New Tank

Sorry cobysreef, I didn't see your post so I wasn't ingnoring you.
It was a big decision to buy the dialyseas. I actually spoke on the phone to someone who owned one before I bought it because there was so little information about them to be found here ( or anywhere for that matter). It was a rocky start when I first got it because the instructions that come with it are poor in my opinion, and there were some faulty parts that gave me such a headache I almost sent it back. The owners customer relations skills are also terrible, but I was warned about that by the guy I spoke to on the phone. Once everything was replaced however it has worked like a charm ever since.
Essentially I got tired of the upkeep and hassel of water changes, the inevitable acccumulation of waste, and the endless battles with algae. I know I'm a bit lazy when it comes to the water changes, so this seemed the answer (though expensive answer) for me. Right now the dialyseas is changing 5gal a day. I had it set on 3, but the cyano outbreak prompted me to turn it up. Because It dialyzes the water, not just changes it, I save on salt. It monitors and adjusts the specific gravity as I set it. Its not for everyone for sure, but for this setup I am glad I bought it and would do so again.
I am impressed! I love automation and to not have to deal with water changes is a dream. your greenrrom should be on the cover of home & garden.
Awesome tank!

Awesome tank!

I got a custom built Dialysea a year ago and my helpers and I are still struggling to get it to work.
Do you/did you have any problem with the sensors?
Thanks for sharing
Yes, I had some trouble with the dialyseas, particularly with the dreadful instruction manual. It also leaked like hell because of a few defective John Guest connectors. Customer service is very difficult sometimes (I assume you have talked to Jerry).Its running great now, but I made a modification.
First off, I places the float switch in a rubbermaid trash can and have all the makeup water go in there. I have that water pumped into my sump via a Litremeter. It passes through a kalkreactor first. This is a much more consistant and stable configuration. Float switches in a sump are never a good idea no matter how good the technology and I didn't want it dumping large amounts of kalkwater into the sump at a time. This way I also avoid using the emergency high water sensor. They too can fail. Should something go wrong now, the worst that can happen is the rubbermaid can overflow with no consequences to my reef. What custom features did you get on yours?
I have (almost) the exact same experiences with Seavisions as you did, although the owner has been interacting with my engineer in a much more customer friendly manor in my absence. I think he is an one man operation, and he may have a lot of bad days.

Due to the large water volume needed for my tank(up to 75g/day), he has added bigger capacity and a modem for net access. I have not been able to use the unit much due to a leak and there was no tech person available to service the unit in my area. I currently have an engineer from M-Bay Aquarium to work with the unit, but he has no experiences with the machine.

I am convinced that it is a valuable technology once the unit is working right, and it would be an important aspect of my system.
I only wished that it would start working soon, as it should.

Would you post some pictures of your anemones, please?
Thanks for all the compliments everyone. I'll get some updated pics soon. I recently tiled around the bottom of the tank (presently seen as orange) and like it a lot better. I added some live rock but need a good deal more. I'm holding off because of a nasty cyano outbreak I want to get under control first.
Heres an anemone pic Shutiny. I don't know if you have seen this one yet.
Amazing pic's the sump and the over flows go to where can you take a back pic and show where the water heads to the sup area...

p.s Can you pm me the price on the dialyseas and the up keep on filter and membranes ...
