Thank you guys!
Here's an update.
Acropora Tortuosa. I mounted it up on the reef around Christmas. It looked like this the 27th of December.
Already starting to color out.
I'll try again with the A. Turaki. The last frag RTN'ed. May be a flow issue, I'll have to get a couple more Tunze's on the back wall.
The Suharsonoi was also located in this area. I almost lost that too. This is what is left. This little frag also lost some tissue, but it has been like this a couple of weeks now.
Looked like this before it started to RTN.
The Aussie Echinata also lost some tissue, but has ok color.
Here's a picture of when I got it (28/10/2013).
Finally something is happening with this one. The red/pink color is almost gone. But I expected that.
This is the only Acropora I know that looks better from the side than top-down. A. Awi. It lost most of the light red/pink color when I was clumsy and broke off most of the tips. It's good to see the light color on the new growth.
Difficult to take a picture of this. It's almost in the shadow beneath the pearlberry. The polyps on the tips are blue, but doesn't show on picture.