Our 375 Gallon project

If you plan on using a dart or anything that will give more than 1800gph I'd definately suggest the 2" input and 1.5" outputs. Even then the backpressure from the dart causes the OM to "click" sometimes if you use a version 1 drum. I have a version 1 and modified it to stop the clicking but would suggest a version 2 if using a pump like a dart. I just went from the dart1.5" output directly to a 2" adapter. You can always reduce the input if you want with a 2" but you can't go bigger if you get the 1.5" and if I remember correctly you can't get the 1.5" OM input with a 1.5" output but maybe they changed that since I got one. A 1" output would be really bad with the kind of flow big tanks need as it restricts flow it to much.
Scott - As promised, and a little late, here are some photo's of me and my friend working on the foam project on my 225. Remember everyone, wear the latex gloves!!!!



yeah, that stuff is really sticky! I did that on my FW Planted glass tank, but it released from the back and I had to re-install it on eggcrate. Can't wait to see how it turns out. :)
Hold on now- all this "wear gloves" talk every time the foam is mentioned and you still didn't :) My guess is you probably still have some stuck to your fingers :D. Looks like it turned out pretty good. The first 2 pics look like you didn't foam the overflow box but I can't really tell in the 3rd- did you foam it as well? So do you have water in the tank yet?

I've heard a few people mention the foam peeling away from glass tanks but from what I've heard it doesn't happen to acrylic tanks.
LOL - The "wear gloves" statement only comes from "hands on" experience! It took about a week to get it all off my hands. Yes, the entire back of the tank was foamed. Here's a photo that shows a bit more of that. I had to tip the tank on each end in order to do the sides of the overflow as the foam kept sliding down the acrylic. Also, the entire tank is acrylic so no issues with it releasing. The tank has been running for 5 weeks so far and it looks great! Thanks for the awesome idea!!!

I haven't had any problems with the foam in my 390 glass. I used a steak knife to trim it even with the top of the overflows, and it is stuck on very firmly.
Scott, That is an absolutely awesome setup. One question, as I did not see it in the thread, do you happen to have a picture showing how the wire suspending the lights is connected to the actuator? I get how the canopy opens, just not how the lighting raises and moves back.
My foam's been immersed in water now for 10 months without incident....I got some of that on my skin and I think it just came off in the shower yesterday :D
Funny story:

When I was pulling the wire for my tank room, I was up in the attic and had a can of foam in my tool bag. I didn't realize that I had been pressing up against the roof and also firing the foam. I was concentrating so hard on what I was doing that when I tried to move to go back down, I found I had glued myself to the roof! I had to tear my shirt to pull away...
Sara B-
I guess thats true- no one ever believes me about the foam till they get some on there fingers and can't get it off for days :) Glad everything turned out good.

That's good to hear. I've heard of some people having a problem with the foam on glass while others don't so it's nice to hear it worked well for you.

I don't have a picture of the top of the canopy. I've been meaning to get one but I always forget. I'll try to get one soon. I don't get up there at all so it's kind of a out-of-sight, out-of-mind kind of thing.

LOL- That's to funny!!! :D so is your shirt still stuck to the roof? At least you'll have a rag handy next time your up there :D
I think what makes mine work is the shape of the back of the tank. I don't think the foam is adhered to the glass so well, as it is wedged in. I have 3 overflow boxes and bracing on top, so there are many points to make contact with. As you know the foam expands substantially, and we put it all on in less than 20 minutes, so it cured and expanded into all the tight places together.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9998566#post9998566 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mflamb
As you know the foam expands substantially, and we put it all on in less than 20 minutes, so it cured and expanded into all the tight places together.

WOW - It took us over 3 hours of spraying and working the foam into ledges and making the texture look rock-like in a 225 gallon tank!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9998621#post9998621 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mflamb
Your's probably looks better than mine!
Do you have a build thread???

LOL - I was warned by many that if I didn't want it to look like doggie turds, I had to work with it prior to hardening. I'm sure that worked or not worked, it will look wonderful when covered with coraline algae and not one would know the difference!

No, I don't have a build thread on RC for the tank. Maybe if I get some spare time I can create one here too! BTW, I have followed your thread and you have quite the system as well. I could only fit a 6' tank down my stairs to the basement or I would have gone larger too (don't let the hubby know that!)
Scott and Erin...Congratulations on TOTM!!!
I'm glad I found this thread in the beginning. You both have provided me with so many great ideas. What an inspiration your tanks have been. Keep up the good fun!!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10077929#post10077929 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mflamb
Scott and Erin...Congratulations on TOTM!!!
I'm glad I found this thread in the beginning. You both have provided me with so many great ideas. What an inspiration your tanks have been. Keep up the good fun!!!
