o2manyfish 750g Tank, 1500g System "Built" Thread


I saw your cousin Dave Bluestein this past weekend. He says hello. I got a new puppy right before Christmas, a 2lb Brussels Griffon named Uke, so I am trying to socialize her and we go to the same dog park.

Hopefully, some new additions to the tank before the weekend.

Dave B

Holy cow!! How is he doing? I rarely talk to him due to some issues between my mom and her sister (his mother). How on earth did my name come up and or how did you make the association between me and him? If you see him, send him my best. It's sad that him and I aren't close. He's a great guy who I wouild really like to catch up with too.


Well I got busy with the glue and the debit card....

1/2 of my pair of tank raised Onyx clowns.
Clown In Alveapora.jpg

Pink Millie
Pink Millie.jpg

Bizarre frag of Oregon Tort I picked up at the Simi Frag Swap, was so weird looking it caught my attention.
Oregon Tort.jpg

One of two Aussie Purple Austera
Austera 1.jpg

Bali Wild Colony (no patience to do just frags)
Bali 1.jpg

Bali Wild Colony 2(no patience to do just frags)
Bali 2.jpg

Blue Stag colony -
Blue stag.jpg

Lokani Piece I split in 1/2
Lokani 1.jpg

Lokani Piece I split in 1/2 (second half)
Lokani 2.jpg
Updates Pt 2

Updates Pt 2

Do you think Dory has been eating well enough? Almost overshadows the little Goldflake I picked up for my birthday yesterday. Need to fatten her up a little. But she is eating well and out and about the tank.
Fat Dory.jpg

New Baby Purple Tang -- Munching the rock work like crazy
Purple Tang 2.jpg

The pair of midnight clowns
Midnight 1.jpg

This Blasto colony survived everything the tank has been through in the past year. Not really multiplying heads but some are getting large.

This Pink Watchman has been in the tank 2 years. He has always lived on the bottom of the tank but for the past few weeks has been living in the rocks mounted on the back wall of the tank.
Pink Watchman.jpg

Right Side of the Tank
PTS Right Side.jpg

Left side of tank-
PTS Left Side.jpg

Thanks for looking.

Dave B
Great additions. Tank is coming back to its former glory nicely.

How long have you had the mandarin?

Happy belated bday!!
Ingtar - Thank You.

RJT - I have a Xlrg Green Mandarin for about 5+ years. He only grazes occassionally on the far left side of the tank. Since the system crash his head is now white but the rest of his body looks normal. He is almost obese, and is seldom actually out hunting.

I also have the obese target mandarin for about 3.5 to 4 years now.

Yesterday I added a small red mandarin. Last night the target was doing some moderate chasing of the red. Today I spotted the red hanging out under the island twice.

The bottom of the tank (barebottom) in the back and under the rock work has been taken over by thousands upon thousands of tiny feather dusters. I am assuming the pod population just runs amok in this immense feather duster forest. I have tons of rock for the pods as well. But with the feather dusters, there is lots of area under the rocks for the mandarins to hunt without being in view.

The other day I also came across a Janss pipefish that I added over 2.5 years ago and never saw since the day I put him in. And there he was about 5.5" and cruising along the back wall of the tank.

This week I was also lucky enough to get 6 ORA yellow assesors. They went into the tank on Tuesday. They all vanished into the rock work, and tonight the first one appeared swimming upside down at the front of the tank.

Also the miracle baby bangai's outside are doing well. 6 weeks or so ago I caught 1 and put it into the display tank. It vanished. I started out with 11 babies at the time of the crash and there are still 10 large juvenile babies outside. They are hanging out in a group and a couple of feet away there is another group of baby bangai that are much younger. Just spotted them for the first time this week, and only counted 4 so far.

Dave B
It's interesting that the mandarins head turned white. To me it shows that once they are established they are very hardy.

Nice reunion with the pipefish. A tank your size that is likely to happen.

Did the yellow assesors come in 1in or less? I tried them twice. They were just too small at .5in.

Great job at raising the bangai babies. I hope you have continued success.
RJT - In the past I have kept Mandarins over 12 years. I have always kept my tanks heavily rocked and the Mandarins thrive.

The pipefish was a surprise. I had some of the little blue pipefish for years that would appear randomly but vanish for months at a time.

One of my 2 Dragon Faced pipes survived the crash, and it's been in the tank for 4 years now.

The ORA yellow assesors are close to 2". Nice sized ones.

The Baby Bangai I have done nothing to raise. They are in a tomato bin sump outside filled with live rock. They hang out above some 12" green bulb anemones. There are several pairs of clowns, the pair of bangai and some tangs in the tank. I don't feed the outdoor tank at all. Everything out there survives off algae or pods.

Dave B
That's amazing that your tank is so full of life that these fish are healthy, spawning and fry are surviving with no direct help from you except for you maintaining a great dt.

