[QUOTE="d2mini, post: 0"]Dayummmmm... tank looks AWESOME! Very impressive.
Full tank shots?
Do you have any pics of your angular tank and how it's connected to the system?[/QUOTE]
Thank you Dennis, here's a full tank shot for you:
I found a fts of the nano in which I keep the frogfish, here it was just set up:
The tank is small, it is a standard nano intended for fresh water. There is a nice 11 W white/blue PC light over it. I had the tank drilled by the lfs, so there is an overflow in it (standpipe with a strainer). There is a small (600 l/h) Eheim-pump in the sump of the large reef which supplies it with clean water and the overflow leads back to the same sump. So, the water is the same as in the large reef: optimum temperature and chemistry. And I don't have to worry about the bioload on the small tank. When the frogfish outgrows the tank, I either donate to someone who has more space, or I will upgrade the size of the tank, which is most likely the option I'll choose because the angler is a very nice pet!
When I bought the angler it was the size of my thumbnail, now (about 1 year later) it has grown with about 1 cm.
Apart from the angler, there are some easy corals in it, including a neon-green Heteropsammia cochlea which crawls through the tank. To have some grazers, I put in some snails from the reef tank. The buddha statue is cut from limestone, I bought it in Bali a few years ago. Now it is encrusted with coralline algae, it is kitsch but I like it in this strange tank
I also found two newer pictures:
Looks stunning Tanu!
I recently switched out my MH's with LED's as well.
I have a combined system of approximately 250 gallons consisting of:
120 Gallon tank (48x24x24)
58 gallon tank (36x18x21)
40 gallon tank (36x18x16)
75 gallon sump (48x18x18)
I had been running dual 250 w Phoenix 14K bulbs powered by an HQI ballast and dual 95 watt VHO actinics over the 120, dual XM15K bulbs over the 58, and a 250 watt Phoenix 14K and dual 55wat PC's over the 40.
Total wattage over those three tanks was 1550, which I replaced with 3 Radions, a Kessil A350W and a DIY unit. I'm now using about 650 watts and dont have to buy new bulbs every year either....
I'd heard good things about the Orphek lights, but decided to go with the Radion's after seeing them locally, and have been very happy with them.
I'd ultimately like to replace the Kessil and the DIY unit with a Radion as well.
I noticed your stock list has changed...
You used to have two C.septentrionalis (Blueline Angelfish), and two P.diacanthus (Regal Angelfish)....did something happen?
Thanks Nick! I've not seen the Kessils in action, but the Radions are nice! No buyer's remorse on the Orpheks at all in my case! Apart from the initial investment, I only see benefits of this switch!
About the angelfish, you've kept a close eye on the list! :thumbsup: One of the two septentrionalis never grew very well and didn't eat fish food, it only grazed on the corals. I think it wasn't healthy from the start, it disappeared one day.
The Regal-story is even worse. I began with one Regal a little more than 9 years ago, let's call this one nr 1. After a few years I added another one, nr. 2, which was about 1" when I got it. 1 and 2 fell in love after a few years, they were a mated pair and spawned lots of times until 2 probably grew too big and became agressive to 1. 1 had torn fins and nearly didn't come out to eat anymore, I needed to do something. So, I caught 2 and placed in the sump to let 1 recover. Also, I wanted to adjust the balance between the fish. When I placed 2 back after a week, this worked out well, actually too well: 1 chased 2 so badly I was able to scoop it out with a net after a day. It died the next day. I felt really sorry for the fish. Now I will only stick with one regal, which will celebrate it's 10th birthday in my hands in March 2013...