Now THAT'S an update!!
Nice job. I like that rock and the scape. Makes for interesting formations.
I always put silicone on my bulkheads before installing them. I find they leak less and last longer.. Unless they get knocked or something..
You can't get rid of all of your sps?!?
Thanks! I'm not totally happy with the aquascape - I may have to split the formation into two formations...not sure yet, but something is off I think.
never silicone bulkheads. It is a used bulkhead, so I was thinking I would need to replace it with a different one. The trouble is that the holes in the back of the overflow aren't where I was planning them to be, and they are very awkward for me to get to to try to tighten - and difficult to tell how tight I've turned it. I managed to get it tightened up enough now I think.
Looks great with the rocks all covered with coralline
Thanks! Yeah, coralline makes a big difference to a new tank. Haha, cheating!
Wow you've been busy Mindy, great to see the new tank running :thumbsup:
That raised rock design is great and will definitely keep water flowing under your scape. The new display looks a lot bigger than the old one so i bet you're glad you did the upgrade now the horrible bit is nearly over

When i finally removed the empty and very sad looking 65 gal out of the living room i was like ' ahhhhhhhhh ' :beer:
I always use silicon between the glass and all the seals on my overflow bulk heads and have never ever had a leak. She's not getting rid of her SPS Matt, seri's and stylos are acro space wasters mate :smokin:
Haha, yeah I'm happy for the extra space in the new tank, but what I'm really happy about is that the new tank is just way more aesthetically pleasing. The old one actually wasn't terrible considering it wasn't a custom tank, but there was certainly room for improvement!
never use silicone on bulkheads, and I've never had a leak either aside from initial use. The issue was that I could just barely get my fingertips to the bulkhead because I had to modify my stand since the bulkheads didn't show up where I expected them. I think I got it figured now - I managed to get a tool in there and give it another 1/8th turn.
And yeah...Seris and Stylos are not SPS - they are weeds! I have a whack of frags coming next week. It should be enough to fill my tank and then some. I'll give them 6 months and pick out my favs and then sub out as I see fit.
New tank is looking great Mindy. :beer:
Everyone was nice enough not to point out the small error by then LFS in using float glass. Of course Biggles had to be a smart Alec
I really like the rockwork. Keep the updates coming.
Thanks Sahin! The float glass is not a small error imo, it's astronomical. :lol: However, it's not very noticeable because the eurobrace is only 3" wide or whatever it is so from the side it actually looks good other than in the corners where you can see all the way down the length. So I'm almost over it - give me a few more weeks.
Sorry I was terrible with updates - I had a couple really busy weeks and nothing was getting done anyway. I plumbed the tank and transferred it all in one day.