Those assesors are huge! I really look forward to seeing them.
Do you think Dory has been eating well enough? Almost overshadows the little Goldflake I picked up for my birthday yesterday. Need to fatten her up a little. But she is eating well and out and about the tank.
Fat Dory.jpg

New Baby Purple Tang -- Munching the rock work like crazy
Purple Tang 2.jpg

The pair of midnight clowns
Midnight 1.jpg

This Blasto colony survived everything the tank has been through in the past year. Not really multiplying heads but some are getting large.

This Pink Watchman has been in the tank 2 years. He has always lived on the bottom of the tank but for the past few weeks has been living in the rocks mounted on the back wall of the tank.
Pink Watchman.jpg

Right Side of the Tank
PTS Right Side.jpg

Left side of tank-
PTS Left Side.jpg

Thanks for looking.

Dave B

Happy belated birthday Dave! The tanks is looking great! I LOVE that Glodflake! I may need to add one of those to my wish list!
Happy belated birthday! What day is it? Mine was just on the 11th.
Tank is certainly looking a lot nicer an more colorful with the new additions.
Sorry to hear what happen to your tank )..; ...I'm also loving your new additions to the tank.
Hey Guys,

So about 6 weeks ago I picked up an ugly acro colony. It had delicate branches and looks almost like a deepwater so I took a chance.

Now 6 weeks later and with some help from Chefzilla's awesome coral food the coral is still not too colorful... But the polyps have all turned bright blue.

A pleasant surprise.

blue polyp 2.jpg

blue polyp.jpg

mACRO 2.jpg

Some of the other things that came in front of the macro lens tonight...


Pretty Blue Paly

Red Zoa
Red Zoa.jpg

Season Greetings
season greetings.jpg

Dave B
It's funny, I shot macro shots 10 days ago and didn't like the way they turned out, tonight I pull out the camera and the photos came out cool. Not sure what I did any different.

But enough gabbin, you're not reading here to listen to me blabber about not being able to use my equipment








Dave B
Hi Mr. Andersen,

I have kept a goldflake in my tank pretty consistently for the past 10 years. At one point I actually had a pair of the. I have found them to be great tank companions. I love tiny fish, and tiny angels. The goldflake is almost always the biggest fish in my tank.

Thanks to my Fiancee' on the last go around the largest fish was an Achilles. And we were both devestated to lose the Achilles in the crash. I just found her a new Achilles on Weds. And it's a beauty but it's really large.

Now that I have rambled, back to the Goldflakes, at any size they just take care of themselves. They don't go after my other fish (big or small) an they don't go after my dwarf angels.

At the moment, the newest Goldflake is just about 3" and the lips have turned blue - Very important, as this is how the Fiancee' identifies the Goldflake to friends, as 'Blue lips'. But I have softies, LPS, SPS and clams in the tank and have no issues. In the past there has been occassional polyp nipping of SPS, but never damaging or decimating. Just a pick on one coral on one polyps and then move on about their business.

I have also kept Goldflakes with larger angels; Chrysurus, Imperator, Asfur, Koran, Cortez and never had an issue.

In my experience they have been a great fish for my reef tank, and I have no hesitation (other than cost) in adding them to my reef tanks.

Dave B
Hi Mr. Andersen,

I have kept a goldflake in my tank pretty consistently for the past 10 years. At one point I actually had a pair of the. I have found them to be great tank companions. I love tiny fish, and tiny angels. The goldflake is almost always the biggest fish in my tank.

Thanks to my Fiancee' on the last go around the largest fish was an Achilles. And we were both devestated to lose the Achilles in the crash. I just found her a new Achilles on Weds. And it's a beauty but it's really large.

Now that I have rambled, back to the Goldflakes, at any size they just take care of themselves. They don't go after my other fish (big or small) an they don't go after my dwarf angels.

At the moment, the newest Goldflake is just about 3" and the lips have turned blue - Very important, as this is how the Fiancee' identifies the Goldflake to friends, as 'Blue lips'. But I have softies, LPS, SPS and clams in the tank and have no issues. In the past there has been occassional polyp nipping of SPS, but never damaging or decimating. Just a pick on one coral on one polyps and then move on about their business.

I have also kept Goldflakes with larger angels; Chrysurus, Imperator, Asfur, Koran, Cortez and never had an issue.

In my experience they have been a great fish for my reef tank, and I have no hesitation (other than cost) in adding them to my reef tanks.

Dave B

Hi Dave

Thank you very much for the very good explanation regarding this lovely fish!

I was about to buy one for about a year ago but when i went to get it one of the eyes turned White and raised so i didnt buy it and thats the first time i saw it for sale her i Denmark:-( i really want to have one:-)

May i ask what the Price is at yours?

I Love both small and bigger fish and i really love angeler fish!

I also have a achillies and what a beauty:-)

Best Regards