Perry's 120 Gallon Reef

Hey Michael,
Thanks for the kind words man! So, I just ran another alk test and was about .5 lower than 6.48. I went ahead and buffered the alk with 40ml of reef fusion, then set the doser to 90ml. We shall see. I have a feeling 90ml will not be enough, I am really hoping to stay under 100ml per day, that way I get about 50 days of dosing before replacing. I will update accordingly. Anyway, this weekend is RAP, I will be with Stormborn Reef if anyone wants to stop by and say hey :)
A few new pickups :)

Little chip of tenuis


What, yellow milli with pink polyps....going to be killer!


Orange Spath, needs to color up a bit though


Acropora Fenneri, little brown but nice piece anyway


Sold as Gomezi, thinking something else ;)

Wow Perry thank is looking amazing man. Those frags will color right up in your tank. Couple questions.
Just as Myka ask, are you wet skimming? . Also how are you liking that comp 123. I have been using it for couple of months and im dosing 16 ml a day. I have raised it 3 times in the lasy month since alk is being consumed ... finally!!
Nice new pickups! That tenius is gorgeous! And the milli looks like it's going to turn into something really special! :)
It was good to meet you on Sat. That looked to be a pretty big event. I hope it was a success for you guys.
That yellow milli with pink polyps is going to be a beast. Hopefully you will be posting great pics of it soon.
Wow.. This thread got away from me!
Nice new pieces.
Back on the last page, I wanted to ask you what the difference is between the shades of fall and the pink lemonade, but you answered that..
I have two pieces of pink lemonade but one is a bit lower in the tank than the other one. The lower one is slightly more green... Maybe I'll start calling it a shades of fall! :)
Perry, that tri color looks kind of pale to me, are you using more coral E these days? Nutrient changes?
Looking really good Perry!
Wow Perry thank is looking amazing man. Those frags will color right up in your tank. Couple questions.
Just as Myka ask, are you wet skimming? . Also how are you liking that comp 123. I have been using it for couple of months and im dosing 16 ml a day. I have raised it 3 times in the lasy month since alk is being consumed ... finally!!

Hey Jorge,
Sorry for delayed response, just getting back and catching up on journals. Had access and lurked over the weekend a few times, but reef'd out, too much coral and reef tank stuff, glad to be home. I prefer a dry skim, but the skim has been a bit wet lately, just to pull more out of the system quicker. I am still battling a green cyano, but I am confident that when I dial in the components, and receive my new skimmer pump that things will return to ideal. The corals absolutely glow though, so my thoughts are to get them so big and filled in that you don't see any rock, lol... Then I won't have to see the green cyano, lol... 100ml tested me back to 6.48dkh, but I have a feeling this will increase, my growth is exploding, probably due to my bulb combo. I have more white than most, I am thinking of replacing the 2 aquablue special bulbs with one actinic and one more blue+. This will likely help a tad with color, and slow down the growth a bit.

Nice new pickups! That tenius is gorgeous! And the milli looks like it's going to turn into something really special! :)

Thanks Dom,
I agree those pick ups were good ones indeed, got them from wholesaler, and did not buy anything from the show in Orlando. I am not caught up too much in the name game, I prefer to find gems in the rough, and also those aussies, that is really my love, the most glowing corals coming from your country mate.

haha Perry i knew it!

Nice pickups!
looking forward on how they are going to change and shape up!


LOL Flo!
Those from wholesaler, not from RAP :) I brought home zero corals from the show, I refuse to pay that much money for named stuff when I can get ausssie colonies for a fraction of the cost.

It was good to meet you on Sat. That looked to be a pretty big event. I hope it was a success for you guys.
That yellow milli with pink polyps is going to be a beast. Hopefully you will be posting great pics of it soon.

Thanks for stopping by and it was a pleasure to meet you as well. The event was massive, and yes it was a success. I appreciate the kind words, message me sometime, especially if you are on this side of the state.
Oh man Perry that Milli has so much potential! Look forward to seeing how these do in your tank, great new additions!
At the show, you asked if I saw the same type corals under various names around the different vendors. Yes. Numerous times I saw a common frag such as Red Planet with a very high price. When I would inquire they would explain that this was their in house morph limited edition. 4X the price of the LFS. After an hour and a half I was ready to to go.

There was some good unique pieces scattered around but the competition was very aggressive. Often the good stuff was purchased by other vendors before the doors opened to the public.

As you stated above, I am not too caught up in the name game, it is better to look for the diamond in the rough.

Let me know when your people get a new shipment in and I would drive over to the Orlando area. It would be great to see some fresh, brand new imports. Even with the time and costs of the drive it would still worth it and fun as well.
Oh man Perry that Milli has so much potential! Look forward to seeing how these do in your tank, great new additions!

Thanks Josh, we shall see, I am hoping they all color up :)

At the show, you asked if I saw the same type corals under various names around the different vendors. Yes. Numerous times I saw a common frag such as Red Planet with a very high price. When I would inquire they would explain that this was their in house morph limited edition. 4X the price of the LFS. After an hour and a half I was ready to to go.

