OG Purple Monster under LED


Dogmatic Dinosaur
A few of the locals want frags of my PM. Before I sell the frags, does anybody have PM thriving under LED? The only threads that I have found are old and were not for a critical mass of time. I have never seen any posted for sale by anybody with a LED system and never in a TOTM that I noticed... but I am not always paying attention, thus the question.

I can trade these for almost anything and I don't want the corals to die or suffer, so I thought that I would ask before I made the deal.

I have the OG and the newer one that Jake Adams brought back - they are different, but similar, but I am more concerned about the OG one.
If LED lights are providing the value PAR a T5 does, and the spectrum is correct, it'll be fine. Just make sure your friends acclimate it to the light and don't just throw it under. If there happens to be a PAR meter around, this makes it even easier to determine how much acclimation will be needed. I've had friends get better growth out of LEDs and others out of T5s but it always seems to be the people who touch their tanks the least who get the best growth!

I do happen to have a PM in my tank and it is doing well under my LED, but that's also because I've got it dialed in (finally) and my nutrients are spot on. It actually came a little bleached out (the person I bought it from had a bryopsis outbreak and let it deal with high mag for too long) and now it's coloring up again and looking beautiful.
Growing one out here from a 3/4" frag for the last 2yrd under diy leds.
Still only a relitivly small coral but starting to take shape.

Bref. Time/patienace and stable params will do the job.

Ps its good to see responsible reefképers out there ��
I had one for about 6 months and it was nicely colored and basing slowly. I lost it during an alk spike totally unrelated to lights. It was super healthy so no reason to believe it wouldn't have kept going.