NYRC February meeting

jarrett shark

New member
Welcome everyone, NYRC next meeting is scheduled at
Place: Harry Lopez Office
Address : 87-16 101st Avenue
Ozone Park, NY 11416
Date: February 16 2014
Time: 12:30pm

Meet n greet new members, voting for the new officers , reef discussions of member tanks, 2014 calendar, raffles, auctions, and lots of reef fun.

We have received the nominations for position which will be voted on our next months meeting by the members. It is not to late to still nominate someone if you missed last month's meeting. The deadline for this is February 12. Certain rules apply so any question please PM me or post. Please email me or message me your nominated person so it is kept civil

I will send an email to everyone who is part of club of all the nominations and the 2014 calendar

See you guys there:wave::wave:

If you don't get the email tomorrow please PM me your email address
We have received the nominations for position which will be voted on our next months meeting by the members.

Please include in the e-mail you will send the members the names of the persons who made the nomination and the second.

It is not to late to still nominate someone if you missed last month's meeting. The deadline for this is February 12. Certain rules apply so any question please PM me or post.

Ok. Then please post these "rules."

I will send an email to everyone who is part of club of all the nominations and the 2014 calendar

We need an up-to-date club roster of paid-up members so we know who we can nominate. Please include one in your e-mail -- and full names, please, not forum names. Actually, we need BOTH real and aliases to be able to tell who these new members are.


Hey George how's everything ?

Hey, Eddie, everything's fine! You need to come visit me sometime and see my fishroom and how my breeding efforts are coming along.

I'm going to nominate you for Sgt-At-Arms to keep order at our rowdy meetings.

lol yeah for sure to keep all us geeks in check lol

I would love to come out one day and hang out. I can learn a lot from you and your set up and in this hobby learning from each other is the key. I also want to see your sea horse tank I am very interested in it.
On Wednesday, January 22, Jarrett said:
I will send an email to everyone who is part of club of all the nominations and the 2014 calendar
If you don't get the email tomorrow please PM me your email address

I didn't get the e-mail. You have my address.

On Wednesday, January 22, Jarrett said:

I didn't get the e-mail. You have my address.


Yes I have your email george and if I did not you know for sure I would of called you. :love1::uzi:

Anyone who does not get the 2 emails this weekend please PM me so I can send to you a copy
One will be the 2014 calendar and the other will be about the election
No true swap this year?

Eddie We wanted to this year but we don't think we would of had enough time to plan for March like when we always have it and we need more help like any event needs and came up short.
I hope to plan something for next year for sure with some vendors.
See you guys there in 2 weeks. Super bowl TIME :celeb3::bdaysmile::celeb2::beer::celeb1::thumbsup::hb2::xlbirthday::clown::ape::
Election of Officers

Election of Officers

Regarding the letter that Stanley Shnayder sent out to, ostensibly, all members, listing the nominees for four officers to be elected this coming Sunday...

I'm honored that I was nominated for an office, but I respectfully decline.

I also regret that I will not be attending this meeting. Good luck to the new executive board.
