o2manyfish 750g Tank, 1500g System "Built" Thread

Dave. What kind of lights you running again? And how long have you had blue maxima clam. I have had several wither away on me, but now that I keep 10k light or usjio 14k light ie white light as opposed to radium blue I'm able to keep them. Just wondering if you have had any issues. Not sure if it's the par they need or the blue clams need whiter light. This is not what I have found from brown clams.

I am running Radiums. I have 3 blue maximas, but these have only been in the tank since Xmas.

I have had great success with clams over the years. I have never had a clam lose color, and some of them survived different crashes.

Before this last crash I had a group of clams some for up to 3 years that were doing great. I had a 3/4" maxima I had grown to over 4.5". And then over a period of 6 weeks, every other week one of the clams just disintegrated. It went back and forth across the tank, with no rhyme or reason. I hadn't added a new clam in probably a year, and something attacked my existing clams.

I have friends who have crocea clams that open up huge, and in my tank they never seem to over expand or get the huge butterfly mantle.

I have had some angels do some nipping, but never do any damage.

At the moment I have Goldflake, Flame, Multicolor, Regal, Flameback (2), Multibar (2) and Golden.

Dave B
I lost 9 clams one by one like you, and then all my nems, and the all my zoas. It was a eunice worm. Now I have 3 clams again, a blue maxima for 6 months, a BIG derasa for 2 and just got a blue w/ red rim maxima from the red sea. Clams are one of my favorites, but I am to scared to keep them with an angel, even a goldflake lol
I've seen my blueface emperor and annularis take swipes at clams. I keep the good ones in a separate shallow tank now and they seem to do ok. I still loose some in my reefsafe 40 gallon breeder hoooked up which means it's also some sort of predator, the radiums, or its seems every time I change the rowaphos gfo something dies. Since I changed bulbs in the 40 and 80 attached to same system to ushio 14k and Hamilton 10k. All has been well with my clams. And they look better. Yes the maximas definitely suffer in the sand as opposed to on rocks also.
I have a pretty good source for my fish. But when I see them at the stores, which is infrequently, then run $300 to $500 US Dollars.

Dave B

Hi Dave

Then you are Lucky;-)

Its about the same Price here in Denmark!

Keep up the good Work:thumbsup:i Just got a bit clam my self and you can see it in my thread if you want;-)

Best Regards
Time for a video update on the tank.

Not happy with the video quality, but at least you can get a feel for how the tank is starting to fill in.


<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/H0ORDnwZj1M?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Dave B.
Your lighting schedule.

I noticed that normally lights come one after 4pm and off after 1am, BUT, weekends it is on at 11am.

Do you see this causing any issues? I know you have a good amount of natural lighting that comes in from the windows.

I ask because my own inhabitants begin to stretch out and get comfortable right before the light comes on/up. They know the cycle and have adapted for it.

My utility bill is pretty high. So I have a rate of use meter that tracks how much electricity is used at different times during the day,and get charged different rates. Peak rates are from 10-5pm on weekdays. Then I have normal rates from 7a-10a and 5pm to 7pm- And then discounted rates from 7p to 7am weekdays, weekends and holidays.

So only my LED lights turn on at 4ish. And the halides kick in starting at 5:01.

But on the weekends my electricity is cheap, and I am home so I want to enjoy the tank.

I have been running the non-consistent weekday/weekend schedule for probably 10+ years now and never had corals or fish complain. To the left of the tank is a wall of glass doors that face due east. So there is sunlight coming in to the room from dawn. And my tunze pumps turn off from 45 minutes before dawn till 45 minutes after.

Dave M,

Thanks for the compliments. To me everything looks new and fresh, so I am waiting for more maturity and growth to appeal my personal taste. And I don't want to mislead anyone that I bought a bunch of frags and grew it out to the point it's at now.


Those are Dispar Anthias and one Purple Tuka anthias.

Dave B
Looking great again Dave! I am so happy to see your tank back on track! The fish population looks great too!
Deltec is the bomb

Deltec is the bomb

So I know some of you are OCD when it comes to your tank maintenance and routines. I'm a lazy reefer. With quantity and automation, I do my best to keep my tank maintenance to a very minimal schedule.

