My Neptune Apex web interface compatible DIY reef controller

After all your experiences, if you wanted to point a novice arduino user to the easiest way to get readout data on the internet, what would it be?
what are you looking to read for info? you dont have to build the whole thing you can start with just temp and maybe PH then slowly add other items.

Amazing thread - I'm coming to the party late.

Hopefully someone can help me get over the first hurdle - the sketch won't compile for me. There are no errors, it just hangs forever. Read the docs on github over and over, so I'm sure my edits are correct as per the readme. I don't get any errors so hopefully that is a correct assumption.

I even moved all the libraries into the arduino software tree (I know not good practice but trying to eliminate possible causes) - no difference.

I've run this on both Windows 8.1 and Linux - same symptoms on both.

I must be doing something really dumb. Using arduino 1.6.4 and a mega2560.

Here is where it hangs :-

Using library OneWire in folder: /home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/OneWire (legacy)
Using library Wire in folder: /home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/hardware/arduino/avr/libraries/Wire
Using library LiquidCrystal in folder: /home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/LiquidCrystal (legacy)
Using library Time in folder: /home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/Time (legacy)
Using library DS1307RTC in folder: /home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/DS1307RTC (legacy)
Using library SdFat in folder: /home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/SdFat (legacy)
Using library SPI in folder: /home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/hardware/arduino/avr/libraries/SPI
Using library Ethernet in folder: /home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/Ethernet
Using library Flash-5 in folder: /home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/Flash-5 (legacy)

/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avr-g++ -c -g -Os -Wall -Wextra -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -MMD -mmcu=atmega2560 -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10604 -DARDUINO_AVR_MEGA2560 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/hardware/arduino/avr/cores/arduino -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/hardware/arduino/avr/variants/mega -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/OneWire -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/hardware/arduino/avr/libraries/Wire -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/LiquidCrystal -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/Time -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/DS1307RTC -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/SdFat -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/hardware/arduino/avr/libraries/SPI -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/Ethernet/src -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/Flash-5 /tmp/build1275228387107395116.tmp/Chauvet16.cpp -o /tmp/build1275228387107395116.tmp/Chauvet16.cpp.o
some of the others might be able to help better but where it sayes (legacy) after some of the file names doesn't look right to me, also i use arduino 1.0.5 r2 not sure if that is you issue but maybe try downloading an older IDE and giving it a try

Amazing thread - I'm coming to the party late.

Hopefully someone can help me get over the first hurdle - the sketch won't compile for me. There are no errors, it just hangs forever. Read the docs on github over and over, so I'm sure my edits are correct as per the readme. I don't get any errors so hopefully that is a correct assumption.

I even moved all the libraries into the arduino software tree (I know not good practice but trying to eliminate possible causes) - no difference.

I've run this on both Windows 8.1 and Linux - same symptoms on both.

I must be doing something really dumb. Using arduino 1.6.4 and a mega2560.

Here is where it hangs :-

Using library OneWire in folder: /home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/OneWire (legacy)
Using library Wire in folder: /home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/hardware/arduino/avr/libraries/Wire
Using library LiquidCrystal in folder: /home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/LiquidCrystal (legacy)
Using library Time in folder: /home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/Time (legacy)
Using library DS1307RTC in folder: /home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/DS1307RTC (legacy)
Using library SdFat in folder: /home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/SdFat (legacy)
Using library SPI in folder: /home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/hardware/arduino/avr/libraries/SPI
Using library Ethernet in folder: /home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/Ethernet
Using library Flash-5 in folder: /home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/Flash-5 (legacy)

/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avr-g++ -c -g -Os -Wall -Wextra -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -MMD -mmcu=atmega2560 -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10604 -DARDUINO_AVR_MEGA2560 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/hardware/arduino/avr/cores/arduino -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/hardware/arduino/avr/variants/mega -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/OneWire -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/hardware/arduino/avr/libraries/Wire -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/LiquidCrystal -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/Time -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/DS1307RTC -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/SdFat -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/hardware/arduino/avr/libraries/SPI -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/Ethernet/src -I/home/adam/arduino-1.6.4/libraries/Flash-5 /tmp/build1275228387107395116.tmp/Chauvet16.cpp -o /tmp/build1275228387107395116.tmp/Chauvet16.cpp.o

Usinig IDE 1.0.6 or earlier works fine, 1.5.x 1.6.x doesn't.

Probably different versions of libraries in use between the versions
been busy lately. still working on the pcb for led controller.
I made a few design changes.
I managed to get 2 more pwm channels, so the new setup will have 6 pwm channels for Meanwell LDD, and 2 channels that are just PWM outputs. These 2 outputs can be adjusted between 3.3v to 10v PWM (I'm just using a trimmer resistor on the op-amp circuit).
The 2 Fans will have a single power ON control (I originally had separate controls). So both fans will be on/off at the same time, but you can still control the speed of each fan separately using their own pwm line.
The board has pin headers for I2C signal, I'm still debating if I should also include SPI pins, but there is no more pin for CS (unless I use the connection on the bottom of teensy). The I2C pins are just there in case I need to add something in the future, maybe a display.

I see that. It's amazing. I'm a novice though so I need something basic to build on.
you can start with arduino ethernet webserver example, and just add your data to the web page returned. I think the example returns values read from analog pins.

foggman, I got your email, but have not looked at the file yet.

Go Warriors!
been busy lately. still working on the pcb for led controller.
I made a few design changes.
I managed to get 2 more pwm channels, so the new setup will have 6 pwm channels for Meanwell LDD, and 2 channels that are just PWM outputs. These 2 outputs can be adjusted between 3.3v to 10v PWM (I'm just using a trimmer resistor on the op-amp circuit).
The 2 Fans will have a single power ON control (I originally had separate controls). So both fans will be on/off at the same time, but you can still control the speed of each fan separately using their own pwm line.
The board has pin headers for I2C signal, I'm still debating if I should also include SPI pins, but there is no more pin for CS (unless I use the connection on the bottom of teensy). The I2C pins are just there in case I need to add something in the future, maybe a display.

you can start with arduino ethernet webserver example, and just add your data to the web page returned. I think the example returns values read from analog pins.

foggman, I got your email, but have not looked at the file yet.

Go Warriors!

ok thank you, when ever you have time. also my controller is randomly changing the time all by its self. maybe there is something there you can see. or maybe it is something in my hardware.
This is the shortest time for me to receive a package from China. 3 days (actually 4 days of elapsed time since China is 1 day ahead of US). I remember a few years ago when it can take over a month for items to arrive and can test anyone's patience to the limit.


This is for 10 songle relays relays for $4.25 from ebay. I'm planning on building the chauvet controller board using custom pcb. Just planning for now, nothing definite yet.

I have to say, if it is not for sellers in China selling parts at reasonable prices, I probably would not get into building electronics circuit.

I still buy from digikey if I need something fast, 2-3 days to receive.
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Having a problem with the db9 to chauvet. My arduino is in its own project box and I have two ULN chips on my board to control 2 remote chauvets. When looking at schematic I see pin number 4 of db9 is 12v. So do I need to get another 12v adapter for each and wire that in to provide power? As I only see a 5v and 9v output on the arduino header.

**sorry for mistyped. Trying to type this on mobile with Tapatalk. Fingers feeling fat today
Couple of questions on your layout. What are the dimensions of the board? Why do you have the Mega offset so that it hangs passed the edge of the board? Why do you have the BNC connectors set so far out on the board? Don't you want it so that the threaded portion is even with the board edge so that if you put it into the housing there is just enough room for a threaded nut and the BNC connector area? I may have others after I look a little closer. :)