New toy


New member
After lots of deliberating and a long wait, it's here! Specs are: 24x48x20, 90 gallon Red bottom, Ghost Overflow and Phantom bottom. So far, this is what I will be using:
Sump: Trigger Systems Emerald 34
Lights: Dual AI Vegas hung from ceiling
Return pump: Eheim 1262
Skimmer: Vertex Omega 150 (hopefully)
Circulation: Gyre 130

Unfortunately, I'm super busy at work and it'll take some time to build it, I'll post pictures as I progress. Quick shout out to Felix @ Reef Savvy, he did a superb job.

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that looks NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:fish1::bounce3::eek1::fish1::beer::celeb1::inlove::fish2::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Very nice tank will be following along welcome to the addiction hurry sell it to me while you have the chance to get out lol
Nice tank. Check out Skimz skimmers they are great and a good value. Or the vertex 180i. I have the vertex 150. It is ok but the footprint is huge. Internal is a lot nicer.
Had some time to work on the interior cabinet lighting over the weekend. Used LED strips and LED strip aluminum channel to make the LED lights and give them a clean look. Made 2 of them and mounted to the interior apron on the stand. Also used an IR Proximity Sensor On-Off Switch to tun the lights on/off when the cabinet door is opened, I don't have a breakout box so this was a nice solution for $8 :). Looks pretty clean I think. My 1/8" neoprene pad also came in, placed it under the tank and trimmed it - looks great!




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