Need HVAC advise on new house with 2000 gallon system


New member
We are in the process of building our new house. We will have a 1700 gallon tank in the basement. Our HVAC guy has rated our house to have a 3.5 ton air conditioner. Should I bump that up to a 4.5 ton and put 3 cold air returns in the tank room to help control humidity?

put in a direct air exchanger in the room that houses the tank and seal the room off from the rest of the house. you dont want any connected venting from the room with the rest of the house. with a tank that large you are going to loose 8-12 gallons a day in evap. and it has to go somewhere.
check out the Stingray reef thread, it is another 1700gal tank. The differance with his setup is that his house is a log style house and the tank is on the main level. The humidity from the tank keeps the logs from checking.
most HVAC companies carry air exchangers. You just have to ask. You are going to have to completley seal off the room from the rest of the house ventalation wise. If you combine them, you will have major issues with humidity, mold, and rot.
I could not emphasize more to completely isolate the system from the rest of the house. Given you live in cold climate, this is a huge energy savings tip too. In winter, the colder air pasing through will cool the room and tank.
Use what is called a Desert Air unit. It is made for homes that have large built in pools in the house. When I lived in Cleveland we installed many. Not only do they dehumidify but cool and heat the house or area that has the water.
as mentioned already, definitely isolate the tank room. I used an exterior metal door with the accompanying weather seals for the entrance to my tank room and painted the walls with yacht bilge paint.