NYRC February meeting

Always nice to learn something new doc looking forward to it and it's been a long while since the last time I seen u guys
Thanks for the great meeting guys.
It was good to see so many faces. Touch base on the science of what we do every day.

Also, had a fun time at the auction.

See you all, next month at my place!
Next to Pratt University.
Great seeing everyone again today. Nice meeting all the new guys too. Looking forward to the new calendar of events. Should be a great year for NYRC!
Congrats jarrett I'm looking forward to all the new changes that we spoke about to can't wait to see where this club goes this year you guys had some great ideas with the website and the meet ups this will be a great year good to see everyone again!
Thanks guys it does fell good to be the official President of the NYRC now.
Harry you sure did guide me in the right direction!!!
I have a lot of great ideas and some things up my sleeve that will make this a great club.
Once again thanks guys and any issues please don't hesitate to PM or call me
Had a great time at my first meeting today. Wife still doesn't believe me that I came home with 2 corals for only $9:)
Photos from the meeting

Photos from the meeting

It was a 50/50 tie between Tunicata & my self in the election!

Great pics as usual Stan! Looked like fun times as always with NYRC. Sorry I missed this meeting fella's.. Tax time and lots of paper work held me up. I'll be seeing and calling a few of you soon.

Congrats to the new Officers and to some position changes for you all!!

Regards.. OPG
Great pics as usual Stan! Looked like fun times as always with NYRC. Sorry I missed this meeting fella's.. Tax time and lots of paper work held me up. I'll be seeing and calling a few of you soon.

Congrats to the new Officers and to some position changes for you all!!

Regards.. OPG

Miss ya bro!!!
missed the meeting again this month...looks like lots of good reef activity going on.
Ill do my best to make the next one but im expecting a "delivery" early march so we shall see how much time i have to come out and get my reef geek on.