Nudibranchs No More

I got mine last Saturday. He is a very cool looking fish, weird as hell though. He always has his head down scanning the bottom, turning over rocks (small ones) and picking stuff off the bottom, he has thrown some smaller zoo rocks over and buried some others with sand. Can't say I like that since I have to clean up after him, but it's not that bad. I have not, per say, seen him eat a nudi, but I have not seen any either.
He eats live brine, frozen mysis and bloodworms.
Tonight he let the cleaner wrasse (about 1/8 of his size) clean him.
My LFS got him in for me, they have 2 or 3 more, you could give them a call and see if they will ship.


I saw this thread and thought, this sounds to geed to be true.

I spent 4 hours trying to find this fish online with no luck. May take forever to find it.

I walk in Trident Pet in Plam Bay Florida and there one swims in a tank. $30 and he's mine.

He looked a little thin. Figure he prob hasn't eatin much during transfer. I put him in one of my refuge with sand only and red grassalaria (spelling,duh). There must be a ton of copopods in that grass and on sand. I let him get comfortable. I come back hour later. He looks like he swallowed a marble. This guy ate every pod I had. Then he takes a dump 30 minutes later and is thin again. What a stomach this guy has. He looked like a barracuda attacking those pods.

I'm excited. I turned my 120 gal tank light out and wait for the zoo's to close up. Finally, I find two frags with one nudi each.

I drop the first frag in refug. He's looks at nudi and swims away. I'm thinking he's already eatin, be patient. Then a pod runs accross the take and the mini barracuda strike again. Lightning fast. Ok

I take the nudi off the rock and attemp to put on glass. It gets loose in current. He looks at it and swims away. HMMMM It gets lost.

Took the second frag and removed nudi, stuck on glass right in front of wrasse. He looks and looks and and and. Two hours later he still looks at it and swims away. I take the nudi off glass and shake it off finger in water column. He looks like he's gonna take my finger off. He's see this nudi and he go's for it,yes.

Then he spits it out. Damn.

Wasted $25 of a wrasse I don't want know and all my pods are gone. Back to dipping. Anybody want a wrasse/barracuda that will devoure your pod population in minutes.
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well i found one and it has been in my tank for a week. nudis are very hard to find now and he is hunting among the polyps all the time. mine will eat mysis,krill,cyclop-eeze and new life pellets.

it might be to early to tell but short term it sure does look like he is doing the job. big thanx to mucho.

i am going to try the same experiment as above.
Re: wrasse

Re: wrasse

reefkeeper59 said:

I walk in Trident Pet in Plam Bay Florida and there one swims in a tank. $30 and he's mine.


That's one of the things I like about Trident Pets. I don't get there often but they always seem to have something that no one else carries.

Just wanted to let everyone know...a couple months ago, before I had read this post, I had the same luck with a wrasse--but not this kind. The wrasse I had was a Lyretail (Thalassoma lunare). Upon seeing this post, I just thought I would let everyone know that others will work, also!
Well......we got the wrasse yesterday. My LFS calls it a Green Razor Wrasse. So farr all it has done is stay in the back right corned and swim up and down the wall. It hasn't ate anything as far as I can tell. We fed the tank yesterday and it just kept swimming. I'll keep you posted.
ok now my question, the wrasse mucho got turned black. BUt all the wrasses that everyone else has gotten has not, and in all the places onlin that i looked for pick never showed a black one so maybe there are 2 similar species? One that eats them and morphs into a black color and one that stays green and like pods?
Before everyone goes Sea Grass crazy, I thought I'd point out my experience with other wrasses.

I have observed that most wrasses of the Halichoeres family eat nudis. I have personally tried Christmas, Yellow and Green Coris wrasse, all of which did their job admirably.

Another hot contender from the Halichoeres family, is the Orange Stripe Wrasse (close relative of Christmas Wrasse, and cheaper)

The Christmas wrasse in particular has been in use for nudi control for ages and was popular in the early 90's when zoanthids first made their appearance in stores (yes, back when they were still dirt cheap).

I would very strongly caution everyone about the Lyretail wrasse from the Thalassoma family. These Lunar wrasses not only get rather large but also have quite an appetite for zoanthids.

