my house reef (211 g.)

More of what Iwan Method has done for me

More of what Iwan Method has done for me

Some more photos of what the Iwan method has done for my reef....

Front left view: If only they were as nice as


Side view - the purple acro to the left of the sea apple upper middle back is getting lighter and lighter - I'm not sure if its too much light or something else......?


Any suggestions welcomed please


Couple more - looking from left and right.



Iwan you'll be drinking fine wine and eating fine food as this is posted, going through the dive plan for tommorrow:), but when you get back - I'd really appreciate some advice with the coloration. I know you have no advice on dosages - rather you observe coloration and dose accordingly, but is there anything below that looks not so good?

Params are: SG 1022, DKH 7.7, CA 410, Mg 1275, PO4 0(meric) NO3 0. Net content 500l.

Additions: Prodi Digest and Trace every 2 weeks, booster weekly.

Nightsun 4 - 0 still. Zeo cv and AAHc 3 drops per 100l per day, K Ballance 1 ml per day . PIF 5 drops per day. PSG 5 perday. Iron 5 per week. Start2 1 ml per day.

I'v just dosed my second go of Spur 2 @ 2.5ml and there has been a positive reation in a couple of sps from brown to light green, pink, blue - so I'm pleased with that:)

Anyway - thanks in advance for any advice you may have.



You have a lot of fish and 0 nutrients..... what do you feed your tank ? how often you do it ? how much do you feed ?

I don't have a doubt that all the products you are ading to your tank are helping to keep your nutrients very low, but in no part of this thread I have seen a reference to feeding.

Thanks for your answer.
SIMON- The total vol. of 150gal+40gal sump.5-10% waterchange every weak(TM).Prodibio START,PTIM &REEF BOOSER every other weak.I cut the booster to every2nd weak after seeing some hair algea in the back.PCV-4 drops,pif-2 drops,K-balance-0.1ml,SPG-2drops every day.START2-0.3ml,AAHC-2drops 2,3 times a weak.Lighting 2-250w 14k acuaconnect-9hours,2VHO-96W s.actinics,1-VHO 96W 10K-11hours.Some of my acro's are doing great right under VHO's.I do run PO-4 AND nitrate(zeolite)removers on&off.CA-420 KH-11 MG-1300 (cr)
I'v just dosed my second go of Spur 2 @ 2.5ml and there has been a positive reation in a couple of sps from brown to light green, pink, blue - so I'm pleased with that

What is spur 2? Is that from polylabs?
ZEOspur 2 is a product made by the people of Zeovit. It is supposed to be used in low nutrient systems to lower the amount of zooxanthellae in corals and bring out the corals.

I did use it once and didn't like it. A lot of my corals lost their nice colors and never came back again. It is considered dangerous and ther have been some problems with over dosing. When you start with it, you are supposed to start with less tha half of the recommended dose.
SIMON I realy like the way you glue your frags.Please tip me with that mixture.I've been strugling with super glue and epoxy-period.And want to correct previous post its DIGIEST not start.
There is now a safer option to Spur2. It is called B-Balance. You still dose Spur2 at the same timeframes but you only dose it at 50% what you would normally dose. You then dose B-Balance to keep the Spur2 effect. Otherwise, the Spur2 effect wears off after a few days. This is not coming from personal experience, just regurgitating what I've read from the "other" site.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7330106#post7330106 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by carib
SIMON I realy like the way you glue your frags.Please tip me with that mixture.I've been strugling with super glue and epoxy-period.And want to correct previous post its DIGIEST not start.

Carib - I use the deltec 2 part epoxy that mixes up pink/purple - within a few months its covered over with coraline or sps base growth- its super tuff stuff to remove if used in any quanity - so make sure the coral placed where u want it!

I didnt see your before pic - could you repost please? Are you happy with the changes? Whats your approach to dosing the zeo elements? Do you keep to that schedule or vary it according to observations?


I use rubber toughened cyanoacrylate found at some hobby shops. there is a place in texas called lonestar that will ship it to you. $3 for a 1/2 ounce bottle but shipping is like $8 so get some friends to share. the reason I use it is because it is black and seems to blend in with the rock better than bright white or even green. and of course rubber bands for soft corals and leathers.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7330371#post7330371 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Travis
There is now a safer option to Spur2. It is called B-Balance. You still dose Spur2 at the same timeframes but you only dose it at 50% what you would normally dose. You then dose B-Balance to keep the Spur2 effect. Otherwise, the Spur2 effect wears off after a few days. This is not coming from personal experience, just regurgitating what I've read from the "other" site.

Computer say: :
'Pohl's B-balance contains important minerals and additives.
On the search for the cause why blue after Cespitularien few
Weeks or months no longer grow and then diminish, have we gentleman out found which these delicate Korallen benötgen in the long term.
In our B-balance you find now a co-ordinated concentrated solution around these beautiful Korallen to maintain.
In addition we have determined also the Steinkorallen, particularly SPS strongly on the dosage to respond, the red colouring become clearly stronger, the fabric of brown Acroporen lighten, similarly as with ZEOspur 2.
The Korallen look altogether stronger and healthier, them form fast foot disks and grow also downward within the shaded range.':lol:

Apparently it also effects sps originating from different regions compared with Spur 2 according to the one Beta tester who has actually used it.

Spur 2 has heavy health warnings ie dont use it unless all the params are lined up perfectly and there is no evidence of S/RTN. Also its suggested to titrate the dose upwards from 50% of recommended maximun by 10% every time and guage the dose by the coral that is most effected. I felt pritty nervous dosing given all the warnings - but in my limited experience of 2 doses, 10 days apart, its been fine with my reef.

Sorry for the poor pic - but here is one that has responded particularly well. I'v had it for 4 weeks and its at the bottom front as part of it light aclimatisation. It was mud brown when I got it - slightly darker than the lower front branches. Now there are distinct pink/blue / purple shades in the lighter areas. This doesnt show so well - sorry.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7095475#post7095475 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by h20cooled

Brown slime algae is a sign of overdosing on AA; I don't have any slime so I'm not overdosing which is good

For a newbie..what is AA?
Many thanks Iwan.

Well, it's taken me three days, but I've read this entire thread from start to finish. I skimmed over the heavy tech stuff, it was beyond my understanding. I am going to try this on my 24g aquapod. It has one 75w 14k HQI. This product has an outstanding opportunity to show what it can do as most all of my SPS are brown (tank is 2 months old), and I've been doing everything I could find to lower nutrients. (the fish DO have to eat...don't they?) I have a remora skimmer and a HOB refugium. My zoos are not colored up either. I have no idea if this system will have any affect on zoos.


Many thanks. :thumbsup: This thread would have been far, far less without your help and explanation. At many times I felt you have been an interpreter for me.

Simon..(or anyone) did I miss how the Iwan method could might be introduced in a startup tank.....We're setting up a 180g system (120g +20g +20g +sump) at the end of May.

Being fairly new I would really appreciate your thoughts on where you might introduce this method on our new startup. I will have about 200lbs LR and a 5" fine aragonite bed.