My humble SPS journey - Shallow 80g

Josh, don't do it! The rebellion don't need another member in their ranks! :strooper:


Just keep hanging in there josh, and always try to have the upper hand, I'm cutting back my lights to 3 hours a day, and cleaning the tank .

Does your Dino grow on the glass?

Thanks, it did grow on the glass. I don't have a lot of dinos at the moment, I don't know if it's just a phase from the move or what but I barely have any dinos left and it's mostly cyano now.

You ever do an algae turf scrubber or consider one? The results with algae control are undeniable.

I've never ran one, but thanks for bringing this up, I had considered purchasing an ATS from Turbo's Aquatics at one point and I think I'm going to revisit that idea, granted I could DIY one much cheaper but I've always loved this design so I think it'll be a good fit for my system. I went ahead and put my name in for the L2 model, actually quite excited about this.
To get my tank back on track I've decided on a two-step process..... I'm essentially throwing money at my problem by doing this, however, I'm excited about the future for once and think that this plan of attack is going to be fun and rewarding in the end so to me it's worth every penny.

1) I plan on getting TBS 2.1 Walt Smith Live Rock. Those of us on the NA side of the pond are very lucky to have this available to us and I'm going to take advantage of it. I believe my marco rock is leaching nutrients in the water column, some of it is old and established but I did change a few pieces out for dry stuff that was sitting outside in a clean spot and I suspect this is the problem.

2) I am going to get a ATS, most likely the Rev 4 L2 from Turbo's Aquatics. Turbo's Aquatics has been making extremely nice ATS's for a while and his newest model coming out this month is perfect to add for further stability to my system. Because there's a queue, and I got my name in pretty late, I don't expect to have this until late March or maybe even April, but that's just a guess on my part. Hopefully early March is possible though. :)

Once things stabilize again and some of my acros start to show improvement (which some already are), I'll be back to buying sticks. I plan on getting my TBS shipment next week so a picture update will be coming as it's long overdue. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more updates!
To get my tank back on track I've decided on a two-step process..... I'm essentially throwing money at my problem by doing this, however, I'm excited about the future for once and think that this plan of attack is going to be fun and rewarding in the end so to me it's worth every penny.

1) I plan on getting TBS 2.1 Walt Smith Live Rock. Those of us on the NA side of the pond are very lucky to have this available to us and I'm going to take advantage of it. I believe my marco rock is leaching nutrients in the water column, some of it is old and established but I did change a few pieces out for dry stuff that was sitting outside in a clean spot and I suspect this is the problem.

2) I am going to get a ATS, most likely the Rev 4 L2 from Turbo's Aquatics. Turbo's Aquatics has been making extremely nice ATS's for a while and his newest model coming out this month is perfect to add for further stability to my system. Because there's a queue, and I got my name in pretty late, I don't expect to have this until late March or maybe even April, but that's just a guess on my part. Hopefully early March is possible though. :)

Once things stabilize again and some of my acros start to show improvement (which some already are), I'll be back to buying sticks. I plan on getting my TBS shipment next week so a picture update will be coming as it's long overdue. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more updates!

Sounds like a good plan Josh! I can say that you will love that rock. Also, Richard is great to work with. Looking forward to pics!
Sounds good Josh :) can't wait to see the results mate! I'm definitely jealous of the Walt Smith rock too, that stuff looks amazing!
Sounds like a good plan, Josh.
Total reboot. Good luck.
Looking forward to seeing that rock. I hear it's really nice stuff.
Thanks everyone.

I got my TBS Package in Thursday, this is his 30g Package that comes with 60lb live rock, 30lb sand, plus a bunch of inverts and freebie throw-ins such as the large gorgonian and sponges you see littered around my tank currently. Unfortunately with me working weekends it didn't give me much time to do much with it. However, I've been working on it as much as possible in my spare time and I was able to take a few photos for you guys of where the tank is at currently.

Sorry the FTS makes it seem like it's super cramped, I'll probably need to get a better angle of it again later. I took two photos from the sides to show that it is indeed quite spacious. :)


Left Side

Right Side

It's not quite a "minimalist" aquascape, as before, but I really like the direction so I'll probably just do some minor tweaks from here. I hope you guys enjoy and forgive me for the brown acros with STN. :lol:
If that's cramped.. Then I don't know what spacious is..
Looks good Josh :)

Thanks, I really appreciate it.

Looks good to me Josh!

Thanks Mark, this tank was determined to make me falter but it underestimated my determination. I'll get there, slowly..

Josh, I like it!
Nice rock and scape!
That tbs rock always looks so good.
I hope this reboot works out well!

I love the rock, really, it's so nice. It had red mithrax and (mostly) porcelain crabs falling off of it on nearly every piece I picked up, so much life in general. I regret not choosing this rock from the beginning, but I guess I'm still trying to find what works best for me.
Definitely looking good Josh :) It's great to see some pics again and it looks like you'll have the tank pumping again in no time!
Your tank looks like its recovering nicely, I really love how your background is blue Does it get dirty and noticeable often?, if you had a black BG before which one would you prefer?
Definitely looking good Josh :) It's great to see some pics again and it looks like you'll have the tank pumping again in no time!

Yeah it'd been a while, thanks Dom.

Your tank looks like its recovering nicely, I really love how your background is blue Does it get dirty and noticeable often?, if you had a black BG before which one would you prefer?

I clean the back panel when I do the rest of the glass panels. If I just have coralline growing on the glass I can let it go longer, but it is somewhat noticeable so I try to keep it clean as much as possible.
Small picture update for you guys! Sorry it's mostly flubber, I promise to take more SPS pictures as things mend a bit more. I'm seeing great progress with a few other pieces so I'm really encouraged that things are on the right track!

Wild SSC

Pink Lemonade

Neon Green Trumpets


Blue Squamosa

Cirrhilabrus lyukyuensis
Your new rock work looks great! Certainly doesn't look too crowded to me. That wrasse is a beauty! I had one in my last tank but it didn't have as nice of colors.
Your new rock work looks great! Certainly doesn't look too crowded to me. That wrasse is a beauty! I had one in my last tank but it didn't have as nice of colors.

Thanks Conor, I got that guy from DD I believe late December? That or early January, can't recall exactly when I picked him up. :p
Colours are starting to come through really nicely again Josh :) Love the blue tip elegance too!
As Conor said the wrasse is a definite stunner!!