In the anaerobic layer, oxygen is availably but already still considerably fewer than in the layer being over it.
The anoxic layer doesn't contain relaxed oxygen.
If there wasn't a life in the sand, there would be no layer formation either.
This is caused by bacteria, micro organisms and animals which live on the surface of sediment particles.
In the different layers it comes to a breakdown of nutrients.