New Coral

Always liked these corals but never seen one in person. Sorry yours isnt doing so well. Im not a big fan of coral corral, they tend to have the highest prices out of all the local stores. Hope your coral gets better
Sorry dosnt look good for it. It dosnt seem to be happy. What kind of lighting do u have and how much of it? I can tell u faois keeps theres under only 2 t5 bulbs so its not a light demanding coral at all. Also how did u water acclimate it? Did u dip it?
Looks fine man. That white is most likely new growth. If you're worried, shade it, but be sure to feed it. Watch out for the sweepers, and remember to baste off the sand.

I have a pectinia that I gave too much light, the tips died and the color washed out. I moved it to the bottom and it quickly recovered.
Sorry dosnt look good for it. It dosnt seem to be happy. What kind of lighting do u have and how much of it? I can tell u faois keeps theres under only 2 t5 bulbs so its not a light demanding coral at all. Also how did u water acclimate it? Did u dip it?

(8) T5 HO also I called coral coral corral and they told me to do a revive dip for 5 minutes.

for acclamation I did 50/50 bag and tank water dip suing some dip I got from the coral show couple weeks ago, than rinsed in tank water than put in the middle of the tank for 2 days than I moved it down on the bottom got him last Sunday.
Too much light. Now that I zoomed in, you have white on the pink part, so you are bleaching it.
Best thing to do is shade and feed. Mine is under 2 - 54 t5 actinic plus.
Pectina are hard to keep in an SPS tank, at least in my limited experience. I bleached mine on the sandbed. I would shade it as Matt suggested for sure.