people who go with "almost" no Water Changes needed!

I'm not a scientist but I do know my tanks always look better after water changes. ORP drops a little initially as ASW ORP is in the 230-240mv range, however it recovers quickly. I have religiously done 5% changes a week for the last 26 yrs. I don't find it a chore and I do it the old fashioned way, mix in a bucket, drain old with a siphon and add new with a scoop. Works for me. Takes 10 mins. I have religiously used ozone as well for 26 yrs. As long as the amount injected is not more than needed, there will not be any residual o3. I inject through a o3 reactor and run effluent through a carbon reactor. I change carbon every 90 days. Like Paul B, I can't explain the science, but after all these years, it seems to work for me.
sorry to see you getting uptight.

There is where you get me wrong.:)
Life is to nice to get fustrated over a hobby:) even more wrong to argue over.
So i don't bother... when things calm down i will bother to spend my time on the subject. For now there is no sense in talking when no one listens....:)
There is where you get me wrong.:)
Life is to nice to get fustrated over a hobby:) even more wrong to argue over.
So i don't bother... when things calm down i will bother to spend my time on the subject. For now there is no sense in talking when no one listens....:)
different strokes for different folks is cool. if it works for you great
What was that? I wasn't listening. :fun2:

You sure did paul and i respect your very much how you stand up for your way af reef keeping. You try to share your experience as it should be , people can decide for themselves whether they choose follow your way or not.
Some people feel they should decide for others what is right or not. It seems they think there are only toddlers in here who can't think for themselves. So they deprive them of the choice.

Because i have more hobby's and life is for living and not wasted on argueing i only talk when it's appreciated.
I've been following this thread since the beginning (proving that I have absolutely no life). I've also been following Paul's thread for far too long (but you really can't beat the entertainment value).

I'm a 'every other week 15%' water change guy but I suspect I could go longer. Frankly, it gives me something to tinker with every couple of weeks.

The one thing I love about Paul is that he is so in tune with his tank. When you put his massive experience (along with his 'supertinkerer's touch) together with Randy's degrees (not to mention tremendous experience as well) you end up getting pretty good advice. That's why I listen to both of them as often as possible. Then, I usually screw things up anyway.
I've been following this thread since the beginning (proving that I have absolutely no life). I've also been following Paul's thread for far too long (but you really can't beat the entertainment value).

I'm a 'every other week 15%' water change guy but I suspect I could go longer. Frankly, it gives me something to tinker with every couple of weeks.

The one thing I love about Paul is that he is so in tune with his tank. When you put his massive experience (along with his 'supertinkerer's touch) together with Randy's degrees (not to mention tremendous experience as well) you end up getting pretty good advice. That's why I listen to both of them as often as possible. Then, I usually screw things up anyway.

I agree with you on paul and randy...
But why do you screw up ?
That's the main thing you should look for, always try to learn from your mistakes.
My reef tank is 4 1/2 years old. It is 90 gallons with a dsb and a 20gal refugium and a skimmer. Most of my corals are LPS. No SPS corals. I have not had a water change in that tank in 8 months or a year. When I used to have water changes it was about 10% every 2 or 3 months. I stopped because after the water change my corals always produced alot of mucus and other signs of stress and too often at least 1 coral would die after a water change (damage starting the next day or within a week) so I stopped having water changes performed in that tank. There are certain types of corals that thrive in my tank and many others that I purchase but die since they probably don't like the "dirty" water. I also don't test the water. For the last 6 months or so I have been adding calcium.
even you TMZ :wave:
I like you too Paul and enjoy the lighter side of our many conversations over the years

Afterall, we have a lot in common, we are are both from Long Island; both baby boomers ; both did a lot of fishing on Long Island and both had our lives interrupted by military service during the Vietnam era..As you may recall from our earlier discussions ,I volunteered and put in 3 years as a buck sergeant in the Army serving in Military Intelligence . The GI bill paid for some college which was helpful. However, we are differnt in one very significant attribute; I'm not bald.:p
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I have a 65g mixed reef and a 5g hob refugium that has media bags in it as well. I do regular top offs and quarterly water changes. Yes once every 3-4months. Zoas, regular shrooms, rhodactis, yuma, ricordea, monti caps, galaxia, lobo, acans, pocillopora, digitata, frogspawn, two types of leather, candy canes of multiple varieties, and whatever else I am forgetting. Three small fish, multiple types of snails, and only one hermit crab. The tank does awesome with great growth on all corals as well as great color. I just monitor and maintain ph, temp, salinity, and add essential elements and minerals on a regular basis.
there is no sense in talking when no one listens...

I read very carefully and listen carefully; always searching for new knowledge and ways to improve and do make changes and try new things carefully. Still haven't heard any well reasoned argument to avoid water changes ; but , more than a few well reasoned posits describing the likely benefits from doing small regular water changes.
there is no sense in talking when no one listens...

