All inverts are acclimated to 1.025 @ 78F.
We pack and ship bulk inverts dry, snails and hermits. Before you receive
your shipment have a container ready with "old" salt water (this can be out
of your current system) that is adjusted to 1.025 @ 78F and well aerated.
That is a measure of specific gravity and the measurement is temperature
Float the bags in this water for aprox 15-20 min to adjust for temperature,
then just open the bags, rinse in aged water, dispose of the rinse water,
and release the inverts into the container. Please do not drip acclimate dry
packed inverts.
Proceed with any other acclimation after that if your system is of a
different specific gravity and temperature.
Most people run their invertebrate systems at 1.025/78F. If your system is
already within that range, you just need to float for temp, give them a
quick rinse, dispose of the rinse water, and immediately release.
Thank you
Keys Critters/Corrie