If they would finalize these robotic glass cleaners I could leave my tank totally untouched for weeks at a time. Because other than cleaning the glass there isn't too much I do regularly to my tank. Carbon get's changed once a month, Auto feeder gets filled every 2-3 weeks. Kalkwasser every 3-4 weeks. C02 every 8 weeks. Calc Reactor every 12 weeks. Water changes when the seasons change.

Now when it comes to my skimmer I don't touch it often. I have a Deltec 702 that has been running for about 9 years I think. All my equipment is outside the house, built inside counters and cabinets on the back patio. So when the countertops are down everything is out of sight and out of mind. My RO waste water dumps into my skimmer cup, and then that drains to a sewer line.

So without having to dump a skimmer cup, I may go 4-8 weeks between cleaning the skimmer. In the 9 years I have had my Deltec skimmer I have had 1 pump lock up. There was an electrical fire that scorched the side of the skimmer and burned up the Eheim plugs. I chopped the charred wire, put some new plugs on the pumps and away they went.

In the last 9 years I have probably pulled the Eheim pumps off the skimmer maybe 5-6 times to clean. Once in the past year I pulled the skimmer out of the cabinet and let it run vinegar for a few hours to clean everything out.

I bought a new ozonizer about 8 weeks ago (rated at 650mg/hr, and since I started using it my skimmer pulls out just solid black gunk. And the stuff is so thick that the skimmer usually has black foam coming out of the top of it.

I am hosting the local reef club meeting on Saturday afternoon so I figure I might do some system clean up. Tonight I take off my skimmer cup to clean it. Before I put the cup back on I reach in and clean out the neck, and just for giggles I reach into the skimmer and discover one of the pumps isn't pumping. I check the pump and it's warm but not hot.

So I drain the skimmer and pull the pump off and the impeller is frozen in place. I get some pliers and carefully try to remove the impeller and it won't budge.

So I get a little more forceful and I get the impeller to grind about ¼ turn, but I can't pull it out.

I pull off the second pump and it looks fine. So I pour some vinegar into each pump.

I figure for the cost of a Deltec pump and an impeller I might as well buy one of the new fangled skimmers with a low energy DC pump.

After an hour of not finding any great short fat skimmers to fit under my counter, other than the $2k or $3k Deltec I decide to go check on the pump.

I go downstairs and the impeller slides right out of the pump. Calcium built up in the pump and bound the impeller. But it must have gotten real hot because there is a ¼" ring around the top of the impeller that is melted.

I take a razor blade and start slicing the burnt plastic off the impeller, giving it a shave to make it smooth again. A few minutes later I go pop the now somewhat smooth impeller into the pump, plug it in and Voila the pump spins!!

I put the pumps back on, and after hand tightening the second pump, I remember I forgot to check the O-Rings. So I pull off the second pump and the bottom O-ring is missing. So I'm out with the flashlight looking all over the ground, the counter, inside the cabinet, and I can't find the F'ing O-ring.

So now I am ****ed off. So I decide I better check the first pump for O'rings, so I take it apart and low and behold on the bottom union, I have two O-rings sandwiched into the union.

Bing Bang Boom, and my abused Deltec skimmer is back up and skimming !!!

The thing is a mule!

Dave B

PS -- Tomorrow I will decide whether it's prudent to buy a new impeller or look for a new more efficient skimmer.
I really need to find a skimmer that fits in my cabinet and under the counter. But I need something that runs with a high water mark. The Deltec is sitting onto of a couple of cinder blocks to keep the effluent higher than the water line of the sump which is on the same level.

For performance and durability I would love to get a Deltec. But the Deltec drawback is price, availability of parts, and the skimmers being all white, are going to look horrible after being outside for six months with my cleaning habits.

I saw a Bashsea Hot Rod skimmer, which has gorgeous build quality. But it's downdraft and requires and electric hog of a pump.

I have a friend with a Reef Octopus 8000. Impressive skimmer, too tall for my needs. But I know about 3 friends with Reef Octopus, and while they like them, it seems like they are performance inconsistent. I also have 2 Reef Octopus Reactors, and I hate their design (have new Bashsea reactors due any day now to replace them).

My friend Ali/Project Reef, has some of the most beautiful display tanks and he uses massive Bubble Magnus skimmers for his sole filtration. And seeing his water quality, they seem to be working well.

What I might need to do is build a shed on the side of the house and put a tomato bin in, so I can run a taller and larger skimmer outside.

Is that enough random thoughts, to proove I really have no idea what I am going to do.... LOL

Dave B