I read very carefully and listen carefully; always searching for new knowledge and ways to improve and do make changes and try new things carefully. Still haven't heard any well reasoned argument to avoid water changes ; but , more than a few well reasoned posits describing the likely benefits from doing small regular water changes.
there is no sense in talking when no one listens...

I read very carefully and listen carefully; always searching for new knowledge and ways to improve and do make changes and try new things carefully. Still haven't heard any well reasoned argument to avoid water changes ; but , more than a few well reasoned posits describing the likely benefits from doing small regular water changes.

I never said anyone should avoid water changes, nor do i try to convince anyone to do so.
The discussion can't seem to pas the hurdle that people can live with the idea it is possible to do without any structural water changes.

Unless that station of critisism is passed there is no sense in fighting the windmills.....i am no Don Quichote.

i am talking about running a full mixed reef (can be done) without water changes.
Since dec 2004 (set up of the tank ) no water changed. The only water removed is by skimming and occasional frag and siphon water(max. 10 liter on1500 liter per month). No amount to be accounted for as WC (unless the goal is to prove me wrong).
No problem with heavy metals, only problem introduced is by own doing, which i acknowledge and learned from. Bij overcomming these problem i learned a lot.

Meanwhile i got results.
with180 species thriving in my tank with mayorly water that sits there since 2004. I see no reason why it can't be done.
Never removed sand and rocks also (by means of avoiding OTS)
However, we are differnt in one very significant attribute; I'm not bald.

Tom we all can't have perfect heads.

I think this is kind of a silly thread as there is no answer. I am fully aware that you can go forever without a water change. Forever is an ambiguous number because forever for some people means 4 years while forever for me means a lifetime which may be 78 years depending on if you smoke, exercize or listen to rap music. Forever for a rat is maybe 4 years and for a pod it may be a month. I love it when people say they never do water changes, and their tank was started last tuesday. :cool:
I am not a teacher and am not here to teach, I just post what I do and then show pictures of the result. If I were a teacher, who would listen to me? I change about 100 gallons of water a year, use no test kits, GAC, Rowaphas (don't even know what it is supposed to do) phosphate pellets, commercial foods, reactors, dosers, controllers, medications, quarantine tank, hospital tank or anything else and run a UG filter.
The only money I spend on my tank is for that 100 gallons of ASW along with some drive way ice melter and baking soda. So without food maybe I spend
$100.00 a year. The only food I use are live blackworms, clams and I hatch brine shrimp. I find this a very cheap hobby with very little maintenance.
I do realize many people spend half of the national dept on their tank while spending every waking moment tweeking something and maybe after all that, it looks exactly like mine does. It's your tank and hopefully your money, spend whatever you like. But I have other things to do, like look at Supermodels, go out in my boat with friends, cut my toe nails and shine my bald head. :dance:
But the fact is, all my paired fish are spawning and dying of old age or senility so I don't think they even pay attention to the fact that I don't do all of that stuff many people seem to think they have to do. "But" my fish get fed what they are supposed to eat so all that other stuff doesn't matter and I never have to post on a disease forum.
Some people said that their tank looks better after a water change. If that is so, my miniscule brain tells me that their tank is about to crash as you should not see an improvement after a change, and if you do, your water quality is degrading to such an extent that if it were to continue, the tank would crash. A healthy tank should be able to go for many years with no new water. It shouldn't have to, but it should be able to.
If not, what are all your bacteria doing? Aren't they supposed to be converting wastes or are they all outside doing the macarana?
Bacteria do that stuff for us for free, and if they don,t. You have a problem and better go out and buy all that stuff I mentioned that I have no need for.:bum:

A lot of people tell me they don't like the look of my tank. Well, to that, I say, my pods can beat up your pods. :debi:
You sure did paul and i respect your very much how you stand up for your way af reef keeping. You try to share your experience as it should be , people can decide for themselves whether they choose follow your way or not.
Some people feel they should decide for others what is right or not. It seems they think there are only toddlers in here who can't think for themselves. So they deprive them of the choice.

Because i have more hobby's and life is for living and not wasted on argueing i only talk when it's appreciated.
glennf you are right. we tend to point out what we feel is wrong. we should rather tell people what works for us and be less attacking.
glennf you are right. we tend to point out what we feel is wrong. we should rather tell people what works for us and be less attacking.

I am glad we have come to an understanding. These "feelings" tend to slip into the discussions. I know this because i have already fought this battle in my own country. Now it's quite general accepted that going without WC is a possibility for some situations.

People must by all means do what they feel works best for them.
Thats why we don't all drive porsches. Many people, many choices.
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