My new pair, very rare import to the US

He is currently in a 10ft insulated tub with a liner ~ 1100 gal when full. I had him in my 3000 gal but I needed to move stuff around because my short tail nurses developed a taste for epaulettes. So his setup is basic - reeflo hammerhead, ultima II bead filter with monthly 100 gal water changes. Ill post another tread of the eppie / colcloughs shark's tank.
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Taking a nice size croaker.
Any recent updates? I'm looking to acquire a pair myself and saw a few available recently. I have a pair of Ward's Wobbegongs now.
Any recent updates? I'm looking to acquire a pair myself and saw a few available recently. I have a pair of Ward's Wobbegongs now.

Happy to help. I lost my female around 25 inches. She took an 8 inch white perch and in doing so, the dorsal fin pierced the hard palate and killed her within hours. The male reached 47 inches. Crazy aggressive. I worried about my kids and their friends. It would attack anything near it. Predictably unpredictable. It snapped maybe 5 aquatongs during feedings. As a trick I would put a 2 inch PVC pipe near it and it would bite and I could pull it almost out of the pool.
It could only be housed by itself and I couldn't obtain a similar sized female to pair it. Anything under 30 inches probably would have been killed. In the end, somehow my heater cage broke loose and it laid on the heater and suffered a mortal wound. I can not recommend this species. The wards on the other hand are probably the best of the genus. Not the most attractive, but size and temperament make them the best for the home aquarium.
My pair of Ward's are of two different color forms. I had been looking for them for 20 years and finally found them. The rarely move other than in pitch black, but they seem to know me and perk up when I walk by the tank as they think I'm going to feed them. I was in the process of acquiring 2 pairs, but unfortunately one male and one female were lost before i received them. Thank you for all of the details you have provided. I'm sorry about your losses. The information you have provided will ensure future success.



Happy to help. I lost my female around 25 inches. She took an 8 inch white perch and in doing so, the dorsal fin pierced the hard palate and killed her within hours. The male reached 47 inches. Crazy aggressive. I worried about my kids and their friends. It would attack anything near it. Predictably unpredictable. It snapped maybe 5 aquatongs during feedings. As a trick I would put a 2 inch PVC pipe near it and it would bite and I could pull it almost out of the pool.
It could only be housed by itself and I couldn't obtain a similar sized female to pair it. Anything under 30 inches probably would have been killed. In the end, somehow my heater cage broke loose and it laid on the heater and suffered a mortal wound. I can not recommend this species. The wards on the other hand are probably the best of the genus. Not the most attractive, but size and temperament make them the best for the home aquarium.