Our 375 Gallon project

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10078064#post10078064 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dsieber

Ditto, Ditto, Ditto!

Congrats on your awesome tank being chosen as TOTM. Now you will get all sorts of PM's on the tank foam from ALL members :eek1:
Sorry for the delay. We actually used several different shades that we mixed together to create our own custom color, which looks alot like a cherry/mahogany color. I forget the brands, but I can look it up if you want; its not an off-the shelf Home Depot brand. Depending on what part of the stand, it either got 2 or 3 coats of Helmsman Spar satin clearcoat.

Thanks everyone for the kind words about the Tank of The Month. I'm glad people have used some of our ideas as I know Reef Central has been a valuable resource for the design and building of our system. I borrowed many ideas from other people and that is what it's all about.
Sara B- How right your are!! The first few PM I've recieved were about the Pond foam. That is certainly going to be the first writeup when I do the FAQ on our website......maybe I'll have to get that done today :)

I need to keep remembering to update with new pictures. I think these are 2 of the newest additions to the tank. I may have a few other that I haven't posted about and I'll try to get those up as well.


LOL- can't even see the glue line or stitches can ya :D It's a Lyretail Hogfish that we picked up about a month ago from a local reefer- I've been wanting one for a while now and it was great to find one locally.
I get tons of PMs about the pond foam asking questions or saying it wont work. I just link them to your tank.
Ahhh. That might explain it a little. So I guess I have you to thank for some of my foam Pm's :). I'm working on the FAQ on my website to help a little so you can direct them to that as well.
Yeah Scott, what a cool find. That fish is freakin' awesome.

As far as the pond foam goes, it definitely works quite well as I used it in my FW palnted tank. It's tough to work with but it does a great job of creating a cave look. It can release from glass though, so I warn people to apply it to egg crate if they are using it in a glass tank.

I cut PVC pipe in half on the length, cut in notches for water flow, and siliconed one edge vertically in my planted tank to hide wires and hoses. The silicone creates a bit of a hinge so wires can be removed easily, and with the foam, it blends perfectly with the back of the tank. That takes a bunch of visual polution out of the picture! :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10081155#post10081155 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sidewinder770
I'm working on the FAQ on my website to help a little so you can direct them to that as well.

Get that done quick so that you can just reply with a link!

That is a beautiful fish!
OK- I got a little written up in the FAQ section of my website if people want to look there for more info. Hope Sara B and mflamb don't mind but I borrowed some of your pictures. I'll try to add a "tips for application" section later.

We still have a lot of work to do on the website but it's getting there.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10081457#post10081457 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sidewinder770
OK- I got a little written up in the FAQ section of my website if people want to look there for more info. Hope Sara B and mflamb don't mind but I borrowed some of your pictures. I'll try to add a "tips for application" section later.

We still have a lot of work to do on the website but it's getting there.

Not a problem as you were helpful to me when I was attempting the similar project!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10081457#post10081457 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sidewinder770
OK- I got a little written up in the FAQ section of my website if people want to look there for more info. Hope Sara B and mflamb don't mind but I borrowed some of your pictures.
I'm honored! I'm just glad you didn't mind me using so many of your ideas on my 390.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10081540#post10081540 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by "Umm, fish?"
Nice website so far, Scott! I think you need a webcam, though. :)

Don't think it hasn't crossed my mind on more than a few occasions. I just haven't had the time to sit down and figure out which one would be best to get. I want something with a pan and zoom function I think. It would also need to be capable of running on it's own without needing to be attached to a computer to function- something I can just assign a IP address to and for ward a port to and be done with it. Oh- and not cost a fortune either :)

mflamb- That's what it's all about. Glad others have borrowed and hopefully improved upon some of my ideas.
Awesome tank! Mabey someday it will be TOTM... ohh wait, it is! Congratulations to you and your wife to be :thumbsup:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10083108#post10083108 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by messina06
Best thread on RC! Reading this brings back the passion for this amazing hobby

Ditto... Im fired up again about an upcoming upgrade that Im anxious to start on..
Thanks again everyone!

The pics were taken with a Canon Rebel XT. Some are with a macro lens and some are not. It's amazing what a good camera can capture! Most of the images I post are very cropped and very reduced in file size. The originals are something like 2400x1600 (I think they may be larger than that actually)and almost 1MB each!

Still got a lot more work to do on my website but I am trying to get a broken hardrive recovered that had a TON of pics on it and it may be a while before that happens.
Scott, Congrats on TOTM!!! Am in the middle of designing a home with a tank like yours as a center piece. And, of course, it's gonna take some time to plan incorporating it in. I just read the entire thread in about 6 hours and I must have missed the part on how you afixed the actuator from back to front of canopy out of plain sight. The reason I ask is because the current floor plan we are working on with our architect will put the tank in the family room with the sump room like yours in the basement, pumping water up vs. across the grounds like in your setup. The family room is viewable from the 2nd floor stairs.......So the million dollar question is...Will there be an eyesore sitting atop this beautiful piece of furniture? Have you posted the "secret?" Is so, what page did I miss it on;)