There was some good unique pieces scattered around but the competition was very aggressive. Often the good stuff was purchased by other vendors before the doors opened to the public.

As you stated above, I am not too caught up in the name game, it is better to look for the diamond in the rough.

Let me know when your people get a new shipment in and I would drive over to the Orlando area. It would be great to see some fresh, brand new imports. Even with the time and costs of the drive it would still worth it and fun as well.

Hey Kevin,
Yes it was cool to check out the event, see all the crazy corals, the new line of equipment, and to meet all the reps. In my early days of reek keeping, a guy named Don Miller(Zeovit TOTQ), sold some corals to me, this was after his tank of the quarter award. The guy was super cool, gave me some free kz bulbs to try out, and hooked me up with a calcium reactor too. I remember how much respect I had for him. This was in 2007, when many said t5's did not work. The euros were proving this theory completely wrong. Soon thereafter, with my next tank, I ran zeovit in 2008-09 on my 70 gallon tank. I followed many zeovit tanks, and always loved that the corals glowed, and knew this was my passion. The names are cool, but I like taking corals and seeing how far I can push the colors, if it is already a pretty coral, great, and I will pay the price for it. I have however seen names being abused as far as corals go. I think the corals will go beyond lineage coloration, especially in bac driven systems, I am witnessing this in my tank running AF, so should I just rename it and sell it for 10times the cost? To me this seems a bit underhanded and is going on more than most think. The person buys it and is all stoked with this coral, only to end up morphing right back to the typical lineage coloration after settling in a non zeovit tank. I also feel lighting has done this too with leds, so kind of a double edge sword. To me, I like the wholesaler, they laugh if you dare ask them the retail or trade name, their like dude, it is an acro, you want it? If you have a keen eye, you can walk out with some scores. The yellow acro with pink polyps, presuming a milli is crazy colorful, and the orange spath has potential too. This is the example of my coral passion. Don't get me wrong though, there are some high ticket items out there that are super stunning, and true, there are also some poorly representing the hobby, just saying :)
Nice pickups Perry I can definitely see the potential with them! Will be cool to see them color up in your tank.
LOL Flo!
Those from wholesaler, not from RAP :) I brought home zero corals from the show, I refuse to pay that much money for named stuff when I can get ausssie colonies for a fraction of the cost.

really? that expensive?
okay when i think about corals in the US i allways think of $$$$ :p

non the less nice acros. i´m getting some new one this weekend too, lets wait and see how they look!

Hi Perry. Been a few days with the new dosing now, how are you finding it? I am still having to increase my dose. What about you found the right amount yet?
Hey Kevin,
Yes it was cool to check out the event, see all the crazy corals, the new line of equipment, and to meet all the reps. In my early days of reek keeping, a guy named Don Miller(Zeovit TOTQ), sold some corals to me, this was after his tank of the quarter award. The guy was super cool, gave me some free kz bulbs to try out, and hooked me up with a calcium reactor too. I remember how much respect I had for him. This was in 2007, when many said t5's did not work. The euros were proving this theory completely wrong. Soon thereafter, with my next tank, I ran zeovit in 2008-09 on my 70 gallon tank. I followed many zeovit tanks, and always loved that the corals glowed, and knew this was my passion. The names are cool, but I like taking corals and seeing how far I can push the colors, if it is already a pretty coral, great, and I will pay the price for it. I have however seen names being abused as far as corals go. I think the corals will go beyond lineage coloration, especially in bac driven systems, I am witnessing this in my tank running AF, so should I just rename it and sell it for 10times the cost? To me this seems a bit underhanded and is going on more than most think. The person buys it and is all stoked with this coral, only to end up morphing right back to the typical lineage coloration after settling in a non zeovit tank. I also feel lighting has done this too with leds, so kind of a double edge sword. To me, I like the wholesaler, they laugh if you dare ask them the retail or trade name, their like dude, it is an acro, you want it? If you have a keen eye, you can walk out with some scores. The yellow acro with pink polyps, presuming a milli is crazy colorful, and the orange spath has potential too. This is the example of my coral passion. Don't get me wrong though, there are some high ticket items out there that are super stunning, and true, there are also some poorly representing the hobby, just saying :)[/QUOTE]

Well stated.

I did a larger than normal dose of chemi clean for cyano. I decided to do this yesterday when I finally got a chance to observe the tank since Friday last week. The green cyano returned just has heavy as when I did a huge cleaning. I started yesterday at around 4. I also turned the lights off for 48 hours too. I won't do the full 72, but in 48 hours or more, Thursday I will resume with lighting. I will do a 30 gallon water change with AF Probiotic salts, and then resume the 3 part component system, and the pro bio s and np pro. They have all been suspended due to cutting out the lights. This morning, 15 hours later, I took a flashlight and looked into the tank. I see the cyano already lifting from the rock, this is a good sign that the chemi clean is going to work. I am running an air stone right now, and have a filter sock on to help collect the nasties. Wish me luck, I will update on Thursday with pics. Thanks!!!