Tried posting last night but couldn't get RC to take it...
HOP Nice of you to notice! My son brought home strep throat which I caught. Then I had a hemmoroid go postal on me, and then when I got over the strep, I caught a nasty cold! All-in-all, a screwed up week. I think having a stroke plays a part in my system not dealing with bacterial or viral incursions very well and when one thing hits it's a bit of a domino effect.
Word of Warning to all Reefers: Do not mix eating prunes and using suppositories. The resulting fumes may kill your fish!
I am just starting to feel better today and I have so much bookkeeping and other work to do. In the mean time I was accepting bids for an integrated POS/E-commerce solution for our store and couldn't even respond to them. Bad timing to say the least.
As far as my tank goes, it is doing well. I am running out of algae and the fish are FAT. The blennie can barely swim. He looks so rediculous I can't even describe it well other than to say he looks like he's carrying a manatee baby. :lol:
I have a patch of GSP that dislodged from its rock and has settled on the tank bottom. The question is, should I move it to another rock or leave it. In a smaller tank I would just grab it and re-mount it but in this tank it is 35" just to touch it. I am debating whether to let it grow on the bottom as an aquascaping technique or whether that will invite trouble in the future.
Clams, scallop, and zoas all seem to be doing well and in part because my water is high in nutrients. It's time to clean the skimmer stones as it has become very sensitive to feedings etc. and will quite skimming at the drop of a hat. Doing this chore requires some work and I haven't done it yet so there is a bit of a mental block. I know what needs to be done but just haven't done it.
The rics I got are all gone. Not even one lived off that beautiful hell rock. I have the rock in QT and probably in the neighborhood of 100 different things are growing on it. It is a bizarre creature pizza. I have some observations though: There is a largish wormlike creature with twin tentacles it pokes out to "taste" what's around on the rock. It senses light changes and stays well hidden but I have seen that it is fairly good sized and living inside the rock and the sponges. The brittle stars are growing. I have yet to see one entirely outside the rock but I am sure that will come in time. I am feeding the QT filter feeder food to see what grows and have noted a lot of worm or larvae appearing on the glass. I found one that is larger and it has bristles down its sides but at this size I really cannot tell what it is. The rock is covered in various tube worms, coraline, sponges, and even some ricordia cells that are bright neon green under the moon lights. If I can get my camera to work in macro mode as Marc has suggested, I will post some pictures of the rock. It is an ID project for sure.
mrcrab No ETA and it's really starting to grate on me especially since I know some people have received theirs and the "powers that be" know I am sitting here with a 1000g display and no powerheads! and don't worry about the whole hi-jacking crap. This is a forum for discussion and it doesn't really matter to me what people post here. I am not going to get bent about off-topic stuff because
it really doesn't matter and my ego isn't so large as to get ruffled by that.'
For instance, I just got a package from RC with my new RC hat, sticker, and thong panties...yes you read right! Unfortunately our mail box was destroyed and our mail is being held at the P.O. so my wife is the one who got the package first. She opened it and blew my surprise! I was so bummed! Anyway I would post a pic. but you all know what they look like right??:lol: