My new tank


In Memoriam
Merry early Christmas to me!

My new 29g oceanic bio-tank is now loaded! Got it Sunday afternoon, as an early Christmas present.
Marco and Lindsey went to tampa and picked LR for me.
I have about 45 lbs of LR right now, 30-35 lbs of sand.
Thanks to marco, i got it all set up that night, up and running!
I'll post some pics once i find a camera.
Might get my clean up crew Friday, and hopefully will get some fish in around the beginning of next week. :fish2:
How is it your brother has a several thousand dollar digital camera, and you don't have one at all? Make him take pictures so we can see your progress!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8741483#post8741483 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfarmer84
nice upgrade, now you can fit more than one damsel in there lol

yes, finally ...







good night.
Update =]
Today i got:

1 Highfin Shrimp Goby
1 Pistol shrimp
1 Green Emerald crab
10 snails
1 Sand Sifting Starfish
1 Cleaner shrimp
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8748237#post8748237 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfarmer84
dude i need to borrow your camera lol, my 3.1 megapixel piece of poop just isn't cutting it, I want some pics of my tank!

you should be able to take pictures just about as 'good' as the ones i posted with your camera ... not that those were really good ....

get a tripod, turn the lights off in the room, set it for AP (Aperature Priority) .. or full manual, and give it a 40, or 60 shutter speed ... that should give you a decent picture ... and if you can, put your camera right on the glass of your tank ... less light to hit the glass & glare off.

You don't need a $1,000 + camera to take great pictures, not unless you plan on blowing them up & ou need the higher MP range, and now unless you need the versatility of a SLR... for the lense inter-changeability.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8756745#post8756745 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wiszmaster
you should be able to take pictures just about as 'good' as the ones i posted with your camera ... not that those were really good ....

get a tripod, turn the lights off in the room, set it for AP (Aperature Priority) .. or full manual, and give it a 40, or 60 shutter speed ... that should give you a decent picture ... and if you can, put your camera right on the glass of your tank ... less light to hit the glass & glare off.

You don't need a $1,000 + camera to take great pictures, not unless you plan on blowing them up & ou need the higher MP range, and now unless you need the versatility of a SLR... for the lense inter-changeability.
My favorite picture I shot was using my old 2 mega pix camera
