my house reef (211 g.)

can't find any before/after pics,this is 1 months growth.Also a litle update-FIGHTING some hair algea.
Great pics iwan. You certainly got your money's worth on those dives. I've only been in this hobby for a few months, but now when I look at these under water scenes, they mean much more than they used to. I enjoyed the link as well.
great pics! Where did you stay? Did you go to the tip? How is the health of the reefs?

Wow...what a find! Do you have an ID on this?
it would be really hard to not start fragging those acros. what model camera are you using by the way? those are some great photo's.
Re: Back fro the Red Sea

Re: Back fro the Red Sea

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7358893#post7358893 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by iwan
I am back from my dive trip in the Sinai (Egypt)

Here are some impressions:

Stunning Pics Iwan - impressive composition - what equipment do you use?

The Red Sea still has away to go to be as colorful as your reef:lol: :rollface: :cool:
Well, where did it go? Great information was being presented here, and there was hope for a an additional way to get beautiful reefs. I'm wondering if Iwan's success is becoming difficult to duplicate.
Difficult - but possible. Took Iwan 2 years so you can't expect people to read this thread, get some Prodibio and be posting Iwan type pics in a few months. :p

Like Iwan said, Prodibio is just one factor in his success.


I had to do gardening after the vacation.
Some corals had to be replaced, some corals had to be trimmed.

Here the result:



