Nook's Reef!!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15512807#post15512807 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by billgraf
Bump. I am trying to get to 50 posts so I can break my tank down and sell it here, sorry i just don't have much to say

This can't be for real! :lol:

That has to be one of the greatest posts Ive read in a while :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15692947#post15692947 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ian
This can't be for real! :lol:

That has to be one of the greatest posts Ive read in a while :D

It was for real, at the time...

I think he took a spanking, and has subsequently been redeemed... ;)

I had a friend come by last week and he took a bunch of pictures. He posted a few of my fish on a thread in the photography forum, I'll see if I can get them on this thread.

On another note, Geo is sending something my way this week for the system:) I'll post some pics when it gets here.
I'm definitely not a photographer and I took these pics for my bud Phillstone in RC Chat and Fishinchic.










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Yeah, he is sending me a custom GEO denitrator too:D Should be here by Monday.
I know my pictures suck bad:D I took them quick for my friends in chat who never even bothered to respond to this thread:rolleyes: Guess they weren't my friends in chat:lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15729422#post15729422 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mpoletti
Very nice update Dave. How long have the tanks been up now?

17 months now. Vodka dosing because of heavy feeding and lots of anthias. I am going to fire up the custom GEO denitrator soon and will hopefully be getting rid of the vodka.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15729442#post15729442 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Nanook
17 months now. Vodka dosing because of heavy feeding and lots of anthias. I am going to fire up the custom GEO denitrator soon and will hopefully be getting rid of the vodka.

I t will take time, never start dosing again. In couple months everyting will be better and healthier and simple... Stop suplements too. Water changes is all you need.
I would suggest to drop the denitrator too. As I said long time ago dont get scared of nitrates. It is the ratio between phosphate and nitrates you should worry about.
No vodka or other carbon source, no denitrator, %10 water changes per week and patience for couple months. I promise you will be amazed with the results.