Because of this fantastic write-up by dahenley, I purposely purchased a noisy MP10 at a fantastic price. I ran into the problem in reading every post here, and trying to figure out which brand and type bearing to purchase. So I re-read every post again and this time summarized any post that included the bearing type and a comment on noise/performance. NOTE, FOR MP10 ONLY. I've also included a link to that bearing and the respective price. Here's what I found (my comments in parentheses):
Post 353 (Zypharus): Boca,
SMR147-ZZ #5 "œquieter than brand new" (Note ABEC 5) $8.95/each
Post 329 (JAustin): RC SMR687ZZ "œquiet as ever"
(I could not find this bearing on RC's site. However, I found an earlier post that had
THIS LINK, but this stated "œNot Found.")
Post 311 (gregzz4):
ACER 7X14x5MM Ceramic Ball Bearing "œnoisy" (note, these are ceramic) 8.99/each
Post 298 (Jarred1): No Brand or site, just says MR147-2RS "œI can only hear the pump when I am right next to it"
(I found Boca carries this number:
MR147-2RS. Interestingly, according to the Boca site, it's only an ABEC 1)(Since found that the bearing number is for the bearing only"¦.this could come ABEC 1 "“ 7, dependent on the bearing. The ones I found on Boca were 1's.)
Post 229 (shaggss):
VXB 687-2RS (off of ebay) "œThey are now dead silent" (Could not find ABEC ranking)(note that these have blue seals) $6.90/each, free shipping
Post 218 (kakalakasha): Boca
SMR147C-YZZ #5 NB2 "œonly SLIGHTLY quieter" (note these are ceramic)
Post 170 (FiReC):
VXB 687-2RS "œstill loud as hell"
(note that these are the same VXB number as the ebay bearing above, but differ in that the ebay ones have blue seals and these have black seals.) (Have since found that the color of the seal signifies the type of grease"¦"¦.Blue seal is supposedly for cold weather applications (i.e. snowmobiles))
$4.95/each (with shipping, about $7/each)
Ceramic just sounded like a problem when it comes to noise. I have no doubt that these are some of the best bearings going, but when one of our criteria is noise, they are a potential problem.
With the remaining steal bearing, here's what I did: Any with reports of noise were immediately eliminated. I also eliminated those with an ABEC rating of less than 5. That left two bearing; Boca's SMR147-ZZ #5 and Ebay VXB 687-2RS (unknown rating.)
I was originally leaning towards purchasing the ebay VXB blue sealed bearing (because of the report of silence and price"¦shipping included), but because I could not find ABEC numbers, I was turned off. The only one left was the BOCA SMR147-ZZ #5, but the lack of shipping info scared me. When I called them they told me anything over $12 ships for free (USPS). So I ordered these two bearing from BOCA tonight.
While I wait for the bearing to arrive, I'm using this great post by dahanley and
THIS video posted by toofasst, that shows how to open up the MP10. I've also found the companion video that shows how to put it back together
When the bearings arrive from BOCA, I'll let you know how the re-assembly goes.