Need help finding a invasive fish in Florida


New member
Hello Club,

I'm wondering if anyone can help locate this fish for me.
Tessellated Barnacle Blenny (Hypsoblennius invemar)

They are found throughout South Florida, usually close to shore, in abandoned barnacles on piers, pilings, etc

Recreational saltwater fishing license is needed to legally collect.
I'm looking for 1-3 fish.

I'll pay for the collection and overnight shipping.

Please send me PM if you can help.

Have no idea if they'd do it, but try calling, they have their own divers ... Also Dynasty Marine in Keys, they are wholesale/commercial only, but can probably tell you if they are available
Just a quick thing to toss out.... you can't technically sell fish collected on a rec permit. You can pay for shipping, but the fish itself cannot be sold. It would fall under 'commercial' since money is changing hands.

That being said, it is my understanding that you do not need a permit to collect invasive species (IE: lion fish). I'm sure someone can chime in and correct or improve that statement.


Thanks ZooDiver,

I guess I'd compensate with a good sized "shipping and handling" fee if I can pay for collection. Although, if it is an invasive species, perhaps it also falls outside the norm??
That being said, it is my understanding that you do not need a permit to collect invasive species (IE: lion fish). I'm sure someone can chime in and correct or improve that statement.

That permit exemption only applies to Lionfish. They actually had to make a specific change in the law for that, and only did it with the lionfish. So even invasives other than lionfish require having a fishing permit.
They are pretty good looking fish...

They are pretty good looking fish...

Hopefully I still acquire 1 or more...

Billsreef, thanks for the bit of information. I may have a lead with a diver in the Keys that does collection. I'll find out if he has a recreational marine fishing license.... but I'm pretty sure he does it all legit...

fingers crossed...
There used to be a guy on eBay that collected fish and corals out of Summerland Key I believe. Not sure if he is still around though.

Very cool looking fish. I've not seen one while snorkeling down here.


never seen one or heard of'em til now. I wonder if there's a reason it's not a commonly traded blenny.
Hopefully I still acquire 1 or more...

Billsreef, thanks for the bit of information. I may have a lead with a diver in the Keys that does collection. I'll find out if he has a recreational marine fishing license.... but I'm pretty sure he does it all legit...

fingers crossed...

If he's collecting to sell, he needs a commercial license. The rec license is for those that collect for themselves ;)

Very cool looking fish. I've not seen one while snorkeling down here.

I haven't seen any locally either. They are from the Caribbean (and I've seen them there), and there is some debate whether to consider the ones showing up around the Gulf coast and FL as invasive or simply naturally expanding their range.
Hopefully I still acquire 1 or more...

Billsreef, thanks for the bit of information. I may have a lead with a diver in the Keys that does collection. I'll find out if he has a recreational marine fishing license.... but I'm pretty sure he does it all legit...

fingers crossed...

If you need contact info for a legit (legal) collector in the Keys that won't charge you an arm and a leg, let me know. I do a lot of work with a crew based off Islamorada. They stocked my shark tank with filler fish for me. I've worked with them for a couple of years.
wow, a blenny with a lot of colors. I want one too. But on the other hand is it aggressive? what does it eat and is it poisonous?