Hope this helps
reefkeeper59, ZoMania, all I can say is WOW. I'm sorry that you feel that, "this sounds to good to be true", and that I wanted everyone to go Sea Grass crazy. Saying that, "this sounds to good to be true", leads me to believe that you are calling me a liar. I never said this before and I didn't want to sound like I was asking for a big thank you or credit for any of this, but I put an awful lot of time and money into this. I place my reef which has at least $ 3,000 in corals in it in harm's way. I also clearly stated that this was not my discovery, but OUR discovery. I knew it would take further conformation for those of you who could find an SG Wrasse and do what I did. This is why I clearly ask that someone would go out and purchase the fish to see if they received the same results. I still refuse to believe that I have the only SG that will consume nudis. I can assure evevryone that this is not some sort of joke or hoax for attention. I would be a fool to place my credibility in that kind of danger. I have watched many of my friends and many of you who have suffered a total lost as a result of a nudi infestation. My SG wrasse wiped out nudis 3 times, in the exact manner in which I stated. I concured with Mr. Calfo when he said that it doesn't mean that all of the SG Wrasses would eat nudis as well, I clearly aggreed with him.

I also stated that this fish would consume all of your pods, tiny snails and anything small moving in your reef.

The reason my wrasse turned black is because he is mimicing a Wasp Fish.

I'm not one to just sit back and wait for someone else to give us an answer. I was working on determining the actual gestation period of nudibranchs because so many have ask. I have even set up a dedicated tank loaded with nudis only and documenting the date the eggs were layed on the glass until they hatched. But if I posted that information, I would run the risk of being shot down if I am a day or two off.

Not angry or mad, just defensive for obvious reasons.

Mucho Reef, just a guy trying to help.
I think you are doing a great thing, Mucho. At least you have given everyone a possible light at the end of a very long tunnel.
At least people have something now, other than just FW dip and wait.....and we can all learn from it.
Mucho reef.

I surely have no intent of calling you a lier. Your everts are much appreciated.

I was aware of the if/maybe nudi eating wrasse as I have tried several myself with no luck. With $20,000 invested in corals and nearly 35 yrs fresh , 20 yrs with salt tanks, I was wise enough not to put this fish in my main system. No real harm done to speak of. Pods in this particular refuge will replentish by adding a few rock from other refuge I have. I dipped a 5" zoo rock other day that had 50+ pods fall off it.

Just had my hope's up.

Deepest apologies.

No need to apologise Steve, I just jumped the gun is all. Please accept my public apology though.

Best of luck with the nudis.

Here's my take on this :
How many times have you read on RC that Six Line Wrasses and/or Mandarins eat Flatworms? And How many of you have raced to the LFS and purchased one, just to find out that this particular one does not seem to have a liking for Flatworms?
Those of us that are battling the nudis devoured your post and said "Yeah, finally, no more dipping, no more pain, get the wrasse and be done" I admit, I read the cons of the fish and it blew right out of my mind because I was so infatuated with this new shimmer of hope to save my prized possesions.
And I finally got the wrasse. And he is a beautiful fish and he seems to do his job, I haven't seen any nudis at all.
Did he eat them or did I do an exceptional dipping job? I don't know, but I doubt it (me doing a good job). Are there more? I don't know, but he might eat them, the way he scans, I think he WILL eat them.
Is he a pig? Yes. Does he eat pods? Yes. Does he make a mess? Yes.
Will I put up with him? Yes. Until I am 100% sure the last nudi has fallen!
So, thanks Mucho for the time and the effort spend, in this life, nothing is for sure, but one has to take chances in order to succeed.

PS. And the reason I call "him" a "him" is obvious, :)

never said its too good to be true. Matter of fact, I know its true. All I did was add a number of other wrasses to the list. The intent was that not everyone had to wait for a sea grass wrasse but had alternatives.

I am sure the Sea Grass works just as well, just have not personally tried it.
I have a friend whose nudi problem was solved with a Haliochoeres Marginatusââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¦.super male. Problem now is his appetite for clove polyps - think he believes they are some form of work or critter rising out of the sandbed. Pros/Cons I guess. Just thought I would comment on ZoMania's comment on the family as a whole.
So are the Christmas Wrasse, the Green Coris Wrasse, and the Yellow Coris Wrasse reef safe? Just looking for some more options in case the Sea Grass decides to not be reef safe.
Kennetht said:
So are the Christmas Wrasse, the Green Coris Wrasse, and the Yellow Coris Wrasse reef safe? Just looking for some more options in case the Sea Grass decides to not be reef safe.

live aquara lists them as "Reef Compatible: With Caution" meaning they will leave most corals alone but they are not all safe and it will eat small critters like snails and shrimp.

if ya have a bad nudi problem and dips are not working you may have to decide what is more reef safe the nudis or the wrasse

maybe someone with experience with these fish could chime in and tell us what corals they are not compatible with .