Newbie Aquarist
Reefing is my middle name
I guess you are almost at a lost for skimmers huh? I wish you the best. I love Reef Octopus eventhough i have a knockoff of their skimmer(Hurricone Cat3). It still puts in work.
I have kept lots of blastos over the year, and always enjoyed the colors. About a year ago I picked up a group of Aussie Blastos. They had nice red green colors. I put them on the bottom of the tank, in a low light area (lit by led) with minimal flow.
They survived the tank crash last year. And they have had a major growth spurt. The heads have gotten huge. I took some photos to show a friend tonight, and thought I would share here as well. Also took a couple of quick coral shots. No Macro lens and I didn't mess with the camera settings so they seemed to come out a little over exposed.
So here is a closeup of the blasto colony
Hard to get the relative size of the heads from the photo because there is nothing to compare the size to. But the big heads are about 2.5". Here is a center shot of the tank that helps show the size a little better.
Here are some quick coral shots.
Here are a couple of full tank shots
Here is a shot with the Fiancee's Achilles Tang. Had it for about 6 weeks now. Pretty shy for an Achilles. As with my past Achilles and Powder blues this one has a case of ich. The ich gets worse at night. But the fish Has a good healthy appetite, eats any kind of food offerred.